CBT Faculty Manual

Information concerning policies not found on this page may be found in the Winthrop University Policy Repository.

Administrative Offices

Administrative Offices Directory

Organization and Policies

Administrative Personnel
Governance and Bylaws
Organization Chart
Strategic Plan


CBT Committee Structure
CBT Committee Membership
University Committee Membership

Administrative Policies

Scheduling of Space
Advising and Student Services
Computer Use Policy
Curriculum Review Process
Diversity Statement
Process for Review and Revision of the Mission Statement
Web Page Policy

Classroom Policies

Students with Disabilities
Class Meetings and Office Hours
Computer Assisted Instruction
Copyright Policy
Student Evaluation of Teaching
Exam Proctors
Final Exams
Grading System
Posting Grades
Textbook Policy
Syllabus Policy
Independent Study Courses
500 Level Courses

Personnel Policies

Personnel Policies and Procedures



Administrative Offices

Dean's Office, Thurmond 204
P.N. Saksena, Dean

Administrative Services, Thurmond 228
Chris Holloman
Nancy Johnson

Associate Dean for Graduate Programs and Accreditation, Thurmond 213
Philip Gibson

Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs, Thurmond 213
Chlotia Garrison

Student Services Center, Thurmond 226
Jasmine Howze, Director
Taya Andrews
Adreanna LeMasters


Center for Economic Education (CEE), Thurmond 407 
Nicholas Moellman, Director

The Center for Economic Education provides economic education activities at the local, state, and national levels. It is funded through various economic education grants. It serves the business, the community, school districts, individual teachers and students.

Small Business Development Center (SBDC), Thurmond 118
Tom George, Regional Director

The Small Business Development Center is part of the South Carolina Frank L. Roddey Small Business Development Center and as such is fully funded by state and federal support. It is instrumental as a learning laboratory for students and helps give focus to the CBT efforts to influence business practice in the region and also to support economic development

Building Maintenance

Building maintenance concerns are addressed to the Administrative Services Office in Thurmond 228.


Business Cards

Contact Administrative Services for business cards.

Computer Problems

Computer network, hardware and software problems should be reported to the Instructional Technology Office at extension 2400. They may also be submitted as a work request via e-mail at helpdesk@winthrop.edu where a service ticket will be issued.

Copier Usage

A copier is available for faculty use in the Faculty Resource Room, Thurmond 102. A code is required to use the copy machine. Please check with Administrative Services in Thurmond 200. Printers should not be used for copying. 


Administrative Services schedules equipment use. Bulbs for overhead projectors are available from the Instructional Technology Office at extension 2400. Equipment includes a computer with projector, overhead screen, and camcorders.

Equipment and Furniture Inventory

Furniture and equipment moves are coordinated with the dean's office and officially recorded by the Instructional Technology Coordinator. Computer equipment is the responsibility of the faculty member to whom it is assigned. Faculty members wishing permission to remove equipment or furniture from campus can request authorization from the dean's office.

Faculty Resource Room

The Faculty Resource Room is equipped with a laser printers, a copier, computer, scanner, fax machine, and shredder. A code is required to use the copy machine. Please check with Administrative Services in Thurmond 200.

Fax Machine

A fax machine is located in the Faculty Resource Room for faculty use at any time. Instructions are available at the location. To transmit a long-distance fax, faculty need long-distance telephone authorization codes. The fax number is 803/323-4878. The fax number in the Administrative Services room is 803/323-3960.

Leave Policy

See Winthrop University Faculty Manual. Forms for submission of leave are available through the Office of Human Resources.

Faculty Sick Leave

The rate of accrual of sick leave for faculty is determined by the State of South Carolina personnel policy. Faculty who are ill and must miss class, office hours, or any other scheduled activity are expected to report to their chair and arrange appropriate coverage. Sick leave claim forms are available online, and should be completed for any such leave taken. Leave is claimed on a per hour basis.

Library Copier Use

Use of the copiers in the library can be arranged through Administrative Services in Thurmond 200.


Official outgoing mail (on and off campus) is deposited for collection in Thurmond 102. Official mail or outgoing communication requiring special handling (Fed Ex, certified, registered, etc.) is processed by Administrative Services. Bulk mailings require special procedures; please see Administrative Services. Faculty/staff name should be indicated on all.

Pay Schedule

Winthrop University employees receive paychecks on the 1st and 16th of each month. If these dates fall on a Saturday or Sunday, checks are received the preceding Friday. Checks may be picked up in Administrative Services, or checks may be mailed. Direct deposit is also available through the payroll office.

Printing Services

Printing requests are presented to Administrative Services. The use of these services is usually limited to large copying requests and to special printing needs.


Procurement of supplies, equipment, and contractual services is authorized before the purchase. The College of Business and Technology provides supplies normally needed for the teaching program. Administrative Services handles requests for these supplies. No reimbursement is possible for any expenses without pre-approval.

If required items are not in inventory, ask Administrative Services about the possibility of ordering them for you. Requests for equipment, software, special needs, or contractual services are addressed to the Department Chair.


