Emergency Response Plans

Macfeat Early Childhood School

Annex: Macfeat Early Childhood School Emergency Response & Recovery Plan

Department: Academic Affairs

Departmental Emergency Contact: Tim Drueke

A. Purpose:

The purpose of this emergency plan is to outline procedures and assist the staff of Macfeat Early Childhood School in the event of an emergency affecting the facility. This plan is to provide for the safety of both staff and students.

B. Priorities:

  1. Immediate attention to injured person(s) or crime scene(s) and protection of the health and safety of students, employees, and community members.
  2. Communication with appropriate emergency responders, building occupants, and/or parents of students.
  3. Academic program continuity for students.
  4. Protection of university property.
  5. Continuity of research, scholarship, and technology.
  6. Recovery.

C. Expectations for Employees:

Employees are expected to follow the written Emergency Plan and adhere to all directions given by emergency responders. Depending upon the level and type of classroom emergency, essential employees may include the Winthrop University Police Department, Facilities Management, the university safety manager, and/or emergency response coordinators.

D. Communications:

Depending upon the level and type of classroom emergency, communication may take place via telephone, e-mail, website, online work order system, or face to face. The Winthrop University Police Department should be contacted and will be responsible for determining what additional communications need to be activated.

E. Responsibility and Control:

Divisions of responsibility shall be as follows:

Director or designee

  • Relates information from campus-wide alerts (such as ALERTUS, text, e-mail, or telephone messages) to classroom occupants.
  • Ensures that building occupants are following the necessary directives during an emergency.
  • Assists with building egress and head counts during an evacuation.


  • Inform students of safety procedures in the event of such emergency situations as fire or severe weather and enact those procedures during such an event.
  • Report in-class incidents and potential hazards to university safety manager, Facilities Management, and/or the Winthrop University Police Department.
  • When an alert is received, suspend normal classroom activities and take appropriate and immediate steps to protect the health and safety of students.
  • Conduct head counts during evacuation


  • Adhere to any and all heath, safety, and security policies.
  • Follow all university safety protocol.
How to Use 3333

When it is necessary to summons emergency help, the staff should follow these instructions:

  1. Dial 3333 and alert the Winthrop University Police Department.
  2. Identify the emergency service you need (fire, police, medical).
  3. Identify your emergency (cut let, fire, etc.).
  4. Tell the operator your location.
  5. Tell the operator your name and the phone number from which you are calling.
  6. Do not hang up until you are directed to do so by the 3333 operator.

F. Emergency and Training Plans:

Life Threatening Emergency

  • Remain calm.
  • Call 911 and then the Winthrop University Police Department.
  • If you are trained to administer first aid, render aid until the ambulance arrives.
  • Notify the parent or guardian.
  • If child is transported to an emergency location, see the preferred hospital or emergency source indicated on the child's emergency information form.
  • If child is transported to an emergency location, a staff member with the child's emergency information shall remain with the child until the parent or guardian arrives.
  • If additional staff is required, the director, administrative assistant, or an extra teacher from another classroom will assist with supervision of children remaining at Macfeat.

Fire Emergency or Fire Alarm Activation

  • Evacuate anyone in immediate danger.
  • PULL FIRE ALARM or call out "FIRE, EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY!" if alarm does not work.
  • As soon as the alarm sounds, the teachers should prepare the children to exit the building single file, performing a head count before exiting the building.
  • The director (or designee) should ensure via cell phone that 911 has been notified by the Winthrop University Police Department. If cell phone does not work, the director (or designee) will assign a staff member from Withers Room 132 or Room 36 to notify the Winthrop University Police Department directly, by crossing Myrtle Drive to the Winthrop University Police Department in the Good Building.
  • Use a portable fire extinguisher if it is safe to do so.
  • Evacuate all children and all adults through the nearest, safest exit away from the fire to an area well away from the building. See fire evacuation plan on classroom wall.
    • As soon as the fire is discovered, start an orderly evacuation as during a fire drill. Occupants in Withers Room 132 will go out the direct exit in their classroom and report at the fence in the corner of the playground by College Avenue. Occupants in Withers Room 36 will go out the direct exit in their classroom and report at the fence in the corner of the playground toward Charlotte Avenue. Occupants in Withers Room 37 will go out their direct exit in their classroom and report at brick wall by the cooling system toward Dacus Library. Occupants in Withers Room 44 will go out the direct exit in the classroom and report at the fence in the corner of the playground toward Charlotte Avenue. Occupants in Withers Room 46 will exit the classroom to the corridor into the SAC and exit the building on the Myrtle Drive side of the building and report at the corner outside of the playground fence near Myrtle Drive. Occupants in the SAC will exit the building on the Myrtle Drive side of the building and report at the corner outside of the playground fence near Myrtle Drive. If needed use the alternate exits as identified on the fire evacuation plan.
    • The director and/or designee will check all bathrooms and any other room or area where Macfeat children or staff may be.
    • All teachers will take attendance log, first aid kit, emergency files, and any other record easily carried.
    • Teachers will close doors as they leave the building.
  • Teachers will account for all children by checking attendance log and all staff by checking staffing schedule. Teachers will report to the director and/or designee as soon as possible. Teachers will hold up a green card if all children and staff are accounted for with no problems. Teachers will hold up a blue card if a child or staff member is missing. Teachers will hold up a red card if medical attention is needed.
  • The director and/or designee are to ensure everyone is accounted for. Once evacuation is complete, the director should meet the arriving emergency personnel to brief them of the situation and let them know if anyone is missing or medical attention is needed.
  • The director, teachers, and/or graduate assistants trained in first aid and CPR will provide assistance as needed.
  • Everyone should remain in designated area until permission is given by fire officials. Once back inside, teachers will account for all children by checking attendance log and staff by checking staffing schedule.
  • If needed notify parents to pick up children as soon as safety permits.

