Hazardous Weather Shelter Locations

520 Cherry Road
Primary Shelter Location
Basement and interior sections of the first floor in main building, away from exterior doors and windows; conference room and restrooms without windows; close office doors. Adjoining Building — Evacuate to the main building.
Secondary Shelter Location
Large room through interior roll-up door, east side of drive-through bay, away from exterior doors and windows; close roll-up door.

Bancroft Hall
Primary Shelter Location
First floor hallways away from exterior doors and windows; close office and classroom doors.
Secondary Shelter Location
Second floor hallways away from windows; close office and classroom doors.

Bancroft Annex
Primary Shelter Location
Ground and first floor hallways away from exterior doors and windows; close office and classroom doors.
Secondary Shelter Location
First and second floor hallways connecting Bancroft Annex and Owens Hall or the enclosed stairwell at west end of building.

Byrnes Auditorium
Primary Shelter Location
Limited occupancy - move to east end of auditorium, under balcony overhang.
Full occupancy - main level occupants remain seated; balcony occupants move into interior hallways.

Canterbury House
Primary Shelter Location

Center hallway and restrooms away from exterior doors and windows.

Carroll Hall
Primary Shelter Location
Ground floor auditorium, restrooms, and enclosed stairwell.

Central Energy Plant
Primary Shelter Location

Ground level away from exterior doors.

Conservatory of Music
Primary Shelter Location
First floor hallways away from exterior doors and windows; lowest levels of enclosed stairwells.
Barnes Recital Hall - move into first floor hallways away from exterior doors and windows.
Secondary Shelter Location
Second floor hallways away from windows.

The Courtyard
Primary Shelter Location
First floor hallways away from exterior doors and windows and lowest levels of enclosed stairwells; close apartment doors.
Secondary Shelter Location
Second floor hallways away from windows; close apartment doors.

The Courtyard Honors Center
Primary Shelter Location
Any interior room or hallway away from exterior doors and windows — former kitchen area or the men's restroom.

Crawford Building
Primary Shelter Location
First floor hallways away from exterior doors and windows; close office and classroom doors.

Dacus Library
Primary Shelter Location
Center section of ground floor and lower levels of enclosed stairwells.
Secondary Shelter Location
Center section of first floor between the Information Desk and the wall at Technical Services; move toward the back of this area away from the front door. The first floor hallway near the elevator away from the front door.

Dalton Hall
Primary Shelter Location
First floor hallways away from exterior doors and windows; first floor restrooms and enclosed stairwells; close office and laboratory doors.
Secondary Shelter Location
Second floor hallways away from windows; second floor restrooms; close office and laboratory doors.

DiGiorgio Campus Center
Primary Shelter Location
Enclosed central stairwells, move to the lowest level possible, remaining inside the stairwells.
Interior and Boardroom - Enclosed central stairwells, move to the lowest level possible, remaining inside the stairwells.
Markley's, Dining Areas, and Post Office - Dina's Place and/or the service hall behind the kitchen (enter through food service area or Dina's Place).
Bookstore - closest enclosed stairwell or first floor restrooms.
Starbuck's - closest enclosed stairwell or first floor restrooms.
Secondary Shelter Location
Any ground or first floor interior room (without exterior doors or windows).

DiGiorgio Campus Center Banquet Hall
Move to restrooms located in lobby or to DiGiorgio Campus Center enclosed stairwells by elevator, move to the lowest level possible, remaining inside the stairwells.
Close doors and remain in banquet hall until instructed to leave.

Dinkins Hall
Primary Shelter Location
Ground floor and enclosed stairwells away from ground floor exterior doors.

Facilities Management (349 Columbia Ave.)
Primary Shelter Location
Administration Building — Restrooms or central hallway, away from exterior doors, windows and skylights; close office doors.
Operations, Maintenance, & Warehouse - Center hallway, conference room, and controls office; close doors to maintenance shop and warehouse. Hallway to restrooms and restrooms; close doors to maintenance shop and warehouse.
Custodial & Grounds Building - Custodial break room and other interior rooms without exterior doors or windows.
Paint Shop & WILL Program - Concession room or other interior rooms without exterior doors or windows.
Electronic Security and Multipurpose Room Buildings - evacuate to Administration Building, restrooms or central hallway, away from exterior doors, windows and skylights; close office doors.