CBT Web Page Maintenance

Taya Andrews



Scheduling of Space


For all scheduling of spaces, please submit a request using the Winthrop University Space Reservation System

Carroll Hall

For all scheduling of spaces, please submit a request using the Winthrop University Space Reservation System

Security Systems

A central security system monitors the entire building. If equipment must be moved, contact Administrative Services. A separate system protects the Student Resource Room. If the alarm sounds, take one of the following actions: during the regular office hours, call Administrative Services, after hours contact Public Safety at ext. 3333.

Telephone Use

Faculty are authorized to make official long-distance telephone calls and to charge the calls to the College of Business and Technology. Each full-time faculty member is assigned an authorization code to access long-distance. Faculty are responsible for all calls made with the code. Faculty may request authorization codes to access personal long distance calls by contacting Institutional Services.

Dialing Instructions:

Winthrop University Operator: Dial O.
Outside call (Rock Hill and vicinity): Dial 9 + number.
Local directory assistance: Dial 9-411.
Long-distance: Dial 5 + 1+ area code + number + authorization code.
Long-distance directory assistance: Dial 5 + 1 + area code + 555 + 1212
Toll-free (800): Dial 9 + 1 + 800 + number.
Operator-assisted long-distance: Dial 7 + 0 + area code + number.
Off-campus dialing instructions: See back of SC State calling card.
Credit card calls: Dial 7 + 0 + area code + number.
All other credit card calls from campus: Dial 9 + toll free access number on back of card.
International direct dial: Dial 5 + 011 + country code + city code + number + authorization code

Thurmond Classrooms

All classrooms are multi-media equipped with computers, projectors, screens, and overhead projector. 

Thurmond Special Use Space

Thurmond 212 — Dean's Conference Room, available for faculty/staff meetings as needed (scheduled through Dean's Office)
Thurmond 208 — Special Events Conference/Presentation Room, available for student presentations, other uses as available (scheduled through Dean's Office)
Thurmond 308A — Faculty and Staff Break Room, also available for small meetings, student breakouts, filming, etc. (scheduled through Administrative Services Office)
Thurmond 104 — Learning Development Center, staffed by CBT student assistants/tutors and used for tutoring, student small group meetings, presentation preparation (available day and evening hours, times vary by semester)


Forms are available on the Winthrop University Procurement Services web page. The Policy for Faculty Travel to Support Professional Development and Scholarly Activity is available. (.pdf - 54kb)

Parking Permits

Faculty and Staff parking permits are obtained at the Winthrop Police Department, by filling out an Application for Winthrop University Employee Parking Permit. Winthrop ID and car tag number are required. The cost is $30.00 per year--August to August. Two vehicles may be added to the same parking pass

Winthrop Picture ID

After Winthrop Human Resources/College of Business and Technology paperwork is completed, Winthrop IDs can be made at 1 McBryde Hall. An ID is needed for parking permits, library use, and pre-paid dining services charges.

Advising and Student Services

Student Services Center, 226 Thurmond, provides the following services: transcript evaluations for transfer students, senior audits, freshman advising, and academic intervention for students earning less than a 2.0 GPA. Academic files for all College of Business and Technology students are maintained in the Student Services Center. Students are advised by faculty in their Junior and Senior years. Advising workshops and training are provided to faculty by the Student Services Center.


Housed in Thurmond 303 on a first-come, first-served basis. Courses usually covered include ACCT 280/281, ECON 215/216, CSCI 151, CSCI 208, CSCK 207, and BSAN 205/210. For information regarding tutor availability, refer to the tutoring page of the CBT website.

Also offered is tutoring in the CSCI 101 Lab courses (A, B, C, D, E, F, I, N, P). This is given as a free service to students in Thurmond 303 at select times due to the tutors' schedules. 


Graduate Office (MBA Programs)

The Graduate Office services MBA programs. Office hours are from 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m., Monday–Friday, with evening hours to 6:20 p.m. at least two nights per week. All graduate recruitment, advising, registration, prospect inquiries, graduate faculty support, and logistical support are handled from this office. This office has its own FAX line as well: 803/323-2539. An answering machine records after-hours messages and weekend messages from prospects, students, and faculty.

Computer Use Policy

Information concerning appropriate Use of Information Technology Resources can be obtained through the WU Policy Repository.

Curriculum Review Process

The core purpose of the College is to provide a quality education to a diverse community of learners through continuous improvements and dedication to excellent teaching and learning in our degree programs. All programs are competency based and designed to be contemporary and relevant to business practice. Curricula are formulated based on faculty expertise, and the needs of students and the business community. Other determinants of the scope of the programs are the judgment of faculty, national accrediting bodies, and the changing requirements to support economic development in our state. The next few pages in the Manual will cover the continuously evolving curriculum content and evaluation system at Winthrop University.

Curriculum Review
The impetus for all curriculum development is provided in the Mission Statement of the College. Continuous improvement can best be institutionalized through the development and ratification of a monitoring system that reviews both course and program content. The emphasis is on continuous improvement in the design and delivery of courses and programs. Fulfillment of the Mission is accomplished through delivery of degree programs and their primary constituent parts, general education, core, option or other advanced courses. These products require extensive interaction of the faculty because each course is related to many other courses. Undergraduate core courses are required of every business student, regardless of concentration and may also serve as pre-requisites for the MBA. The content of core courses is of importance to faculty responsible for designing options and specific courses in options or advanced courses. The interdependence between core courses and concentration or advanced courses must be recognized if a set of courses that comprise a degree program is to provide the foundation for optimum depth and breadth.
Departmental faculty are fundamentally responsible for maintaining accurate, formal detailed course descriptions and for the quality and consistency of delivery. This is true for core courses and for concentrations and specialized programs. In addition, appropriate interdepartmental committees perform coordination functions; the Curriculum and Assessment Committee for the BSBA and the Graduate Programs, Assessment and Petitions Committee for the MBA. Changes submitted by departmental faculty must be linked to the governance structure of the College and University. Such changes must be submitted for legislative action to the Curriculum and Assessment Committee or the Graduate Programs Committee and ultimately to the CBT Faculty Assembly or the CBT Graduate Faculty Assembly.

