Writing Center

The Writing Center now provides both face-to-face tutoring in the Center itself and also online tutoring. When you make appointments in the Writing Center through our online scheduling system, you will be able to select the option that is more convenient for you. Using MyWCOnline to schedule also means that you don't have to wait until we are open to call us! Having an account will allow you to view the Center's schedule and make an appointment. You can also choose to have the Center send you an e-mail or a text reminder of the time of your appointment. Please remember to cancel your appointment through the system if you are unable to make it.

You can make your appointment using our scheduling calendar, winthrop.mywconline.com. If you have never used the Center, before, please register for an account before scheduling your appointment.

About Us

The Writing Center, located in 242 Bancroft Hall, provides a free writing consultation service to all members of the University community: students, staff, administrators, and faculty. The Writing Center's purpose is to help writers at all levels learn more about their writing through tutoring sessions and thus improve their ability to write well. 

Tutors help writers analyze assignments, address audiences appropriately, improve their composing processes, strengthen the focus and organization of their writing, and improve their control of the language. The Writing Center cannot provide a proofreading/editing service or guarantee better grades; its primary purpose is to improve your writing in the long term.

Although operating hours may vary from semester to semester, the Writing Center is open at least five days a week except during the summer. Scheduling an appointment ensures that a tutor will be available. You can call the Center at 803/323-2138 for help with setting up your account, but once you have an account, you can access the Center's schedule and make appointments on your own. We cannot make appointments through e-mail.

Meet our tutors!


Hours of Operation for Spring 2024

Monday: 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Tuesday: 8:00 a.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Wednesday: 9:00 a.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Thursday: 9:00 a.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Friday: 9:00 a.m - 2:00 p.m.

We are not open on weekends, and the Center closes when Winthrop University closes (for example, on national holidays or snow days).