Study abroad programs immerse students in the culture and customs of another country and expands learning to unparalleled levels. Students from around the world gather to exchange ideas, challenge thoughts, and expand critical thinking. Broad reaching connections help students discover new ways of looking at the world. They approach the marketplace with a fresh and informed perspective.
Explore the carefully vetted programs that provide options for Mass Communication and Integrated Marketing majors. Courses span mass communication, editing, public relations, and complimentary fields and are delivered in English.
All programs list a sample Study Plan based on a 4-year course of study in Winthrop
University's Department of Mass Communication and integrate a one-semester study abroad
experience. NOTE: Course requirements and class schedules change. Winthrop students
are responsible for securing an approved academic plan / course schedule by working
with his/her advisor and the Winthrop International Center.
Where will you travel on your study abroad?
Multi-award winning Deakin University boasts an international focus. Innovative courses and outstanding support provide an exemplary learning experience. Students study at the beautiful Geelong campuses which offer excellent facilities and good transportation.
Plan of Study
Located in the heart of Northwest England, the 160-acre campus of Edge Hill University is home to 24,000 students worldwide. Edge Hill offers an extensive course selection along with tuition that includes housing and meals. The campus is located 30 minutes by train from Liverpool.
Dublin, heralded as the commercial center of Ireland, provides Dublin School of Business students with an active city life outside of the classroom. More than 9,000 students have opportunities to explore theatre, sporting events, and festivals that reflect Irish culture and society. This is Ireland's largest independent third level institution.
Located in Norway, University of Agder students balance studies with the Nordic lifestyle that celebrates the great outdoors and the Norwegian culture. The United Nations has named Norway the 'Best Country to Live-in' which draws over 9,000 students across five academic schools. Agder is the 5th largest university in Norway.
The EUSA University Centro is located in the historic and picturesque Roman city of Seville, Spain. The university is integrated into the Campus of the Seville Chamber of Commerce and offers classes in journalism, audiovisual communication, advertising, public relations and tourism while focusing on preparing future professionals to market themselves with innovation and a global awareness. The university is committed to adapting to the uniqueness of each student.
Jonkoping University is an exciting place to study! Known to be very livable and easy to navigate, the University is located in Sweden's 10th largest city, Jonkoping. Communication students are drawn to programs housed in the International School of Business and the School of Education and Communication. The University houses 12,000 students and draws 1,200 international students to the location - just three hours from Stockholm, the capital city.