The process detailed in the following section is for routine continuous improvement to the curriculum. For major changes, a special task force is established following the guidelines established by the Faculty Assembly in March, 1991.

There are four levels of review in the management of curriculum:
1. Department
2. Committee Structure
       > Curriculum and Assessment Committee for legislative action to revise courses and programs 
       > Graduate Programs Committee for legislative action to revise courses and programs
3. External constituencies (through the assessment system)
4. College Faculty Assembly and remaining governance structure.

The departments requires the review of each course after each comprehensive curriculum review of each program and the preparation of new Formal Course Descriptions. In September the chair assigns all courses in the department to faculty teams for review.
A special meeting of the department will be called to review the following:
1. Course descriptions
2. Statement of purpose for the option(s) or degree(s) each department offers.
3. The extent to which courses and content accomplish the stated purpose of the option or degree.
4. The adequacy of the general education component and core curricula that provides the foundation for the business degree program.

At the first fall meeting of the Faculty Assembly, a report on the results of the assessment activities conducted the preceding year.
The Curriculum and Assessment Committee designs and implements ways to collect feedback on competencies, curriculum, and student preparation. Departmental faculty manage and review the options in the same way as the Curriculum and Assessment Committee and Graduate Programs Committees manage each business core.
The degrees and options offered by the College of Business and Technology are also subject to systematic external review. The Business Advisory Board provides annual input. Alumni and employer surveys and feedback from participants in the internship program will be collected periodically as the basis for curriculum decisions.


Diversity Statement

The College of Business and Technology of Winthrop University believes that an educational experience should benefit from and contribute to the varied and vibrant spectrum of human experiences. We celebrate diversity by striving to create an environment that fosters harmony and appreciation of individual and group similarities and variations. Our practices, activities, and instructional programs are dedicated to promoting our philosophy of diversity.


Process for Review and Revision of the Mission Statement

The Document
The College of Business and Technology Mission Statement should be a document of no greater length than 2 page2.
Because the mission statement should be a guide to our course, it must be highly visible and should not change unless economic, technological, or other changes within business education dictate change. Indeed, a mission statement that is taken out of a file drawer once every two years and reviewed is useless. Thus, in addition to this full document, the major focus of the mission statement is paraphrased into 2 or 3 sentences.

Schedule of Activities
A regular review of the mission of the CBT will be conducted, at a minimum, every two years or as needed. This review should begin in the fall of each even-numbered year. A review every two years (as opposed to a less frequent review) is required because of the speed of change of the demands of business education, the fast changing business community which we serve, and because a higher quality program will be insured through frequent, regular fine-tuning of our mission.
1. At the beginning of the fall semester (during even-numbered years) the Strategic Planning Advisory Committee will meet to discuss their initial concerns, ideas, recent developments in the field, etc., regarding the need for revisions of the existing mission statement.
2. Immediately following this initial meeting a memo (with a stated deadline for responses) shall be distributed to all faculty for their ideas on revision of the mission statement. A similar request shall be made of the College of Business Advisory Board members.
3. Based on the recommendations from faculty and the Business Advisory Board, the mission committee will develop a draft of a revised mission statement. This draft will be distributed to faculty and the CBT Advisory Board. An open forum for discussion of the revised statement by faculty will be held in November. Additional revisions may be made following the input in the open form and feedback from the Advisory Board.
4. A final draft of the revised statement will be distributed in December. Voting to adopt this document by the CBT faculty will occur at the January faculty meeting.
5. If the revised document is not approved in January faculty meeting, steps 3 and 4 above will be repeated with voting taking place at a specially called faculty meeting.

Reporting Procedures
At the completion of the review/revision process, a complete detailed report of all activities (including data on individuals consulted, timing, etc.) will be drafted by the Strategic Planning Advisory Committee and placed in the CBT archives. It is essential that this report be detailed and include any recommendations of the Mission Committee for changes in the review/revision process in order to make the process optimally effective and efficient.

Use of the CBT Mission Statement
As noted above, the mission statement should be a highly visible and heavily utilized document. Quite obviously, it should be the foundation for the development of annual CBT goals and for the goals of the individual departments. Specifically, it is the responsibility of the department heads and the dean to determine how each department can make the most meaningful contribution to the mission of the CBT for a given period of time. Therefore, the department heads and the dean will develop departmental goals which will be distributed to the faculty for their information, thus providing an opportunity for faculty to make comments and, if necessary, recommendations for revision of the department goals.

