Experiential Learning

Check out the program for Winthrop University's Family Week 2020 here. The College of Arts & Sciences will have an Academic Showcase on October 7, 2020.

In the videos below, students and faculty discuss some of the experiential learning opportunities in the College of Arts & Sciences.

    Dr. Cliff Calloway is a Professor of Chemistry at Winthrop University. In this video he discusses the opportunities for students to do research with faculty in the Department of Chemistry, Physics, Geology and the Environment. He also talk with Raegan Auton about her experience doing research in his lab.


    In this video, Dr. Courtney Guenther, Assistant Professor of Biology, talks with student Dominique Cain about the research project they're doing together this semester and how the experience is different from classroom learning.


    In this video, Dr. Arran Hamm (Assistant Professor of Mathematics) talks with student Suzanna Thompson about her experience doing research during the summer after her freshman year.

    In this video, Social Work major Hannah Buckner talks about her experience traveling to Saint Vincent and the Grenadines last summer with Dr. Monique Constance-Huggins' Empowerment Practices course.


    This exciting trailer for the Subarctic Landscapes class, led by Dr. Scott Werts and Bryan McFadden, shows students who participated in the class in 2019 and 2020. They traveled to Churchill, Canada (the polar bear and beluga whale capital of the world!) to study the landscape near the Hudson Bay.


    In this video, Ashlynn Harris and several friends from the Winthrop Women's Soccer team discuss their study abroad experience in San Salvador.

    Dr. Chen Chen is an Assistant Professor and the Internship Coordinator for the department of English. In this video, she describes some of the internship that English students have done recently, and talks to Emily Miller about her experience interning with an academic journal.

    Dr. Jessie Hamm is an Associate Professor of Mathematics at Winthrop University. In this video, she discusses a few of the community outreach efforts that she has organized recently, such as Math Day and a week-long math camp for high school students. Current math major Rachel Moan talks about her experience helping with Math Day last year.