Administrative Review Procedure

The Administrative Review is used in the annual review process for unclassified, athletic and academic administrative positions at Winthrop University. The review provides for input from a wide range of co-workers and external contacts who observe an athletic or academic administrator's performance on a regular basis.

Included in this review process are:  academic deans, associate deans and assistant deans; athletic directors, athletic trainers and unclassified athletic personnel.

One major component of the Administrative Review is the provision for internal and external peer reviews.

  • Effective 2005, internal peer reviews are required at the completion of both the first and second years for a new employee and for a current employee moving either from one athletic or academic administrative position to another or from classified status to athletic or academic administrator status. Thereafter, the internal peer reviews are required only every third year.  Internal peer reviews may be conducted each year if preferred by anyone in the line of authority for the administrator being reviewed. A minimum of 10 internal reviewers is required, but as many as 20 are permitted. Internal reviewers for athletic or academic administrators may include representation from the following groups:  vice presidents and deans; faculty, staff and students; department chairs and directors; and subordinates.
  • External reviews may be conducted each year at the discretion of the supervisor or anyone in the line of authority for the academic administrator being reviewed. There is no minimum or maximum number of external reviewers. External reviewers are professional contacts outside of the campus community.
  • Individuals providing internal or external input are selected by mutual agreement between the person being reviewed and the supervisor. If an agreement cannot be reached, the supervisor makes the final decision to add or delete a reviewer's name from the list.
  • The internal and external responses are collected and summarized by the supervisor conducting the review.  The summaries will provide performance information from the athletic or academic administrator's internal and external contacts.  The completed internal and external reviews, as well as the summaries of the internal and external review forms, are not disclosed to the administrator being reviewed and do not become part of the review file.  This will ensure confidentiality of the reviewers.

A second major part of the Administrative Review is the provision for a self-review component.

The athletic or academic administrator evaluated by the review process completes the Self Review form and attaches pertinent review information. The self-review component is required for both the full and abbreviated versions of the administrative review process.

After reviewing all internal and external information (for the full review process) and the self-assessment component, the reviewer evaluates the material and then completes the Supervisor's Final Review form. At that time, the supervisor meets with the person being reviewed and discusses all components of a plan for professional development.

The Supervisor's Final Review form, with signatures, is sent to the Office of Human Resources to be placed in the administrator's personnel file.