Counseling Services


Reese Fernandez

What impact did the Counseling Services Internship Program have on your pursuit of your professional goals?

I thoroughly enjoyed my internship with the Counseling Services.  This internship program was the first time I was able to participate in individual counseling and case management.  This internship program allowed for me to be able to work alongside several counselors, the health services department, the office of accessibility as well as having my own clients.  I learned a great deal about myself while in this internship program that I will be able to put forth in my future career endeavors.  I was able to be challenged by clients that only improved my problem-solving skills and critical thinking skills.  I was also able to work alongside counselors and they provided amazing guidance and supervision when it was needed.  I could not have asked for a better experience to learn about myself and clients in a university setting. 

Where are you now?

Currently, I am working for the AmeriCorps VISTAS program through Winthrop University.  I am able to work with younger children in an academic summer program. 

Where do you go from here?

I will be receiving my Master of Social Work in December and from there obtaining a job in the field.  I have learned through other internship experiences that working with children is my calling.