Emergency Response Plans

Level 2: Civil Disturbance

Annex: Civil Disturbance Response Plan

Department: All Campus Departments

Departmental Emergency Contact: Winthrop University Police Department

A. Purpose:

The purpose of this policy is to establish the procedures to be followed by the student body, faculty, and staff in the event of a civil disturbance. Implementation of these procedures whenever necessary should minimize loss of life, injury, and disruption of scheduled activities.

B. Priorities:

Most campus demonstrations are peaceful. In the event conditions exist to activate the Civil Disturbance plan, the Winthrop University Police Department will work with surrounding law enforcement agencies to bring the disturbance under control.

Faculty and staff may be required to assist in assuring student safety.

C. Expectations for Employees and Students:

In the event of a demonstration, those not involved should try to carry on business as usual and not provoke or obstruct the demonstrators. Should a disturbance occur, the Winthrop University Police Department should be notified immediately at 803/323-3333.

D. Communications:

Winthrop University may communicate with the campus community by any of the following means:

  1. ALERTUS Notification System — Beacons within campus buildings, also includes instant messaging system for the campus' networked computers
  2. WU Alert  Blackboard Connect text/SMS and voice messages for all subscribers
  3. E-mail — Messages to faculty/staff/student distribution lists
  4. Web — Updates on www.winthrop.edu and detailed information on www.winthrop.edu/emergency
  5. Campus Alert Line — Recorded message on 803/323-2222 with detailed information, primarily for individuals without access to a mobile device, computer, etc.
  6. Face to Face — Direct contact by emergency responders
  7. Runner — Group contact by individuals moving from area to area
  8. Media  Communication via local radio and television stations

E. Responsibility and Control:

Emergency responders will have total control of the scene. If the situation dictates, the Incident Command System will be used as directed by the National Incident Management System.

The university will also assemble the Critical Incident Management Team to make university-related decisions.

The Winthrop University Police Department will operate an Emergency Operations Center (EOC) in the Facilities Management Operations Center. If the incident requires York County to open the Emergency Operations Center,
the Vice President of Student Affairs or a designee will be represented in the York County EOC and/or will be in continuous communications with the Winthrop EOC.

F. Emergency and Training Plans:

If a disturbance occurs and seems to threaten the occupants of an area or a facility, report it immediately to the Winthrop University Police Department and take the following actions:

  1. Alert all persons in the area of the situation
  2. Lock all doors and windows
  3. Close blinds to prevent flying glass
  4. If evacuation is necessary, follow the "Building Evacuation Plan" or the "University Evacuation" Plan.

If you are near the civil unrest, leave the area immediately. Do not stand around to observe. You could get injured.