Emergency Response Plans

Level 1: Classroom Accident Prevention

Annex: Classroom Accident Prevention Plan

Department: Academic Affairs

Departmental Emergency Contact: Tim Drueke

A. Purpose:

Winthrop University has set forth classroom safety guidelines to provide for the health, safety, and security of students and employees. Accidents are defined as incidents that have caused or might reasonably be expected to have caused injury to person(s) and/or damage to property.

B. Priorities:

Every member of the faculty, staff, and student body is required to report any potentially dangerous situation to the immediate supervisor, instructor, or university safety manager.

Accident response priorities are as follows:

  1. Immediate attention to injured person(s) or crime scene(s).
  2. Contact the Winthrop University Police Department to secure area and determine whether evacuation is necessary.
  3. Clean up, altering, or removing any hazard or equipment involved in the accident.
  4. If classes are to be relocated, contact the Academic Space & Scheduling Office.
  5. File accident report with department chair, who will contact the university safety manager.
  6. Take steps to prevent recurrence of accident.

C. Expectations for Employees:

Faculty/staff members should inspect facilities assigned to them regularly and report potential hazards to the university safety manager immediately. Ensure the general cleanliness and orderliness of the working environment, the use of protective clothing where necessary, and the proper maintenance of equipment in the classrooms, laboratories, and studios. Faculty/staff must also ensure that only authorized or adequately trained individuals be allowed to use or operate specialized equipment.

D. Communications:

Employees should report all potential safety hazards to the supervisor, building coordinator, university safety manager, or Facilities Management. For hazards involving specialized equipment, the manufacturer and/or an external repair service may need to be contacted. A Hazard Report is available from the department office, and a copy must be given to the department chair and university safety manager when hazards are identified. Safety information must be presented by the faculty or staff to students at the beginning of each semester or at the beginning of any new groups of students.

E. Responsibility and Control:

It is the responsibility of the department to provide, as far as is reasonably practical, safe working conditions for its students and employees. Divisions of responsibility shall be as follows:

Department Head or Supervisor

  1. Has the ultimate responsibility for the safety of his/her area.
  2. Must ensure that an effective safety program is in place and supported by all departmental personnel.
  3. Appoint a safety coordinator of the department.

Building Coordinator

  1. Coordinates and implements departmental safety plan.
  2. Surveys all areas for compliance with the safety plan.
  3. Assists the university safety manager when needed.
  4. Monitors the procurement, use, and disposal of all chemicals in the department.
  5. Creates a chemical inventory sheet and manages the collection of Material Safety Data Sheets for these chemicals in accordance with the Hazard Communication Plan and copies them to the university safety manager.

Course Director, Researcher, or Instructor

  1. Establishes a local health, safety, and security policy that is submitted to the university safety manager.
  2. Assists the university safety manager when needed.
  3. Ensures that faculty, staff, and students are aware of health, safety, and security policies and responsibilities therein.
  4. Ensures that regular inspections of the facility are planned and carried out.
  5. Ensures that accident and hazard reports are submitted and forwarded to the building coordinator and university safety manager.
  6. Ensures that all instructional and laboratory spaces are hazard free and secure, that exits and aisles are kept clear and unobstructed, that the proper labels are placed on all chemicals, and that any and all spills are properly and immediately cleaned up.
  7. Ensures that all potentially hazardous equipment is in proper working condition before and during student use.
  8. Informs students of the location of safety and/or first-aid equipment/supplies.
  9. Follows appropriate procedures when traveling with students on field trips.


  1. Adhere to any and all health, safety, and security policies.
  2. Use classroom or laboratory equipment properly and only for the manufacturer's intended use.
  3. Follow the instructions of faculty or staff regarding proper classroom/laboratory procedures.
  4. Know the location of eye wash stations, fire extinguishers, safety showers, spill kits, and exits before beginning work.
  5. Use appropriate protective clothing (i.e., lab coats, closed-toe shoes, latex gloves, etc.) and follow appropriate procedures (i.e., hand washing, hazardous waste disposal, etc.) when working in potentially hazardous settings. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water whenever leaving a laboratory.
  6. Individuals should never work alone, run, or engage in rough play in a potentially hazardous area.
  7. Individuals should never eat, drink, use tobacco products, or apply cosmetics in a laboratory.
  8. Individuals should get help or use a cart when lifting or moving heavy objects and should use a well-placed, sturdy stool or ladder for climbing.
  9. Follow all university safety protocol.


  1. Adhere to any and all heath, safety, and security policies.
  2. Follow appropriate procedures when working in potentially hazardous settings.
  3. Follow all university safety protocol.
  4. Report any potential safety hazards or accidents immediately to the building coordinator, university safety manager, or the Winthrop University Police Department as appropriate.

F. Emergency and Training Plans:

Training Plans:

Accident prevention manuals and training should be provided for all department heads and building coordinators. Faculty who teach in potentially hazardous spaces should also receive training and should be familiar with safety protocol for all equipment used in their instructional spaces. These faculty are in turn expected to provide students with the necessary level of training to ensure their safety and minimize risk.