Campus Center Vendor Tabling Agreement

The DiGiorgio Campus Center welcomes external vendors and allows for local businesses to advertise and market their services and products to the Winthrop community via tabling. This agreement is made between Winthrop University Student Affairs, DiGiorgio Campus Center and external vendor. The DiGiorgio Campus Center will provide space for this vendor under the following guidelines:

  1. Vendor sales or advertising will be limited to the lobby entrances, patio or lawn (other areas/buildings may be approved in advance by the Space Use Manager) of the DiGiorgio Campus Center. Vendor sales are not permitted at any other campus location. Items for sale will be limited to those considered appropriate to the needs of persons on our campus in accordance with Winthrop’s University’s educational mission.
  2. Fees for Vendors advertising, selling merchandise and/or services will be $65 per day, per space, or 20% of total sales, whichever is greater. Initial payment of the $65.00 tabling fee must be paid by 4:00pm pm the day before the tabling event. For sales exceeding $325.00, all financial matters must be completed by 4:00 p.m. on the last day of the Vendor‘s sale and must be processed by the Space Use Manager or appointed designee to pay the additional fees in excess of the initial $65.00 daily fee.
    Approved non-profit organizations will not be charged a usage fee.
  3. The DiGiorgio Campus Center has a limited number of additional tables and chairs available for rental. Fees will be added for additional tables/chair request. These rentals must be arranged at the time of reservations. These rental fees will be part of the financial arrangements completed prior to the sale. All tables and chairs must be returned by the end of each day’s sales or a $200 fee for each table and a $30 fee for each chair will be added to the Vendor’s financial transaction with the DiGiorgio Campus Center.
  4. PARKING PASS REQUIRED FOR ALL GUESTS: Vendors may load and unload on the side walk area adjacent to either parking lot or at the handicapped entrance of DiGiorgio Campus Center, if prior arrangements have been made; however, all vehicles must have a temporary parking pass issued from the Winthrop University Police Department. You may obtain a pass online via: A link to this website may also be found at WUPD’s website,, under related links menu.
  5. All Vendor sales at Winthrop University take place on Monday through Friday only. Vendors may set up after 8:30 a.m. and must have items packed and removed by 4:00p.m., Monday through Friday. On the last day of Vendor’s sale, items must be packed and removed by 3:30 p.m. All financial transactions must be settled with the Space Use Manager (or designee) by 4:00 p.m.
  6. The DiGiorgio Campus Center is unable to provide Vendors with storage space, manpower for set-up, phones, and copy or mail services. A courtesy phone is located in the Lobby and there are photocopy services available (also has fax services) at the Information Desk in the DiGiorgio Campus Center.

Vendor Duties

  1. Vendors must accept all responsibility for the operation of their sale, as well as the dissemination, demonstration, and security of their merchandise.
  2. All space reservations are required at least 72 hours before the actual date of the event. Spaces are limited and are reserved on a first come, first served basis.
  3. Vendors are responsible for collection and payment of all sales taxes.
  4. All vendors on campus must agree to adhere to the Winthrop University Posting Policy regarding signage to be displayed by their company. You may request a copy of this policy from the DiGiorgio Campus Center Information Desk.
  5. All signage and or visual displays (Flags, Posters, Banners, etc.) must fit on the table provided. (72" Wide by 72" Height by 30" Deep) Any displays that don't fit within the confines of this could be in violation of the Posting Policy.
  6. If a Vendor violates any of the above stated items they will be required to financially settle with the Space Use Manager (or designee) and will be asked to leave campus immediately.
  7. Vendor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Winthrop University, its Board of Trustees, agents, servants, and employees against all liability, claims, or suits arising out of the bodily injury or death to any person or damage to any property resulting from the negligent act of the vendor of this contract. Any damage to the University equipment or to the facility will be billed to the negligent vendor.

To request a table reservation and receive your invoice number. Please complete to Vendor Tabling Request Form.

By submitting a vendor table request you are agreeing to all University policies. Click Here to review.

Contact Person

Email to receive invoice information


If you don't have this number please indicate none. You will receive additional information.

What services or products will your business provide during the tabling?

Select the date and time you would like to request tabling.

Table and Chair Options

Select preferred option above additional fees may be included (Approved non-profit organizations will not be charged a usage fee.)

Campus Center Location

Select your preferred location (Your table maybe moved to another location based on space availability)

You are required to read and understand all terms of the agreement.


Any questions regarding tabling please contact Phyllis Redden at

For questions regarding Campus Center facilities contact Jerry Fussell at