Assessment of Business Program
The overall purpose of a statement of mission is to improve program quality. Thus, a regular appraisal will check the effectiveness of the CBT programs to follow the mission of the College.
In the spring of each year, the Strategic Planning Advisory Committee will complete such an appraisal.
Specifically, the Committee should:
1. Obtain feedback from seniors
2. Obtain feedback from business leaders in the community as represented on the Business Advisory Board.

If this assessment indicated that the CBT program is not in line with the stated mission of the College, the Strategic Planning Advisory Committee must develop a process for changes. Specifically, they should develop a series of action steps to be taken during the following 12 months which will reduce the perceived variance between the mission of the College and its programs. This could involve recommending a major Strategic Planning Retreat.


Secretarial Services

Secretarial Policy

Secretarial support is provided for typing and reproducing materials for classes, correspondence, and research and publication. Work will be completed according to the following schedule:
3 working days: all work with the exception of manuscripts and final exams.
5 working days: final exams.

Completion of manuscripts requires a minimum of two weeks and, depending upon the complexity of the manuscript, can require at least one month. Faculty requests for secretarial support should be submitted, with the cover sheet, to Administrative Services, Thurmond 200.

Office Hours: Administrative Services

Administrative Services (Thurmond 200) is open weekdays, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.
Student assistants answer the telephone and perform assigned routine tasks. They are not authorized to type or distribute exams or supplies. Faculty members teaching in the evening are urged to secure necessary supplies and instructional materials from Administrative Services during normal working hours.


Web Page Policy

Information concerning web page policies can be obtained through the WU Policy Repository.

CBT Faculty Annual Report

The CBT Faculty Annual Reports are completed using the Faculty180 system. Access to faculty members can be gained by signing in through Wingspan. A sample copy of the CBT Full-time Faculty Annual Report is available (.pdf - 106 KB).

Classroom Policies

Students with Disabilities

The faculty and staff of Winthrop University are committed to providing educational opportunities to all students. The Office of Accessibility serves as a liaison between students with disabilities and the Winthrop community to ensure full access to programs and services.

Class Meetings and Office Hours

CBT Faculty Class Meetings Policy

Faculty attend and supervise every scheduled meeting of every class assigned. If a faculty member must be absent from any class meeting, he/she should arrange through the Department Chair for another faculty member or other suitable person to attend and supervise the class or, in an emergency, advise the Department Chair or the dean so that necessary arrangements can be made. If a faculty member is unable to attend a scheduled class, the appropriate sick leave notification must be processed through Wingspan.

CBT Faculty Office Hours Policy

Availability of faculty to students is an important component of our teaching and learning mission and in promoting good student communication. It is also a variable considered in South Carolina Performance Funding. Student satisfaction with availability is measured every semester by the College of Business.  Adherence to the office hours policy is one component of the Academic Responsibility portion of the faculty member's Annual Evaluation.

In addition to time spent in classes, committee meetings, research and other activities, a full-time faculty member's weekly routine must include time set aside to meet with students that are taking their courses, their advisees, and other students.  Faculty are expected to maintain at least six office hours each week.  A schedule should be posted on the faculty member's office door and on their syllabi.  Faculty are expected to be available in their office during scheduled office hours.  Office hours should not be scheduled for times when a faculty member is likely to have meetings.  Thus, TR 11:00-12:30 is not an appropriate time slot for office hours.  If a faculty member teaches online courses, then the faculty member should consult with their department chair regarding using a virtual meeting platform, such as Zoom, for a portion of their scheduled office hours.  Faculty members conducting virtual office hours are required to maintain an active and live session throughout the entire designated time period.  The virtual office's URL should be posted on the office door.

In addition to office hours, faculty are expected to be responsive to other communications from students.  Throughout a Fall or Spring semester until graduation day, faculty should respond to voice mail and email messages from students within two working days.  Faculty should keep their voice mailbox from becoming full, which would prevent students from leaving messages.

Computer Assisted Instruction

The Academic Computing Center (ACC) is responsible for the instructional and walk-in labs in Thurmond 301 (Instructional), Thurmond 303 (Walk-in), Carroll 221 (Instructional), and Carroll 222 (Instructional). The Instructional labs, equipped with a projection system, are usually used all day for ACCT, DIFD, MGMT 220, CSCI 101, 207, and 208 lab courses. The Walk-in lab is used for students on a walk-in basis but may be scheduled for other CBT classes. The lab, however, is intended to be scheduled for classes on an "as needed" basis. At any time, you may schedule the Walk-in lab by calling the ACC Operations Manager. If the Thurmond Walk-in lab (Thurmond 303) is not available during your time requested, there are other labs on campus that may also be scheduled.

Copyright Policy

All faculty, staff, and students must adhere to Winthrop University copyright policy.

Student Evaluation of Teaching

Teaching is the most important component of the mission of the CBT. Student evaluations of teaching are an important assessment tool to be used by the faculty to continuously improve the quality of instruction and learning in courses. The evaluations become an integral part of the faculty member's annual performance review and application for tenure and promotion. Teaching evaluations are administered in every class during each semester and the summer. A student in each class is asked to administer the evaluation forms and they are returned to the Associate Dean for Administration for processing. Faculty do not see the results of the evaluations until after the final grades are turned in to the Registrar. A sample copy of the student course evaluation instrument is available. (.pdf - 183 kb)

Exam Proctors

Faculty who find it necessary, in an emergency, to use a graduate assistant to proctor exams should contact the department chair for assistance. Proctors should not be used during the final exam. Administrative staff are not to be used to proctor exams.