Tornado or Hurricane Watch

  • Notification of weather conditions may take place via local radio, TV, or NOAA alert provided by York County Office of Emergency Management. Monitor local station or NOAA radio and continue routine of work.
  • Move children indoors.
  • Close blinds on windows, if possible.
  • Secure any loose items outside, if possible.
  • Report any funnel cloud sightings to the Winthrop University Police Department.
  • Follow additional instructions given by National Weather Service or local emergency officials.

Tornado or Hurricane Warning

  • Notification may be received by the same means as a tornado watch. Immediate action is required in the case of a warning. Ensure that everyone in the building is aware of the weather condition.
  • Report to designated Tornado Safe Area located in the center hallway.
  • Continue to monitor NOAA radio if possible.
  • Conduct a head count or roll call to ensure everyone is in the safe area.
  • Remain until the danger is over.
  • Report any damage to the Winthrop University Police Department.
  • Follow instructions given by National Weather Service or local emergency officials.

Bomb Threat

  • Remain calm. Allow caller to talk without interruption.
  • Write down all of the information the caller is giving you.
  • Notify someone else to call 3333 (the Winthrop University Police Department) without the caller knowing it.
  • If the caller is willing to stay on the line, ask follow-up questions and write down answers.
  • Make note of number call was received on, time of call, and date.
  • Assign someone familiar with the building to begin searching and assisting authorities when they arrive.
  • Do not touch any strange objects or packages that do not belong in the building.
  • In the event that the building needs to be evacuated, follow the fire evacuation plan, once the exits have been searched and cleared.

Intruder in the Building

  • Remain calm.
  • Move children to rooms and lock doors as soon as possible.
  • Stay away from the door.
  • Contact the Winthrop University Police Department (3333) immediately.
  • Do not confront the intruder.

Medical and Dental Emergencies

  • Remain calm.
  • If serious injury, contact the Winthrop University Police Department (3333) immediately.
  • If you are trained to administer first aid, render aid until the ambulance arrives.
  • Based on severity and nature of the injury, notify the parent or guardian.
  • If child is transported to an emergency location, see the preferred hospital or emergency source indicated on the child's emergency information form.
  • If child is transported to an emergency location, a staff member with the child's emergency information shall remain with the child until the parent or guardian arrives.
  • If additional staff is required, the director, administrative assistant or an extra teacher from another classroom will assist with supervision of children remaining at Macfeat.

Fixed Nuclear Facility

The Macfeat facility is located approximately 7 air miles from the Catawba Nuclear Station. Due to being located within the 10 mile Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) of the station, all employees should be familiar with emergency procedures outlined below.

  • The facility will be notified by the York County Office of Emergency Management through statements on local radio, TV, NOAA radio, or by phone.
  • Follow instructions given by emergency officials.
  • All students should be brought inside the building.
  • You may be told one of the following actions to take:
    • Sheltering in Place:
      • All doors and windows leading to the outside of the building should be closed and secured.
      • Turn off all ventilation systems.
      • Ensure that everyone stays indoors until advised differently by emergency officials.
    • Evacuation to Pick-up Points/Shelters:
      • Upon notification to evacuate, the director will notify all staff to return students to classrooms and any staff without student responsibilities will report to the director for assignments.
      • Each teacher should take roll or conduct a head count prior to leaving facility, after loading into transporting vehicle(s), and after arriving at Pick-up Point.
      • Administrative staff will begin contacting parents to have students picked up.
      • Teachers should keep track of students that are picked up by parent or guardian to ensure accountability of all students.
      • The director will contact the Winthrop University Police Department to coordinate transportation for students from Macfeat to Pick-up Point. If the university does not have means to transport students, contact the York County Office of Emergency Management at 329-7270 and advise them of the number of students for whom you need transportation.
      • Teachers are required to accompany students to Pick-up Points and remain there with them for up to 4 hours.
      • After 4 hours, students will be transported to shelters located outside of York County where they may be picked up by parent or guardian. Red Cross staff will care for them at shelters.
      • The Pick-up Point for Macfeat School is Oakdale Baptist Church, located at 1249 Oakdale Rd. in Rock Hill. The shelter is Lancaster High School located at 617 Normandy Road in Lancaster, SC.

Missing Child

  • All available administration and staff search the school building and grounds immediately, while maintaining proper staffing ratios.
  • If the child is not found within five minutes, the director should contact the Winthrop University Police Department.
  • Continue to search beyond school grounds.
  • The director should contact the parent or guardian of the missing child. Communicate the nature of the emergency, the procedures that have been followed. Inform the parent that the Winthrop University Police Department has been notified.
  • Continue to have all available staff search the school grounds and beyond.
  • When emergency personnel arrive, follow their instructions.

Utility Failure

  • Notify the Winthrop University Police Department.
  • Follow instructions given by the Winthrop University Police Department or emergency officials.