Good Building
Primary Shelter Location
Center section of building near kitchen area; away from exterior doors.

Intramural Building
Primary Shelter Location
Ground floor restrooms.

Johnson Hall
Primary Shelter Location
First floor hallways away from exterior doors and windows and enclosed interior stairwells; close office and classroom doors.
Johnson Theatre - event occupants should remain seated in auditorium.

Joynes Hall / The Inn at Winthrop
Primary Shelter Location
First floor hallway away from exterior doors and windows; close office and room doors.
Secondary Shelter Location
Second floor hallway away from windows; close office and room doors.

Kinard Hall and Annex
Primary Shelter Location
Ground and first floor hallways away from exterior doors and windows; Kinard Auditorium (Room 18); and first floor connector hall between main building and annex; close office and classroom doors.
Secondary Shelter Location
Enclosed annex stairwells away from exterior doors; hallways at elevator and restrooms; and first floor interior hallways of the annex; close office and classroom doors.

Lee Wicker Hall
Primary Shelter Location
Ground and first floor hallways away from exterior doors and windows; ground and first floor suite restrooms; close room doors.
Secondary Shelter Location
Second floor hallways away from windows and second floor suite restrooms; close room doors.

Little Chapel
Primary Shelter Location
Evacuate to Sims Science Building if time permits or move as close as possible to the west wall.

Louise Pettus Archives
Primary Shelter Location
Archives storage area in basement or enclosed stairwells. Close all open doors.

Macfeat House
Primary Shelter Location
First floor interior hallway between stairs and kitchen away from exterior windows or doors; men's restroom and first floor closets.

Macfeat Laboratory School
Primary Shelter Location
Main hallway between kitchen and gymnasium away from exterior doors; close office and classroom doors.
Secondary Shelter Location
Any interior room without windows.

Margaret Nance Hall
Primary Shelter Location

First floor hallways away from exterior doors and windows; close room doors.
Secondary Shelter Location
Second floor hallways away from windows; close room doors.

McBryde Hall
Primary Shelter Location

Limited occupancy - move into the kitchen, restrooms, and hallway between the kitchen and Tuttle Dining Room.
Full occupancy - Move as many occupants as possible into the restrooms, kitchen, kitchen stairwell, and ground floor corridors away from exterior doors. Others move as close as possible to kitchen/restroom while staying away from windows.
Secondary Shelter Location
Ground floor corridors and kitchen stairwell away from exterior doors and windows.

McBryde Hall Hall - Information Technology Offices (02 McBryde)
Primary Shelter Location

Remain in ground floor offices, move into center hallway away from exterior doors.

McBryde Hall Hall - Printing Services
Primary Shelter Location

Any interior room or hallway without exterior doors and windows; close office doors.
Secondary Shelter Location
Move into the McBryde kitchen, restrooms, or hallway between the kitchen and Tuttle Dining Room.

McLaurin Hall
Primary Shelter Location
Ground and first floor hallways away from exterior doors and windows; enclosed stairwells without windows; close office and studio doors.
Secondary Shelter Location
Second floor hallways away from windows; close office and studio doors.

Olde Stone House
Primary Shelter Location
Any first floor room or interior hallway without exterior doors or windows.

Owens Hall
Primary Shelter Location
Ground floor lecture halls and first floor hallways away from exterior doors and windows; close office and classroom doors.
Secondary Shelter Location
Second floor connector hallways near elevators and restrooms.

Phelps Hall
Primary Shelter Location
Ground and first floor hallways away from exterior doors and windows; close room doors.
Secondary Shelter Location
Second floor hallways away from windows; enclosed annex stairwells; close room doors.

President's House
Primary Shelter Location

Richardson Hall
Primary Shelter Location
Basement hallway and laundry room; enclosed stairwells; first floor hall restrooms; close room doors.
Secondary Shelter Location
Second and third floor center hallways near elevators; second and third floor hall restrooms; close room doors.

Roddey Hall
Primary Shelter Location
First floor hallways away from exterior doors and windows; close apartment doors.
Basement Studios - move to the first floor hallway or the lowest level of enclosed stairwells, away from ground floor windows.

Rutledge Building
Primary Shelter Location
Ground and first floor hallways away from exterior doors and windows; close office and studio doors.
Secondary Shelter Location
Auditorium (Room 119)

Sellers House
Primary Shelter Location
Any room or interior hallway without windows; close room doors.

