Counseling Services

2015 (Spring Semester)

Laurie E. Grove, MA, MEd, LPCA, LPCI, NCC

What impact did the Counseling Services Internship Program have on your pursuit of your professional goals?

My experience in the counseling center allowed me to continue to work with young adults in a higher education setting and achieve my goal of becoming a counselor. 

Where are you now?

I have been employed with Youth Villages in Charlotte since April.  It is a very intensive program which helps youth in foster care or in need to gain the skills to live independently and be successful. We help the youth with completing school, going on to college, legal issues, drugs and alcohol, gang involvement, suicidal and homicidal behaviors and self harm, etc. We don't do therapy per se but must have a counseling background in order to be qualified.

Where do you go from here?

At this time I am focusing on completing my supervised hours and obtaining my license as a LPC in both NC and SC.  I am a volunteer for Safe Passage and just recently taught a class on Healthy Relationships at the shelter.