Educators are expected to engage in professional learning throughout their careers. To mirror such experiences, teacher education students are expected to complete Supplemental Education Experiences (SEE) before graduation and maintain a record of certificates awarded.
Teacher education students must complete a total of six credits. The college will offer multiple options per semester and students will receive an e-mailed certificate that will be submitted as part of EDCO 402. Supplemental Education Experiences will cover topics in the categories of Diverse Students, Critical Incidences, and Professionalism.
This category is focused on allowing students to explore topics from coursework on diverse learners further. Sessions will focus on a variety of diversities to include but not limited to multilingual students, racial diversity, academic differences, and cultural differences. Students are highly encouraged to attend one of the sessions on Individualized Education Program.
Sessions in this category are intended to allow teacher candidates to explore the social emotional aspects of schooling. Topics include but are not limited to mandatory reporter training, Darkness to Light training, mental health explorations, and role of trauma in child development.
This category is intended to allow teacher candidates to explore a variety of topics of interest to them specifically. Examples might include a mock interview, participation in a conference, and subject-specific professional development offered through programs or our P12 partner.
Teacher Candidates are encouraged to consider events and opportunities off campus as well as those sponsored by the College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences. Teacher Candidates will need to secure verification of attendance such as a certificate provided by a professional conference with evidence of registration or signed verification form from the sponsor or speaker. Please send in same original PDF format by e-mail to Ms. Carol Adams at Pictures of forms are not accepted.
Verification Form (PDF - 249 kb)
The calendar is updated on a regular basis as new events are added. SEE Workshops are open to all WU faculty, staff, and students. Click here for more cultural events.
01/28/2024 | 7:00 p.m.
The Student SCEA | Early Career Educator Panel & Interest MeetingEarly career teachers present on a panel to talk about their experiences. This is an opportunity for our teacher candidates to learn more about what to expect the first years of teaching. (Pizza will be provided and there will be a $50 gift card raffle.) Admission: Free Event Contact: |
...check back later.
03/06/2024 | 11:00 a.m.
Financial Literacy Town Hall
Admission: Free Event Contact: |
...check back later.