Final Exams

The College of Business and Technology and Winthrop University require that final exams or significant projects be given in all classes at the scheduled time during final exam week. This is instructional time. The WU final examination policy is available through the WU Policy Repository.

Grading System

The University has a plus/minus grading system. Details on the Plus (+) Minus (-) grading system are available through the Office of Records and Registration.

Posting Grades

Grades may be posted by faculty members according to the guidelines on the WU Posting Grades policy, available through the WU policy repository.

Grades are submitted via Wingspan at the end of each semester. Any questions concerning grades should be addressed to the Associate Dean for Administration.

Textbook Policy

Textbook selection is an important part of the efforts to accomplish the teaching and learning component of the CBT mission. It is a part of curriculum and should always be a part of curriculum review. Decisions should be made with full consideration of the continuous improvement information collected throughout the various assessment instruments and with consideration of the feedback from CBT committees. Textbook choice should also reflect the special efforts to achieve effective integration within the curriculum, consistent with the recommendations of the Assessment Committee.

All multi-section courses should use the same text throughout. Under normal circumstances, textbook changes should be made for the Fall and maintained throughout the year. The textbook policy in the College of Business and Technology provides an easy method for changing course texts. At the same time, it provides a safeguard to all faculty in textbook selections. Hasty decisions in textbook selection that will be costly to students and faculty should be avoided. All business core courses and many others are taught by several different faculty members. All faculty who ordinarily teach the course are required to approve a textbook change.

When the schedule for each semester is announced, faculty will submit their book orders on the Bookstore's web site. The instructor is asked to coordinate the textbook choice with colleagues, check the textbook and order form for completeness and accuracy, and sign and submit the form to the Dean's office.

Syllabus Policy

The WU Syllabus policy is available through the WU policy repository. All Recommended Information in this policy is required on all CBT syllabi.


500 Level Courses

Five-hundred level courses may have students enrolled who are taking the course for graduate credit as well as those who will receive undergraduate credit. According to SACS guidelines, "graduate study must be at a level of complexity and specialization that extends the knowledge and intellectual maturity of the student. It must require graduate students to analyze, explore, question, reconsider and synthesize old and new knowledge and skills". Graduate credit must also "afford the depth of education, the specialized skills, and the sense of creative independence that will allow the graduate to practice in and contribute to a profession or field of scholarship." In a 500 level course, there must be clear recognition of those who are taking the course for graduate credit and a distinction made in the expectations for their performance. The instructor MUST provide different or additional work that accomplishes the objectives for graduate credit described in the SACS criteria. Those differences in work and expectations MUST be clearly stated on the student syllabus and grading policy. Some explanation of the need for a difference should be conducted during the first class meeting of the semester.

Independent Study Courses

BADM 595 - Independent Research (graduate and undergraduate students)

ECON 495 - Research in Economics
CSCI 471 - Undergraduate Research in Computer Science

Independent research study offers a student an opportunity to explore a research topic especially designed for the student and not available through the current curriculum. BADM 595 may be taken by an undergraduate or graduate student as an elective in their program.

The professor and student must agree on the design of the research project and complete a formal proposal describing the methodology and the product of the study. The proposal form for BADM 595/ECON 495/CSCI 471 is available in .pdf format (39 kb.) The completed proposal, signed by the faculty member and student, must be submitted by the faculty member to the Dean for approval in order for the student to enroll. The appropriate paperwork and proposal, signed by the professor, student, Associate Dean for Accreditation and Dean and will be presented to the Associate Dean for Accreditation for enrollment. The student will not be officially enrolled without the appropriate signed proposal. On completion of the paper/project, the faculty member will give the paper and grade form to the Associate Dean for Accreditation to record the grade and archive the official copy of the finished graded product of the work.
Independent Study Courses (graduate and undergraduate students)
Independent study courses should not be allowed for courses in the College of Business and Technology core. Independent study courses are designed to substitute for existing courses that a student needs but cannot take. The course content should be the same, but the learning experience is likely to differ from that provided by the regular course. Course credit by independent study is not normally given in the College of Business and Technology. Independent courses should be offered on a limited basis and only in cases of hardship on the part of the student (e.g. graduating students who have a schedule conflict). In most cases, permission will not be given if the course is currently offered. The professor and student must agree in writing on the design of the independent study. The professor must have the design signed by the Dean for the student to enroll. The appropriate paperwork, signed design, and all work done in the course, and grade form will be submitted by the professor and archived by the Associate Dean for Administration.


Organization and Policies

Administrative Personnel

P.N. Saksena, Dean
The dean is the chief academic officer and administrator of the College of Business and Technology. The primary responsibilities of the position include:
(1) provide leadership to the College faculty and staff in accomplishing the college's mission,
(2) direct the College of Business and Technology activities to accomplish the College's Strategic
Plan coordinated with the University's mission, (3) develop and administer partnerships with business, industry, government, and the community, (4) direct all activities and processes required to maintain accreditation, and (5) provide for the acquisition of necessary technological infrastructure support. In addition, the dean is responsible for College level planning, managing the recruiting and faculty/staff development programs, and contributes to enrollment management programs.

