Computer Science and Information Systems

Computer Science 101

Frequently Asked Questions


Q: Why does CSCI 101 count for only 1.5 credit-hours, instead of the usual 3 credits?

A: The lecture portion of the course counts for 1.5 credits, while the individual lab modules count .5 credits each. To get 3 hours of CSCI101 credit (the requirement for most students), students should take the lecture and three different labs.

There are five lab options (see below). This allows students to pick the computing topics that best apply to their major and/or their interests.



Q: Do I have to register for the lecture and labs in the same semester?

A: No. You may elect to take the lecture one semester and the labs during another semester. You might even spread the labs out over a few semesters.

However, most students find it simpler to take the lecture and their labs all in the same semester. Also, taking the A module in the same semester as the lecture (or having already finished it) makes the homework in the lecture portion of the course a little easier to complete.



Q: When do the labs start and end?

A: Each of the lab modules last only five weeks. You can determine when a 101 lab starts and ends by the first digit of the section number. Sections 1XX are in the first five weeks of a semester. Sections 2XX are in the second five weeks. And sections 3XX in the third and final five weeks.

For example, CSCI101A.105 would be in the first five weeks, while CSCI101A.205 would be scheduled for the second five weeks.



Q: What is the easiest way to fit the 101 labs and lecture into my schedule.

A: Since most students take labs A, B, and C, the semester course schedule is arranged to accommodate students taking all three of those in one semester during a single timeslot.

For example if you want to take the labs at 9:00am on MWF and the lecture on Tuesday from 9:30 to 10:45, then sign up for:

CSCI 101 section 101    -  9:30 T    -  all semester        -  1.5
CSCI 101 A section 102  -  9:00 MWF  -  first five weeks    -   .5
CSCI 101 B section 202  -  9:00 MWF  -  second five weeks   -   .5
CSCI 101 C section 302  -  9:00 MWF  -  third five weeks    -   .5
                                                         Total = 3 credit hours



Q: What are the different lab modules?

101A - Microsoft Word, FrontPage, and PowerPoint (basic publishing software)
101B - Microsoft Excel (spreadsheet software)
101C - Microsoft Access (database software)
101P - Introduction to Software Programming
101F - Introduction to Photoshop



Q: What is the content of the CSCI 101 Lecture?

A: CSCI 101 is the lecture portion of the course. It counts as a separate 1.5 credits. Topics include basics of how computer hardware operates (including what you need to know when buying your next computer), how the internet works, how the internet is governed, legal and ethical issues related to computing and electronic technology, how to build your own web site (including an introduction to HTML), etc.



Q: Which labs should I take?

A: Check the catalog or ask your advisor about the requirements for your degree.

Most students need to take A, B, and C. But, Information Systems students must take modules B, C, and P. Graphic Design students should take F. Accounting students must have a grade of C or better in 101B before taking ACCT280. etc.



Q: I need to add one more credit-hour to my schedule this semester. Can I take two of the .5-credit labs without taking the lecture?

A: Yes. You may take one or more modules without having taken the lecture. So, if you need one more hour of electives, you might consider taking two 101 modules. Consult with your advisor.



Q: Are there unique Drop and Add dates for the 101 labs?

A: YES Because the lab modules are only 5 weeks in length, their drop dates are different from a regular 15 week course. Check the Winthrop Records and Registration web site for these special dates. The drop date for the five-week-long lab sessions is usually around the second week of the course.

You can add a lab module that begins in the second or third five-week session BEFORE the date that the lab module begins, IF there is an available seat in that lab. Since Wingspan will not allow someone to add a class after the first week of the semester, you will need to go to the Registrar's Office in Tillman to add the class.