New Student and Family Programs

Family Day

Family Day on October 5th - Registration now open!


Please view the 2024 Family Day Schedule for an idea of what we will offer! Registration closes September 22, 2024.


Family Day is a Winthrop tradition started by President Shelton J. Phelps in 1936 and was later renewed in 2007 to become a fun-filled, engaging, and educational event for students and their families. Today, there are numerous activities that characterize life at Winthrop and in Rock Hill. This event provides you the opportunity to visit with your student and take part in many events planned for your enjoyment.


Family Day 2024 Registration

The price for each attendee over the age of 8 is $40. If you have children under 8, they are welcome to join us at no cost, but please do not register them. All family members over the age of 8 attending must be registered. Winthrop students must also be registered. The price for each student attendee is $20.

Your registration fee covers your Family Day T-shirt*, the Eagle Family picnic and concert, most afternoon and evening activities (unless cost is otherwise listed), supplies, and administrative costs.

Please be aware that registration for Family Day will close on September 22, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. Anyone wishing to attend Family Day that has not registered by this closing date will be charged $45 for late admission.

*Family Day T-shirts are for registered participants only. Please note that shirts are only guaranteed through pre-registration. Shirts cannot be guaranteed to families who register on-site at Family Day.

Cancellations & Refund Policy

Please note the deadline to cancel and receive a refund is September 21, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. All Family Day registration cancellations received via email before that time will be honored and processed.

Cancellations received AFTER 11:59 p.m. on September 21, will not receive a refund as a result of costs incurred in Family Day planning and preparation. You are considered registered for Family Day 2024 if you complete the registration including payment. Please email Family Programs GA to cancel.


Payment Information

Only debit/credit cards or pre-paid credit cards are accepted to pay for Family Day registration costs. Cash and checks are not accepted.


Family Day Check-In

Family Day check-in will begin at 9 a.m. and will last through 10:30 a.m. in the West Center. You will receive your nametags, Family Day T-shirts, and a schedule of events and activities.


What to Bring

We recommend families and students bring the following for Family Day:

  • Water bottle
  • Comfortable shoes to walk around campus from one activity to another
  • (If you're participating in Leaf Your Mark on Campus) Clothes you don't mind getting a little dirty or being active in
  • Money in case you want to buy items in the Winthrop Bookstore or at campus dining locations, like Starbucks (Additionally, some events held off campus on the Family Day schedule may have an additional cost.)
  • Umbrella or rain jacket in case of inclement weather
  • Jacket or coat in case of cooler weather


Overnight Accommodations

Family members attending Family Day who arrive on Friday, October 6, or choose to stay overnight will need to make their own overnight arrangements. Parents and family members who are attending Family Day can view a list of hotels.



The Office of New Student & Family Programs (NSFP) works to create a welcoming and engaging campus experience for students and guests by striving to provide accessible and inclusive programming throughout the year. If you or your guest(s) require accommodations during Family Day, please denote needs through your Family Day registration. If you have already completed your Family Day registration and did not list accommodation needs, please e-mail with details.



Family Day participants should park in the Founders Lot (gravel) at the corner of Alumni Drive and Founders Lane. Directions to campus can be found here; the Winthrop parking map can be found here.



Other than certified service animals, pets and other animals are not permitted in any building on Winthrop’s campus.

Please feel free to contact our office ( with any questions or concerns. We look forward to celebrating our Eagle Families!