Students - May 3, 2022

Dear Campus Community:

As we move quickly through this week and toward our Commencement ceremonies on Thursday evening and Saturday, I hope you will take time when you are able to view my prerecorded State of the University presentation that is linked below.

State of the University, May 2022  

In my address I report on recent institutional achievements; share highlights of the recent administrative review of the university’s strategic plan, called the Winthrop Plan; and discuss where other initiatives stand that I intended to complete during my time at Winthrop.

I am excited to share my thoughts on the “Bridge to Tomorrow” that has been a theme to the time my wife, Alison, and I have spent at Winthrop since our arrival in March 2020. My goal has been to fulfill the expectations of the Board of Trustees when they hired me in January of that year, and I am proud of all that we as a Winthrop family have accomplished despite a pandemic.

On another note, I also hope to see all of you on Friday at the President’s House Garden for a drop-in farewell breakfast reception starting at 9:30 a.m. and continuing until 11 a.m. In case of rain, we will gather in Tillman Lobby.

Warm regards, 


George W. Hynd

Interim President