College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences


Educator Preparation


Teacher Certification

Learn about the unique qualities of teacher preparation at Winthrop. 

Learn about the education core curriculum at Winthrop that immerses education majors in P-12 classrooms as early as the sophomore year.


Why come to Winthrop University for teacher education?

As the flagship institution for preparing future educators, the Richard W. Riley College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences maintains an intense, clinically-based curriculum. Through the Winthrop University School Partnership courses are planned and delivered by both university faculty and practicing teachers thus exposing candidates to relevant pedagogical trends and issues. Candidates are not only prepared upon graduation, they are highly effective educators ready to meet the expectationations of leadership in a 21st century classroom. 

Teacher Education

"Everything is an interactive learning experience here — you literally learn on the job!"

-Hollie Sierra
Middle School major
Class of 2013


Teacher Certification Options


Curriculum and Pedagogy Department

B.S. in Early Childhood Education

B.S. in Elementary Education

Counseling, Leadership, and Educational Studies Department

Middle Level Education

Special Education (multi-categorical)

Physical Education, Sport and Human Performance Department

Physical Education Teacher Education

Education Core Department

Master of Arts in Teaching Programs

Accelerated Pathway

Traditional Pathway

Undergraduate options for high school and arts teaching areas are available in collaboration with the College of Arts and Science and College of Visual and Performing Arts