Temporary Employees - ACA Information

With the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, all non-permanent employees are required to report hours worked. This procedure will be required for all exempt temporary employees who are not the “Instructor of Record” and teaching a course at Winthrop. All non-exempt employees currently report hours worked on a time sheet in Wingspan.

Employees who already have a Winthrop e-mail account should access their timekeeping report through Wingspan with their current network Username and Password. The Username is the part of the e-mail address prior to the “@winthrop.edu”

If you do not have a Winthrop account, complete this form to request one.

Entering work hours on Wingspan

  • Login
  • Go to the Home tab
  • In the section labeled "Self Service 9x - NEW", select the link labeled “Employee Dashboard”.
  • In the "My Activities" section, select the "Enter Leave Report" button.
  • There will be a separte line for each position that requires hours tracked for Affordable Care purposes. A new entry will show up each pay period, one for the 1st – 15th and one for the 16th through the end of the month. To open the reporting period, click anywhere on the row.
  • Click the work date on the calendar, then click drop box for the "Select Earn Code" and choose "ACA Hours" and enter the corresponding hours worked for that date, then click the Save button. Continue this action through the end of the pay period.
  • Hours should NEVER be entered on a date that you did not work.
  • Save each day's entry.
  • Do not "Submit" the report until you have completed all work hours in that pay period.

ACA Leave Report

Submitting Hours Worked

At the completion of the pay period, submit your Report for approval by your supervisor. To do so, Open the Leave Report, click the “Preview" button, then click the "Submit” button once you have completed recording all hours worked for each day in the report period. If you submit your report in error and need to retrieve it, contact your supervisor immediately and they will be able to return it to you. If you wait until after the “Submit By Date” has passed, you will not be able to submit the report on your own.  If you receive an error message or have further questions, please e-mail hrhelp@winthrop.edu or call the Office of Human Resources at 803/323-2273 for assistance.

  • Disregard messages about "insufficient leave", as you are recording actual work hours and not reporting leave taken.
  • Timekeeping records processed as “Leave Reports” in Wingspan have no effect on compensation for your position. Time entered here is for the purpose of recording work hours for insurance eligibility purposes.
  • You will receive automated e-mails from HRHelp if you fail to submit your report on time. Please submit all reports each pay period, even if you did not work any hours. In the event that you did not work, please enter in the Comments section “No hours worked this period”. Please refer to the calendar for more details on deadlines.