Plain Jane

Active for 2020-2021

Type of Organization:  Interest
Organization E-mail:
Purpose of Organization:  Our mission is to uplift women and encourage them to embrace their individuality, confidence, power, and unity. We aim to promote pride, high self-esteem, and respect amongst all WOMEN of any race and ethnicity. We will encourage women to BE INVOLVED and active on Winthrop University's campus and participate in community service in our surrounding areas.
Description of Organization:  We aim to promote pride, high self esteem, and respect amongst all WOMEN of any race and ethnicity. We hope that we will encourage woman to be involved and active on Winthrop University's campus and in the surrounding area.
Planned Projects/Events:  Plain Jane plans to hold fundraisers, forums not just for women, but the entire Winthrop Community as a whole, developmental programs for the members of Plain Jane, and community service, so Plain Jane can help better Winthrop's campus and the surrounding area.