Faculty and Staff - October 18, 2021

Dear Colleagues: ​  
Late last week and today a handful of staff members at our university were notified that their positions were identified in an internal Reduction in Force (RIF) process that arose from our budget situation. The RIF plan that impacted these individuals was approved by the Division of State Human Resources and implemented by our HR office in consultation with me and our vice presidents. 

Recent restructuring in some areas of the university, as well as resignation of numerous staff over many months, lessened the budget impact caused by the drop in enrollment that I have mentioned previously. Many more jobs might have been lost if positions had been immediately filled or positions not permanently cut. 

This most difficult decision was a last resort, and we have worked to keep the job losses minimal.   We are working with those affected to facilitate access to state and local resources to apply for unemployment insurance and other resources available to displaced workers.   

At this point, we do not expect the need to implement additional staff cuts in the current budget year. Nonetheless we will continue to monitor our budget and make appropriate decisions as we move forward this year. We sincerely regret that the budget situation resulted in having to take these drastic measures.  



George W. Hynd

Interim President