Emergency Response Plans

Level 3: Active Shooter

Annex: Active Shooter Emergency Response Plan

Department: All Campus Departments

Departmental Emergency Contact: Winthrop University Police Department

A. Purpose:

The potential for a shooting or a shooting in the workplace exists on every college campus throughout the United States. Although the possession of firearms on the campus is prohibited, their availability and past national shootings dictate the need for a response plan, in case a shooting or other violent attack occurs.

B. Priorities:

In the event this incident occurs, all faculty and staff may be requested to assist in the following:

  • Notify emergency response personnel as soon as possible and assist them in staging in a safe location
  • Follow the written Emergency Plan in rendering your classroom or area safe
  • Evacuate victims/potential victims away from the incident and to safe area if directed by emergency responders
  • When safe, evacuate victims/potential victims away from the incident and to a safe area and assist if requested to provide emergency medical care for injured.

C. Expectations for Employees:

Follow the written Emergency Plan and adhere to all directions given by emergency responders.

D. Communications:

Winthrop University may communicate with the campus community by any of the following means:

  1. ALERTUS Notification System — Beacons within campus buildings, also includes instant messaging system for the campus' networked computers
  2. WU Alert - Blackboard Connect text/SMS and voice messages for all subscribers
  3. E-mail — Messages to faculty/staff/student distribution lists
  4. Web — Updates on www.winthrop.edu and detailed information on www.winthrop.edu/emergency
  5. Campus Alert Line — Recorded message on 803/323-2222 with detailed information, primarily for individuals without access to a mobile device, computer, etc.
  6. Face to Face — Direct contact by emergency responders
  7. Runner — Group contact by individuals moving from area to area
  8. Media - Communication via local radio and television stations

E. Responsibility and Control:

Emergency responders will have total control of the scene. If the situation dictates, the Incident Command System will be used as directed by the National Incident Management System.

The university also will assemble the Critical Incident Management Team to make university-related decisions.

F. Emergency Plans:

When the shooting begins or you are advised that a shooting on campus has taken place, you should do the following in any order or simultaneously:

  • GET OUT: If you decide to flee, make sure you can do it safely and have an escape route and plan in mind.
  • CALL OUT: Call the Winthrop University Police Department at 323-3333 or 911. Do not hang up on the dispatcher until told to do so. The following information should be provided to the dispatcher:
    • Your name and exact location
    • The exact location of the suspect(s) if known, including building, type of building, classroom, etc.
    • Description of the shooter if possible; clothing will help police locate.
    • Location of the shooter now, where you last saw them, or what their direction of travel was.
    • Type of weapon if known (rifle, shotgun, handgun, etc., or explosive devices)
    • Whether there are injuries or if anyone needs medical attention.
    • Get everyone to lie down away from windows or "fields of fire."
    • Silence cell phones, close blinds, turn off lights, stay on the floor, and don't peek out doors or windows.
    • Spread out, huddling together makes for a better target.
    • If in hallway, look for an unlocked room to hide in.
    • Identify those that may need assistance and help them.
    • Identify these people before an emergency occurs and have a plan to assist.
    • Lock classroom doors if possible. If doors cannot be locked, barricade with desk or tables.
    • Do not pull fire alarms or evacuate rooms or buildings unless directed to do so by emergency responders.
    • Follow ALERTUS directions on building display units and/or on computer screens in classrooms/offices.
    • An attempt to neutralize a shooter should be considered the very last resort.
    • If there is absolutely no other opportunity for escape or survival, this tactic may be used.
    • You must be committed to this action.