Faculty and Staff - December 9, 2020

Dear Colleagues:

I hope this email continues to find you and your loved ones healthy and well.

As you are aware, we are wrapping up a successful fall semester that required a lot of hard work, patience and adaptability amongst our faculty, staff and students. I’m beyond proud of how our community embraced this uncertain time and turned it into one of success.

This interactive fall Winthrop Magazine contains several compelling stories and profiles that may interest you.

I encourage you to read about:

  • The university’s recent science grants and how they are having a positive impact on our students and faculty, all while continuing to reinforce Winthrop’s stellar research reputation across our state and region;

  • How Professor Gerry Derksen spent his recent sabbatical that focused on creating a SMART toy for autistic children;

  • A new service-learning program, Apart But Together for Change, that allows students to safely perform community service in their communities while learning virtually;

  • Compelling profiles on Antwon Sutton ’02, ’04, the new superintendent of the Chester County School District, who worked his way up the education ranks, and Nicole Davenport ’15, ’16, ’20, whose arts-related research is shining a light on the need for accessibility, diversity and inclusivity in museums; and

  • A look at some of our recent campus highlights, and news from the areas of university advancement and alumni relations.

Please explore the magazine by clicking on the link above. Please share the magazine with anyone who may be interested in all that is happening at Winthrop.

Thank you again for all that you do for Winthrop.



George W. Hynd
Interim President