Philip Gibson, Associate Dean for Accreditation
The Associate Dean for Accreditationis responsible for academic policy, assessment systems, curriculum changes, accreditations, self-studies, human resource functions, faculty credentialing and development and related activities. and reporting to Academic Affairs, and accrediting agencies.

Chlotia Garrison, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs
The Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs is responsible for scheduling, high school and tech school recruitment, overseeing CBT Undergraduate Programs, student appeals and related activities.

 Department Chairs

Adriana Cordis, Chair, Accounting, Finance, and Economics
Michael Whitney, Chair, Computing and Information Sciences
Cara Peters, Chair, Management and Marketing

There are three departments in the College of Business and Technology: Accounting, Finance, and Economics; Computing and Information Sciences; and Management and Marketing.

The department chair at Winthrop University is a faculty member with administrative responsibilities. The chair is expected to be an academic leader who can accomplish College of Business and Technology goals in accordance with AACSB and ABET guidelines. The department chair is evaluated by the dean in their role as faculty on the basis of academic responsibility, student intellectual development, scholarly activities, committees and other professional activities. Administrative responsibilities and accomplishments are evaluated based on the following characteristics:
a) leadership
b) organization
c) professionalism - handle all situations as a professional
d) judgment
e) communication
f) interaction with faculty
g) commitment to faculty development
h) student interaction as chair
i) accomplishment of specific initiatives from office of the dean

The chair will have certain professional responsibilities:
a) creatively lead the department planning process; develop mission, goals and strategies
b) manage the search and hiring process for any new faculty or staff allocated to the department, adhering to the College's manpower planning model and the University's affirmative action goals and guidelines
c) evaluate annually department faculty and staff with dean and appropriate committee; effective performance of this responsibility includes a face-to-face interaction with each faculty member with careful attention to evaluation of past performance, suggestions for improvement in the future, and specific advice on progress toward any tenure or promotion application. For more detail on this point, refer to the chair responsibility in the Faculty Manual language on Promotion and Tenure procedures.
d) mentor departmental personnel on a continuing basis
e) provide continuous leadership to improve processes that fall within the departmental purview, including curriculum
f) continue personal professional development in scholarship and teaching
g) oversee departmental budget and resource allocation process

The department chair has certain routine management duties:
a) develop class schedules for departmental course offerings
b) assign faculty to departmental courses; hire and supervise adjunct faculty
c) handle resources in a manner that allows accomplishment of mission in a predictable way
d) provide support to aid faculty in accomplishing assigned responsibilities
e) maintain satisfactory relationship with the dean
f) recommend to the dean the teaching load and other assignments for departmental faculty
g) manage departmental budgets, including travel and faculty development
h) handle route interruptions in the teaching of classes, attendance of faculty at scheduled office hours, disagreements over routine matters, or other matters that interfere with normal operations
i) manage space as assigned
j) counsel students concerning problems and needs
k) represent the department externally
l) recruit students
m) handle other duties specific to the academic unit


Undergraduate Studies in Business and Computer Science

Jasmine Howze, Director of Student Services
The director of Student Services reports to the dean of the College of Business and Technology. She is responsible for managing all aspects of student services in the College including recruiting, advising, maintaining student records, and managing student issues.

Graduate Studies

Philip Gibson
Jasmine Howze
The director of graduate studies reports to the dean of the College of Business and Technology. They are responsible for recruiting, advising, maintaining student records and the graduate database, and managing student issues in all graduate programs.

Data Management

Isaac Pelletier, Assistant Director of Data Support
The Data Management Coordinator reports to the dean of the College of Business and Technology. He is responsible for managing data on a multitude of functions including assessment, student evaluations, productivity statistics, accrediting reports and data analysis activities.


Small Business Development Center

Tom George, Regional Director
The director of the Small Business Development Center works closely with the administration of the College of Business and Technology as a partner to help give focus to the CBT efforts to influence business practice in the region and support economic development.




Governance and Bylaws

A. BY-LAWS OF THE FACULTY ASSEMBLY OF THE College of Business and Technology

Article I NAME
The name of this organization shall be the Faculty Assembly of the College of Business

Section 1.
The Faculty Assembly shall be responsible for: (1) its own organization and
procedures as provided in these bylaws; (2) the academic programs, policies, and regulations of
the College of Business and Technology within the limitations prescribed by the Faculty
Conference of Winthrop University; (3) such additional matters as shall be referred to it by the
Faculty Conference of Winthrop University or by appropriate administrative officers of
Winthrop University.

Section 2. The Faculty Assembly shall instruct subordinate committees, standing and select, and
shall periodically review their major decisions.

Section 3. The Faculty Assembly shall be the principal legislative body of the College of
Business Administration faculty. The minutes of its meetings shall be filed with the Secretary of
the Faculty Conference, and its actions may be reviewed by the Faculty Conference or its
subordinate bodies in accordance with the bylaws of the Faculty Conference of Winthrop

Every member of the Faculty Conference who is appointed to the College of Business
Administration shall be a member of the Faculty Assembly. If the eligibility of a person for
membership is questioned, the Faculty Assembly shall be the judge of the qualifications of that
person for membership in the Faculty Assembly. 

