Social Studies

Ideas for Using Technology in the Classroom


Plan a trip to another country.

Viisit historical places or museums through virtual field trips

Create a timeline

Create a WebQuest

Use Skype to connect to other students or to a content expert

Create a digital video such as:

  •  Newscast
  •  Interview
  •  Public service announcement
  •  Documentary

Create a PowerPoint presentation on an historical or political science topic.

  •  Include an itinerary
  •  Include images of famous places explaining the historical and political significance of why they visited certain spots

Compare and contrast multiple news websites.  

  •  Look at when the sites post the news, and how fast the sites update.
  •  Discuss bias
  •  Discuss how headlines are different in different areas of the country or world

Additional Resources

Social Studies Resources Middle/High (pdf - 227 KB)

Social Studies Resources Elementary (pdf - 241 KB)

Integrating Technology into the Elementary Curriculum- Feb 2017 (pdf - 380KB)