Subject-Specific Certification Exam

Most certification areas require teacher candidates to earn a passing score on at least one Praxis Subject Assessment prior to the start of the Internship II experience or for admission to the MAT-Accelerated program.



Information on state requirements for certification can change, so it is important that candidates verify approved testing numbers and options either through the South Carolina Department of Education or ETS.

It is the candidate's responsibility to ensure planning in advance for all testing dates and reporting requirements.  Not all tests are available during all testing windows. Depending on the test, scores may take up to 4 - 6 weeks from your test date to be reported.


Exceptions to Praxis Subject Assessments

    No subject assessment is required.

    ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview and ACTFL Writing Proficiency Test in the language are also accepted. The qualifying score on each assessment is Advanced Low.

    Applies to candidates in a catalog prior to 2020-2021:

    In order to qualify for Internship II, MLED candidates must have:

    1. attempted Praxis Subject Assessments in both content area concentrations, and

    2. receiving qualifying score on at least one of the concentration area Praxis Subject Assessments.

    If both Praxis Subject Assessments have been passed, then the candidate will continue with Internship II in the content area that was not the focus of Internship I. If only one PRAXIS Subject Area Assessment has been passed, then the candidate can either:

    1. elect to do Internship II in the content area of the exam that has been passed (even if it repeats the content area of focus in Internship I);

    2. submit a written request (with documentation) to the program faculty to continue with Internship II in the content area of the exam that has not been passed by qualifying with an established GPA of 3.0 in all courses related to that content area (not just those that count toward the content concentration in the degree program) and a Praxis Subject Assessment score on that content assessment that is no more than 5 points away from the passing score; or

    3.  submit a written request to the program faculty to attempt to qualify for Internship II placement in the content area of the exam that has not been passed by submitting to a one time (approximately 30 minutes) oral examination in the content that will be conducted and evaluated by a team of Winthrop faculty and middle level teachers of the content area from our partner schools. (The candidate has only one opportunity to do the oral examination, and the decision of the team of evaluators at the conclusion of the examination session will be final.)



Students may take their Praxis tests at any offered site. When registering for Praxis Subject Assessments, it is critical that candidates list Winthrop University (5910) and the South Carolina Department of Education (8108) as score recipients.

Attention to the accuracy of information provided during the registration process is also necessary to ensure timely reporting of scores to Winthrop University. Note that many tests now provide a preliminary score before the candidate leaves the testing location. Please note that official scores are required for meeting stated testing expectations and these can take two to four weeks to be received by Winthrop.


Related Links

Praxis Core Assessment Information (146K)

Praxis Voucher Request Form (127K) - Praxis Voucher orders are submitted to ETS on a weekly basis each Friday by 9:00 AM EST during the academic year when the University is open. Orders can take up to 7-10 business days to be received. Students are encouraged to plan proactively when scheduling their Praxis exams. 

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Praxis Test Retakes