Section 1. The Chair of the Faculty Assembly shall be elected biennially by the Faculty
Assembly, and shall be a full-time tenured faculty member. The election will be held in the
spring semester preceding the beginning of the term in the following academic year. A vacancy
in the office shall be filled by election of the Faculty Assembly for the unexpired term. No one
shall serve more than two consecutive terms. The Chair will preside over Faculty Assembly

Section 2. The Vice Chair of the Faculty Assembly shall be elected biennially by the Faculty
Assembly. The Vice Chair shall be the presiding officer when the Chair is absent or chooses not
to preside. The election will be held in the spring semester preceding the beginning of the term in
the following academic year. A vacancy in the office shall be filled by election of the Faculty

Section 3. The Secretary of the Faculty Assembly shall be appointed by the Chair of the Faculty

Section 4. The Parliamentarian of the Faculty Assembly shall be appointed by the Chair of the
Faculty Assembly.

Section 1. The Chair of the Faculty Assembly shall determine a schedule of regular meetings,
which shall be approved by the Faculty Assembly at its first meeting of the academic year. At
least one meeting shall be held each semester, and special meetings shall be held at the call of the
Chair of the Faculty Assembly, the CBT Dean, or twenty percent of the members of the Faculty

Section 2. An agenda shall be prepared by the Chair of the Faculty Assembly in consultation
with the Dean and distributed to Faculty Assembly no less than five working days before a

Section 3. The Chair of the Faculty Assembly and the Secretary will work with the Dean’s office
to maintain a web page of bylaws, officers, agendas, minutes, etc.

Section 1.
The members of the Faculty Assembly of the College of Business and Technology who
have graduate faculty status shall be members of the Graduate Faculty of the College of Business
Administration. The Chair of the Faculty Assembly shall serve as Chair of the College of
Business Administration Graduate Faculty. The Graduate Faculty shall meet at the call of the
Chair or any five members and shall operate as provided by the laws of the Graduate Faculty

Section 2. The Vice Chair of the Graduate Faculty shall be elected biennially by the Graduate
Faculty and shall be the presiding officer when the Chair is absent or chooses not to preside. The
election will be held in the spring semester preceding the beginning of the term in the following
academic year. A vacancy in the office shall be filled by election of the Graduate Faculty for the
unexpired term.

Section 3. The Secretary of the Graduate Faculty Assembly shall be appointed by the Chair of
the Graduate Faculty.

Section 4. The Parliamentarian of the Graduate Faculty shall be appointed by the Chair of the
Graduate Faculty.


Section 1. The College of Business and Technology shall consist of several departments. Each
faculty member shall be assigned to a department. A chair shall be selected for each department.
The department shall be the basic unit charged with developing and maintaining courses and
programs to be offered by the College of Business and Technology.

Section 2. The Department Chair shall be appointed by the Dean. When a Chair vacancy occurs,
the Dean may appoint a Search Committee to recruit and recommend a candidate for the
position. The Department Chair in the Business Administration shall be the academic leader, a
productive scholar, and a middle manager that is able to work beside peers. 

There shall be eight standing committees within the Faculty Assembly. They will be:
Section 1. Personnel
Section 2. CSCI Petitions
Section 3. Curriculum, Assessment, and Petitions Committee
Section 4. Scholarship and Awards
Section 5. Graduate Programs Committee
Section 6. Strategic Planning Committee
Section 7. Library Committee
Section 8. Credentials Committee

Ad hoc committees may be formed when deemed appropriate by the Dean or the Faculty
Assembly. The College will also establish and maintain process committees to manage the
continuous improvement efforts in all aspects of operation.

Section 1. The purpose of the Personnel Committee shall be to advise the Dean on matters of
tenure and promotion. The Personnel Committee shall include a tenured faculty member elected
by each department in the college and two members elected at large who must be tenured and be
from different departments. The CBT representative to the University Personnel Committee will
serve as an ex officio member of the CBT Personnel Committee.

The normal term of office of each department/college representative shall be two years. During
the spring of each year, the Personnel Committee shall elect one of its continuing members to
serve as Chair of the Committee for the next academic year.

Section 2. The CSCI Petitions Committee shall be composed of three members elected by the
Computer Science faculty. This committee shall be responsible for reviewing student petitions
for exceptions to the requirement for the B.S. in Computer Science. The Chair shall be appointed
by the Chair of the Department of Computer Science and Quantitative Methods for a one-year
term. The other two members from the department shall be elected for two-year terms in
alternate years.

Section 3. The College of Business and Technology Curriculum, Assessment, and Petitions
Committee shall review and evaluate the merit of all changes and additions to undergraduate
degree programs in the college school and the sufficiency of supporting assessment data. In
addition, the Committee will oversee policies for undergraduate assessment in the College of
Business Administration, review assessment results, and report on the status of assessment to
faculty. Finally, the Committee shall be responsible for reviewing student petitions regarding
requirements for the B.S. in Business Administration and B.A. in Economics. The committee
shall present their recommendations to the school's Faculty Assembly for a vote by the
Assembly. This Committee shall consist of one member elected from each department and a
Chair appointed by the dean. The normal term of office shall be two years. The dean will appoint
an ex officio member of this committee (normally, the Associate Dean for Administration). The
Director of Student Services serves as an ex officio nonvoting member of this committee.

