Master of Music in Conducting with Emphasis in Choral or Instrumental - Admission Requirements

The priority admission deadline is February 1 for fall admission. All admission materials must be received by the Graduate Studies office on or before this date. If space is available after the priority deadline, the Admissions Committee will consider applications submitted by July 15th. Candidates are strongly encouraged to submit their applications by February 1 to ensure review of their materials.

Applicants must submit:

1. An online application for admission

2. Official transcripts from all colleges and universities attended.

3. Two letters of recommendation.

4. An applied entrance audition.

Admission Requirements for all graduate music degrees:

In addition to meeting Winthrop University general admission requirements for all graduate students, the applicant for admission to a graduate program in music should:

1. Have an overall undergraduate grade-point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.

2. Pass an applied entrance audition. Students who do not pass the applied entrance audition will study at the undergraduate level. Graduate-level study must be attained by the end of the first semester.


Diagnostic placement examinations should be taken prior to the semester of initial enrollment in the graduate program. Prospective students should contact Dr. Elisa Koehler, by phone at 803/323-2255, or by e-mail at to confirm their intent to perform the audition and take the diagnostic placement examinations.


In addition to the general admission requirements for all graduate degrees in music, the Master of Music degree in conducting requires that all applicants hold a baccalaureate degree with a major in performance or music education from an accredited institution. The candidate must also perform an entrance audition in conducting to be arranged through the appropriate conducting faculty. The audition should consist of standard repertory works and include representative works from various historical periods and styles. Students not accepted for graduate level study should register for undergraduate credit for one semester before re-auditioning for the graduate program. Applicants for both choral and instrumental emphases should also possess: a keyboard proficiency equal to that required of an undergraduate degree in performance or music education and proficiency on a primary instrument or voice (may be satisfied by the entrance audition). Applicants for the choral emphasis should also possess a diction proficiency in liturgical Latin, French, German and Italian.