College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences


There are six standing committees of the College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences Faculty Assembly. Three are governance standing committees, and three are specialized standing committees.

The Faculty Assembly governance standing committees are:

1. Curriculum Committee

2. Faculty Governance Committee

3. Promotion & Tenure Committee


The Faculty Assembly specialized standing committees are:

1. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging Committee

2. Educator Preparation Assessment Committee

3. Field Experience & Clinical Practice Committee 


2024-2025 CESHS Committee Membership (PDF - 163 kb)

2023-2024 CESHS Meeting Dates (PDF - 113 kb)

2024-2025 CESHS Curriculum Cycle (PDF - 100 kb)

See Faculty Goverance Calendar for the University committee schedule.

See Academic Affairs Policy & Procedures for University committee membership.

See the Faculty Conference page for University committee information.

Committee Descriptions

    The Curriculum Committee shall be responsible for reviewing all graduate and undergraduate curricular proposals and for making recommendations to the Faculty Assembly. Membership shall consist of one faculty member elected from each academic department and one at-large member, tenured or untenured, elected by the Faculty Assembly. The term of office for all members shall be two years. The committee shall elect its chair.

    The Diversity Committee shall be responsible for overseeing the Diversity Plan for the Richard W. Riley College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences. The Diversity Committee shall also plan and implement professional development programs and projects for students and faculty that promote and support a more inclusive community grounded in respect for all. The committee will assist with diversity standards and goal compliance for all College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences programs and participate as appropriate in accreditation efforts. This includes but is not limited to design, implementation, and evaluation of curriculum and field experiences that address the needs of diverse learners, as well as recruitment and retention of diverse faculty and students.

    Membership shall consist of at least one faculty member from each academic department, one faculty member with expertise in working with diverse populations from the College of Arts and Sciences and one from the College of Visual and Performing Arts, one faculty member representing non-teacher education programs and at least two representatives from school and/or agency partners. At least one faculty member should represent undergraduate programs and one graduate programs. The committee may invite students to meetings as integral stakeholders in planning and implementation of initiatives. The CAEP Coordinator, Director of Student Academic Services, Teaching Fellows Director, and Rex Institute Director will serve as resources for the committee. The committee can recommend additional members to the Dean of the College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences.

    The Educator Preparation Assessment Committee shall be responsible for analysis and evaluation of data collected in educator preparation. Further, the group will support the use of data for program improvement in the Education Preparation Program. The committee is responsible for monitoring compliance with CAEP Standards for the Education Preparation Program. The committee will assist in preparation of the CAEP Institutional Report and other college and program accreditation reports as needed.


    The committee will provide oversight to the process and the materials used to collect dispositional data on pre-service teacher development throughout the program. Specific annual tasks may include: reviewing relevant procedures and materials; analyzing data to share with faculty/clinical partners; and providing resources and support for faculty/clinical partners. Other tasks may include updating the materials and website and providing training for faculty/clinical partners.


    The  committee shall review aggregated unit data and provide written reviews to the Dean of the Richard W. Riley College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences and other bodies as appropriate. Feedback from agency and school partners will be facilitated through regular collaboration with the Partnership Advisory Council and as needed through Program Advisory Committees. If needed, the committee can invite students and school personnel to contribute.


    Individuals are appointed as described in Article VII, Section 2 of the College of Education, Sport, and Human Science Bylaws. Membership shall consist of at least one educator preparation faculty representative from each academic department in the College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences, one faculty member representing graduate programs in the college, one faculty member representing undergraduate programs, one teacher education faculty representative from the College of Arts and Sciences, and one teacher education faculty representative from the College of Visual and Performing Arts. The following administrators and staff from the College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences will serve as ex officio members as needed for the function of the work: Associate Dean, CAEP Coordinator, Director of Research and Assessment, Director of Graduate Studies, Director of Student Academic Services, Educator Preparation Program Coordinator, and Chairs from each academic department. The committee can recommend additional members to the Dean of College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences.

    The Faculty Governance Committee shall be responsible for the application and selection processes for the award of foundation funds to support collaborative faculty/student research and other designated faculty development initiatives. The committee will contribute to the professional development of faculty and will collaborate with other groups and committees to promote and support major professional development activities in the college.


    The committee will also be responsible to the Faculty Assembly for the preparation, distribution, and recording of all ballots and other nomination and election materials, the recruitment of a slate of nominees, the conducting of elections, and certifying to the faculty all elections. The committee shall make recommendations to the Faculty Assembly on the methods for voting.   


    The committee shall be responsible for recommending to the Faculty Assembly special rules of order and appropriate changes in the Bylaws of the Faculty Assembly and for reviewing guidelines or bylaws of all standing and select committees, task forces, or constituent assemblies of the Richard W. Riley College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences to determine consistency with these Bylaws.


    Membership shall consist of one faculty member elected from each academic department and one at-large member, tenured or untenured, elected by the Faculty Assembly. The Associate Dean will serve as an ex officio member when discussing professional development activities in the college. The committee may invite other faculty to participate in meetings as needed. The term of office shall be three years. The committee shall elect its vice chair from new membership. The vice chair will become the chair during the second year of the term and past chair during the final year. In cases in which an individual leaves during the three-year term, the committee can seek a member to fulfill the role.

    The Field Experience & Clinical Practice Committee shall be responsible for overseeing the design, implementation, and evaluation of clinical and field experiences for initial certification graduate and undergraduate teacher education programs. The committee will monitor compliance with CAEP Standards and will assist in preparation of the CAEP Institutional Report. The committee may also serve in an advisory capacity for other programs that have fieldwork as needed.

    Membership shall consist of a minimum of two faculty members representing initial teacher certification programs, two faculty members representing M.A.T. programs, one teacher education faculty member from the College of Arts and Sciences, one teacher education faculty member from the College of Visual and Performing Arts, and at least two representatives from school and/or agency partners. The CAEP Coordinator, Director of Field and Clinical Experience, Field Placement Coordinator, and Director of the Rex Institute will serve as resources and non-voting members of the committee. The committee can recommend additional members to the Dean of the College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences.

    The purpose of the Promotion & Tenure Committee of the Richard W. Riley College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences is to make recommendations to the Dean on all matters concerning promotion and tenure of faculty. The committee shall also be responsible to the Faculty Assembly for making recommendations concerning policies and procedures for appointments, reappointments, promotion, and tenure. Committee members should follow university policy and Richard W. Riley College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences guidelines in the review process.

    The Promotion & Tenure Committee shall include a tenured faculty member elected by each academic department in the Richard W. Riley College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences. One full-time, tenured faculty at-large member shall be elected by the Faculty Assembly to serve on the College Promotion & Tenure Committee. Faculty Assembly shall elect a faculty member to serve on the University Personnel Committee. That person may not serve on a department or college promotion and tenure committee while serving on the University Personnel Committee.


    The term of office for each committee member shall be three years. During the spring semester, the Promotion & Tenure Committee shall elect one of its continuing members to serve as chair for the next academic year.


    The Chair of each academic department shall establish a departmental promotion and tenure committee responsible for reviewing departmental faculty applications for promotion and tenure and for making recommendations to the Dean. Each academic department committee shall consists of five tenured faculty members. When possible, the five members shall be elected from within the department. Otherwise, the Department Chair, in coordination with the Dean, shall identify other faculty in the college or in other colleges to complete the committee of five. The Department Chair shall appoint the departmental promotion and tenure committee chair.

For complete information on committees and expectations, see the faculty manual.