Section 4. The Scholarship and Awards Committee shall be responsible for selecting students for
College of Business scholarships and awards and recommending students for recognition by the
Dean and the College of Business and Technology. This committee shall consist of one member
elected from each department and a Chair appointed by the dean. The normal term of office shall
be two years. The dean will appoint an ex officio member of this committee (normally the
Director of Student Services).

Section 5. The College of Business and Technology Graduate Programs Committee provides
general oversight of the Graduate Program and shall review and evaluate the merit of all changes
and additions to graduate degree programs in the school and the sufficiency of supporting
assessment data. In addition, the Committee will oversee policies for graduate assessment in the
College of Business and Technology, review assessment results, and report on the status of
assessment to faculty. Finally, the Committee shall be responsible for reviewing student
petitions for all graduate programs. The committee shall present their recommendations to the
school's Faculty Assembly for a vote by the Assembly. This Committee shall consist of one
member elected from each department and a Chair appointed by the dean. The normal term of
office shall be two years. The dean will appoint an ex officio member of this committee
(normally, the Associate Dean for Administration). The Director of Graduate Programs serves
as an ex officio nonvoting member of this committee.

Section 6. The Strategic Planning Advisory Committee provides for faculty input regarding the
development and implementation of strategic plans and polices for the College of Business.
Among its duties are developing and interpreting a strategic planning database, consulting with
appropriate administrative personnel regarding strategic planning, reviewing the fit between the
college's mission and the strategic plan, reviewing the fit between faculty professional
development and the strategic plan, creating strategy-related task forces, participating in the
planning and management of strategic planning retreats, working with Advisory Boards, and
participating in other matters that impact faculty life. This committee will meet once per
semester and will distribute agendas and minutes to faculty. Two faculty members will be
elected by each department and one at-large member who represents interdisciplinary programs
will be elected by the CBT Faculty Assembly. Department chairs will be excluded from service.
Nonvoting administrative representatives may participate as ex-officio. Members will serve
three-year terms. A chair will be elected by the committee from among the members on an
annual basis.

Section 7. The Library Committee coordinates acquisitions and expenditures of the annual
library allocation budget. The committee chair is also the CBT representative to the university
wide library committee. Members are elected annually for 2-year terms with one representative
from each department.

Section 8. The Credentials Committee is charged with evaluating the scholarly activity of faculty
members for the purpose of faculty credentialing and the identification of scholarly activity
quality. Faculty have the right to submit any intellectual contribution to the Credentials
Committee that they believe has not been classified accurately in terms of quality by the current
Personnel Policies and Procedures. In order to submit an intellectual contribution to the
Credentials Committee, the faculty member must submit full evidence of peer review and
additional evidence of outlet and article quality. If the majority of the Credentials Committee
votes in favor of reclassification, a letter will be written for the faculty to include in their annual
report and their tenure/promotion portfolio.

Faculty must submit their material for consideration by the Credentials Committee at least one
month before the completion of their annual report. Evidence may be submitted for
consideration before the submission of the intellectual contribution. In this case, a decision can
be made conditional upon evidence of peer review, acceptance and publication. If a member of
the Credentials Committee submits an intellectual contribution for consideration, that member
must recuse him/herself and another Assistant/Associate Dean of the College of Business,
identified by the Dean, will step in as a voting member of the Credentials Committee.

The membership of the committee will consist of the three department chairs, the Associate
Dean charged with credentialing, and a tenured faculty member elected by the CBT faculty who
is credentialed as Scholarly Academic. The Chair of the CBT Personnel Committee and the
CBT representative to the University Personnel committee will serve ex-officio and non-voting.


The rules contained in the most recent edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall
govern the Faculty Assembly and all committees or other entities created under the authority of
these Bylaws in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with
the relevant bylaws or special rules of order.

These Bylaws can be amended at any regular meeting of the Faculty Assembly by a two-thirds
vote of members present and voting, provided that the proposed amendment has been placed on
the agenda by vote of the Faculty Assembly at the previous meeting. Such an amendment shall
become effective upon ratification by the Faculty Conference of Winthrop University.

Section 1. These Bylaws shall be operative beginning January 1, 1995, providing that they are
first adopted by the Faculty Assembly and ratified by the Faculty Conference of Winthrop

Section 2. All programs, policies, and regulations previously operative in the area of
responsibility of these Bylaws shall be valid and operative until changed


These Bylaws can be amended at any regular meeting of the Faculty Assembly by a two-thirds vote of members present and voting, provided that the proposed amendment has been placed on the agenda by vote of the Faculty Assembly at the previous meeting. Such an amendment shall become effective upon ratification by the Faculty Conference of Winthrop University.


Section 1. These Bylaws shall be operative beginning September 2018, providing that they are first adopted by the Faculty Assembly and ratified by the Faculty Conference of Winthrop University.

Section 2. All programs, policies, and regulations previously operative in the area of responsibility of these Bylaws shall be valid and operative until changed.

Committee Membership

A listing of CBT Committee Membership is available in .pdf format (13 kb.) A listing of Winthrop University Committee membership is available in .pdf format (520 kb).

Organization Chart

A graphical representation of the CBT Organization chart is available in .pdf format (286 kb.)

Strategic Plan

The CBT Strategic Plan may be viewed in .pdf format (228 kb.)