Hardy Paschal, Jr. ’90

Isaiah Venning ’95, ’00

The Winthrop Alumni Association holds two alumni-elected seats on Winthrop’s Board of Trustees. It is the responsibility of the board to put forth Winthrop’s mission for its long-term benefit and to be vested in the university.

There are two nominees for the 2024-2030 Winthrop Alumni Association seat on the Board of Trustees — Hardy Paschal, Jr. ’90 and Isaiah Venning ’95, ’00. Mac McDougal ’05, ’06 has removed himself from consideration for the Alumni Association Board of Trustees seat.


Learn More About the Candidates

Hardy Paschal

Hardy Paschal, Jr. ’90

Residence: Chapin, South Carolina
Degree: B.A., Sociology
Occupation: Training Coordinator for the SC Department of Probation, Parole and Pardon Services
Candidate Statement
Candidate Biography (PDF - 343KB)

Isaiah Venning

Isaiah Venning ’95, ’00

Residence: Rock Hill, South Carolina
Degree: B.S., Business Administration
Occupation: Stock Trader
Candidate Statement
Candidate Biography (PDF - 348KB)


Cast Your Vote

Voting will begin Monday, Jan. 22, 2024, and end on Friday, Feb. 23, 2024. Alumni must have their alumni ID to vote online.

Contact the Alumni Association at 803/323-2145 or alumni@winthrop.edu for more information or to request a paper ballot if you cannot vote electronically.

Election results will be announced in the spring via the Alumni Association’s social media, the Winthrop Insider and the Winthrop Magazine.