Emergency Response Plans

Residence Hall Plan: Tornado

Annex: Tornado Response Plan

Department: Residence Life

Departmental Emergency Contact: Winthrop University Police Department

A. Purpose:

The purpose of this plan is to establish the policy and procedures to be followed in the event of a tornado watch or tornado warning threatening the Winthrop campus.

B. Priorities:

In the event of a tornado watch, the Residence Life staff will prepare for a possible tornado warning.

In the event of a tornado warning, the Residence Life staff will direct students to shelter within the residence halls.

C. Expectations for Employees and Students:

In the event of a tornado watch the Residence Life staff will:

  1. Gather radios, keys, and flashlights.
  2. Activate the Residence Life "Crisis Communication Plan."
  3. Post signs in the residence hall lobby and on floors informing students of the tornado watch.
  4. Remain alert to changing weather conditions.
  5. Respond according to the information provided by the Winthrop University Police Department and the ALERTUS Emergency System

In the event of a tornado warning the Residence Life staff will:

  1. Instruct students to quickly seek shelter in the lowest level of the building, preferably in an interior hallway or room. If time does not permit, go to the safest area of the room you are in, usually the inside wall, farthest away from doors and windows.
  2. Doors to rooms should be closed.
  3. Take shelter underneath a desk or other piece of heavy furniture. Assume a fetal position to protect your head and eyes.
  4. Await further orders from the Winthrop University Police Department and the ALERTUS Emergency System.

D. Communications:

Immediate communications will be made through the ALERTUS or WU Alert notification systems whenever possible. Other notification systems may be employed as well.

The Residence Life "Crisis Communication Plan" will be activated.

Residence Life, 803/323-2223

E. Responsibility and Control:

Residence Life staff will have control of the students in the residence halls. Once an emergency responder arrives on scene, control will shift and Residence Life staff will assist as directed.

F. Emergency and Training Plans:

Review and be familiar with the Residence Life sheltering areas within each residence hall and the Residence Life "Crisis Communication Plan."