Emergency Response Plans

Residence Hall Plan: Bomb Threat

Annex A: Bomb Threat Response Plan

Department: Residence Life

Departmental Emergency Contact: Winthrop University Police Department

A. Purpose:

The purpose of this plan is to establish the policy and procedures to be followed in the event of a bomb threat in the residence halls.

B. Priorities:

In the event a bomb threat occurs in the residence halls, Residence Life staff will work with the Winthrop University Police Department to provide information or identify any suspicious packages or items construed to be of an explosive nature.

C. Expectations for Employees and Students:

In the event of a bomb threat Residence Life staff should respond according to the information provided by the ALERTUS Emergency System (building beacons and computer monitor pop-up messages).

If a Residence Life staff member or student receives the actual bomb threat by phone:

  1. Remain calm and attempt to obtain as much information as possible from the caller.
    Possible questions to ask the caller include:
    When is the bomb going to explode?
    Where is the bomb located?
    What kind of bomb is it?
    What does it look like?
    Why was the bomb placed there?
  2. Also, note the sex, ethnic background, and age of caller, if possible. Be aware of the caller's voice and any background noises.
  3. After all possible information has been obtained; call the Winthrop University Police Department at 323-3333.
    Do not use the Residence Life radio system. Call the Winthrop University Police Department on a land line only not a cell phone to minimize the likelihood of activating a bomb. 
    Inform the dispatcher of the situation, including any information you may have obtained from the caller.
  4. Evacuate the building when instructed by the Winthrop University Police Department using "Building Evacuation Plan."
  5. Await further orders from the Winthrop University Police Department or the ALERTUS Emergency System.

If a Residence Life staff member is informed of a bomb threat:

  1. Make a casual inspection of your area for suspicious objects. If you see a suspicious object, to not disturb it.
    Use a land line, not a cell phone, to call the Winthrop University Police Department immediately at 323-3333.
  2. Evacuate the building per the "Building Evacuation Plan".

D. Communications:

Immediate communications will be made through the ALERTUS or WU Alert notification systems whenever possible. Other notification systems may be employed as well.

The Residence Life "Crisis Communication Plan" will be activated.

Residence Life, 803/323-2223

E. Responsibility and Control:

Emergency responders will have total control of the scene. Residence Life staff will respond as requested.

F. Emergency and Training Plans:

Review and be familiar with the Residence Life "Building Evacuation Plan" and "Crisis Communication Plan."