The following faculty are being recognized as faculty innovators in the Ultra Squad.
They have chosen to convert a Fall 2021 course to the new Ultra Course View in Blackboard
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Name |
Department |
Guenther, Courtney | Biology |
Daley, Gwen | Chemistry, Physics, Geology and the Environment |
Grossoehme, Nick | Chemistry, Physics, Geology and the Environment |
Dotterer, Dennis | Counseling, Leadership and Educational Studies |
Barger, Bettie Parsons | Curriculum and Pedagogy |
Jones, Marshall | Curriculum and Pedagogy |
Vawter, David | Education Core |
Ralston, Devon | English |
Sweeney, Kyle G. | Fine Arts |
Allen, Alexa | Human Nutrition |
Hoffman, Jessie | Human Nutrition |
Weikle, Elizabeth | Human Nutrition |
Amundsen, Scott | Interdisciplinary Studies |
Guilbaud, Patrick | Interdisciplinary Studies |
Stuart, Bonnye | Mass Communication |
Herring, Stephanie | Mathematics |
Isenhour, Justin | Music |
Pearson, Ian | Music |
Boyd, Joni | Physical Education, Sport, and Human Performance |
Schary, David | Physical Education, Sport, and Human Performance |