Internships for Academic Credit

Approval Process

Winthrop's internship programs give students have the opportunity to earn academic credit for their internships. To receive credit, you must:

  1. Find, apply for, and secure an internship.

  2. Complete the Internship Agreement Form and other paperwork required by your department's Internship Coordinator. This must be done prior to the start of the internship (no retroactive counting of hours allowed).

  3. Register for the appropriate internship course (each course has its own requirements).

  4. Complete the required course projects, hour logs, and internship evaluations.


Internship Coordinators

If you are recruiting interns for your organization, please post your positions in Handshake or contact a member of our Employer Relations Team.



    More Info

    Biology (BIOL 461-463)
    Dr. Silvia Wozniak
    Web page
    Chemistry (CHEM 461-463)
    Dr. James Hanna
    Web page
    English (ENGL 431-433)
    Dr. Heather Listhartke
    Web page
    Environmental Studies (ENVS 461-463)
    Dr. Scott Werts
    Web page
    Individualized Studies (IDVS 461-463)
    Dr. Ginger Williams
    Web page
    Psychology (PSYC 340A-C)
    Dr. Darren Ritzer
    Web page
    Psychology (PSYC 463)
    Dr. Donna Nelson
    Web page
    Sociology (SOCL 430A-C)
    Dr. Brent Woodfill
    Web page
    Mass Communication (MCOM 461-464)
    Bonnye Stuart
    Web page
    Modern Languages
    Dr. Scott Shinabargar
    History (HIST 463)
    Dr. Eddie Lee
    Web page
    Human Nutrition (NUTR 528-531)
    Dr. Stephanie Nielsen
    Web page
    Political Science (PLSC 471-473)
    Dr. Jennifer Disney
    Web page
    Social Work (SCWK 463, 612)
    Nikole Kidd
    Web page

    Internship Course



    Accounting (ACCT 491),
    Finance (FINC 491)
    Dr. Adriana Cordis
    Web page
    Computer Science (CSCI 491),
    Computer Information Systems (CSCI
    Dr. Stephen Dannelly
    Web page
    Healthcare Management (HCMT 491)
    Dr. Michael Matthews
    Web page
    Management (MGMT 491),
    Marketing (
    MKTG 491),
    Entrepreneurship (ENTR 491),
    International Business (BADM 492),
    General Business (BADM 491)
    Dr. Michael Matthews
    Web page

    Internship Course



    Human Development and Family Studies (HDFS 594, 595)
    Dr. Tenisha Powell
    Web page
    Exercise Science (EXSC)
    Mr. Logan Daughtry
    Web page
    Athletic Training (ATRN)
    Dr. Martha Rivera
    Web page

    Internship Course



    Art History (ARTH 340)
    Dr. Alice Burmeister
    Web page
    Theatre and Dance


    Web page