The Shack
Primary Shelter Location
Evacuate to the Winthrop Coliseum if time permits, otherwise move to ground level storage area, as close as possible to west wall, away from exterior windows and doors.

Sims Science Building
Primary Shelter Location
First floor hallway away from exterior doors and windows; enclosed stairwells; first floor restroom; close offices, lab, and classroom doors.
Secondary Shelter Location
Second floor hallway away from windows and second floor restrooms; close office, lab and classroom doors.

Soccer Building
Primary Shelter Location
Ground floor storage room or enclosed stairwell.

Stewart House
Primary Shelter Location
First floor hallway under stairs.

Student Activity Center
Primary Shelter Location
Limited Occupancy - move into Macfeat Laboratory School central hallway, if possible, or move as close as possible to the interior (west) wall adjoining Macfeat.
Full Occupancy - remain in building and move as close as possible to the interior (west) wall adjoining Macfeat.

Sykes House
Primary Shelter Location
Any first floor room or interior hallway without exterior doors and windows; close office doors.

Tennis Complex
Primary Shelter Location
Ground floor restrooms away from exterior doors.

Terry Softball Tower
Primary Shelter Location
Ground floor restrooms away from exterior doors.
Secondary Shelter Location
Enclosed stairwell away from exterior doors.

Thomson Cafeteria
Primary Shelter Location
- interior hallway near offices, restrooms and locker rooms.
Cafeteria - the grill area near the kitchen and the east and west seating areas as close as possible to the interior walls; move as far as possible away from the large windows on the north side of the cafeteria.

Thomson Hall (EAST)
Primary Shelter Location
First floor hallways away from exterior doors and windows; first floor suite restrooms and enclosed stairwells; close room doors.
Secondary Shelter Location
Second floor hallways away from windows and second floor suite restrooms; close room doors.

Thomson Hall (WEST)
Primary Shelter Location
First floor hallways away from exterior doors and windows; first floor suite restrooms, and enclosed stairwells; close room doors.
Secondary Shelter Location
Second floor hallways away from windows and second floor suite restrooms; close room doors.

Thurmond Hall
Primary Shelter Location
Ground and first floor hallways away from exterior doors and windows; ground floor rooms without windows; close office, classroom, and stairwell doors.
Secondary Shelter Location
Second floor hallways away from windows; close office, classroom, and stairwell doors.

Tillman Hall
Primary Shelter Location
Ground floor hallways away from exterior doors and windows; any ground floor room without windows; close office doors.
Secondary Shelter Location
First floor hallways away from exterior doors and windows; any first floor room without windows; close office doors.

Track and Soccer Facility
Primary Shelter Location
Locker rooms and restrooms away from exterior doors.

West Center
Primary Shelter Location
First floor hallways between lobby and weight room and between weight room and west stairwell; first floor restrooms and locker rooms; racquet ball courts away from glass walls; close office and classroom doors.
Peabody Gym - occupants should move into the first floor hallways, restrooms, locker rooms or racquet ball courts.
Secondary Shelter Location
Second floor restrooms.

Winthrop Ballpark
Primary Shelter Location

Ground floor locker rooms and restrooms away from exterior doors; enclosed areas under stadium.

Winthrop Coliseum - Offices and Training Facilities
Primary Shelter Location
Lower concourse away from exterior doors and windows; any ground floor room.

Winthrop Coliseum Arena
Primary Shelter Location
Normal occupancy - lower concourse away from exterior doors and windows; any ground floor room.
Event occupancy - remain seated in arena until instructed to do otherwise.

Withers / W.T.S Building - Plowden Auditorium
Primary Shelter Location
Evacuate to Withers 2nd and 3rd floors, move to enclosed stairwells at north and south end of hall.
Secondary Shelter Location
Second floor hallways away from windows; second floor restrooms; close office and classroom doors.

Wofford Hall
Primary Shelter Location
Basement community room, hallway, and laundry room; enclosed stairwells; first floor hall restrooms; close room doors.
Secondary Shelter Location
Second and third floor center hallways near elevators; second and third floor hall restrooms; close room doors.

Workman Building
Primary Shelter Location
Center storage room; remain along interior wall away from exterior door.

Last updated: 07/15/2013