Research Opportunities

Faculty members listed below have active research programs and may be looking for students interested in pursuing undergraduate research. If you are a student and would like help with riting an email to a faculty member, then please contact the Undergraduate Research  Office.

Faculty, if you wish to be included on this page, please contact the Director of Undergraduate Research.


Name Department Research Interest(s) Key Words Contact Information
Kristen Abernathy Mathematics My research group studies the long-term dynamics of infectious disease models. We use differential equations and stability analysis to determine the long-term efficacy of treatments to various diseases including cancer and HIV. infectious diseases, modeling, stability analysis, differential equations 
Jessica Yang Social Work

I have a wide range of diverse interests. At the core, diversity, equity, and inclusion drive my work and I am interested in this area in many different systems and use critical race theory to guide my work. My interests include but are not limited to: 
- I have a passion for the child welfare system, specifically those who age out of foster care. 
-I am deeply interested in the needs and experiences of the LBGTQIA+ community (especially when it intersects with foster care, mental health, or substance abuse). 
-As a licensed clinical social worker I am also very interested in mental health and substance abuse, especially diversity and diagnosis. 
-Lastly, I am passionate about helping children through the school system. The biggest interests in this area are in equitable school discipline, restorative practices, social-emotional learning, and overall student success. 

In addition to topic areas I use quantitative, qualitative, mixed-methods, and survey designs to guide my work and I am deeply invested in public impact scholarship. Meaning I always work hard to find ways to make sure that my research is accessible and understood by the public. Research doesn't do us any good if it is stuck in a journal beind a pay-wall! 

foster care, child welfare, LGBTQIA+, mental health, substance abuse, diagnosis, schools, restorative justice, school disciplne, social emotional learning, Critical race theory, quantitative, qualitative, survey, public impact, community engaged, social work, human behavior, intersectionality.