Model United Nations


Best Resolution Award

This award is given to the delegation that writes the most original, and debatable resolution of the conference. For this award, content of the resolution, thoroughness, grammar, adherence to the posted resolution format, and creativity displayed in the resolution are also taken into consideration.

Chair Awards

Our distinguished Chairs also have the opportunity to be recognized for their hard work through the Best Chair Award, the SWAPO Award, the Mary Jane Whitaker Award, the Volunteer Award, and the Most Dedicated Award.

Collegiate Awards

Six students from the college level course are also awarded for their performance. These are awarded to individual delegates based on their individual performance during the Wednesday night debate and throughout the remainder of the conference. This includes, but is not limited to, their display of knowledge on their country, speeches, familiarity with the rules, and their ability to assist the country delegation for which they are assigned. This is separate from the high school delegates, and does not take away from high school awards.

Distinguished Delegates

A total of 18 Distinguished Delegate awards are given out for the conference. There are three awarded for each committee as well as three awarded for performance in the General Assembly. These are awarded to individual delegates based on their individual performance within their committee. This includes, but is not limited to, their display of knowledge on their country, speeches, and familiarity with the rules.

Geoffrey Bruce Award

This honor is given to the high school delegation which best displays the personality and motivations associated with their country, by being the delegation most in character. They must be knowledgeable both in the needs of their country, but also the means by which their country would achieve these goals, who they would associate with, and what factors would turn their country against a resolution.

Rookie Award

Each year we like to honor first time high schools who display a great amount of dedication, knowledge, and preparation for the conference.

Secretariat Award

This award is given to the delegation without which the conference could not have been a success. This award goes to a delegation which contributed greatly to the conference, whether it be through inspiring other delegations to do their best or through displaying exceptional preparedness.

Winthrop Cup

This honor is bestowed to the best all around high school delegation and is based on the performance of all members of a delegation from each committee. It is awarded to a delegation that shows superior mastery of the above criteria by all members.