Blackboard Learn Ultra is the latest version of Blackboard. Please watch the video
below for an overview of Ultra.
What should I expect in Ultra?
Improved Look and Feel
Simplified Navigation
More Focus on Accessibility
Blackboard Ally is a feature in all courses to help faculty ensure their course documents meet federal
accessibility guidelines. A dial icon will appear beside each document to indicate
the accessibility score and provide instructions for improving the document’s accessibility.
Do I have to switch?
Winthrop is taking a phased approach to Ultra adoption.
Interested faculty currently have the optionof converting courses to the new Ultra Course Experience.Please first obtain approval from your department before seeking to convert a course
within a particular program.
We are looking to grow the number of innovators teaching with Ultra each term.
How do I learn more or get started?
If you are interested in converting to the new Ultra Course Experience, sign up to be an innovator. Please first obtain approval from your department before seeking to convert a course within a particular program. If you have questions or would like to discuss how Ultra would work for you, please
reach out to the Office of Online Learning at 803/323-2212 or