Preparing for an Appointment

Upload your document to Google Drive and share it with at least 30 minutes before your tutorial.

Ensure you are logged into Drive and have the document pulled up at the time of your appointment so that you and your tutor can communicate through the document.

If you aren’t familiar with Google Drive, view Google’s manual on how to operate Drive/Docs.


Tutorial Options for Collaboration

The majority of collaboration on your project will be through the document itself. You and your tutor will either use Google Drive’s chat feature, or communicate through comments. If you have access to a web camera, you may also use Google Hangout.

If you are not sure how to use the chat or comment features in Google Drive, instructions are on Google’s manual on how to use Drive and Docs.


Ending Your Appointment

At the end of your appointment, your tutor will review your “Next Steps” with you. After ending the Drive chat/Google Hangout conversation, review these steps.

If need be, download the revised/marked up document as whatever file type you’re most comfortable using so that you will be able to access it in the future.


Missing an Appointment

What Happens if you Miss/Skip your Appointment?

If you have not shared your assignment with your tutor on Google Drive, your appointment will be considered missed and another student can take your slot.

If you think you might be unable to attend your appointment, we ask that you cancel it in advance. There will not be any punishment or penalty if you do so. However, if you miss/skip three appointments in one semester, you will be blocked from making future appointments.

If you do get blocked, you will need to contact the Writing Center Director, Dr. Devon Fitzgerald in order unlock your account.