Campus Center League

Spring 2020
(Events Cancelled Indefinitely due to COVID-19 Campus Safety Protocol)


1. Gabbrielle Gaddist-Turner

2. CJ Wiley

3. Billy Su

4. Emily Port

5. Alexus Alston

The Campus Center League is late night programming that is held every Thursday Night at 10 PM. Students will compete with each other to gain points and become the Campus Center League Champion.

The more events you participate in, the more points you will be able to obtain. Attending Campus Center League events and/or placing top three in any of Campus Center League tournaments will be granted points.
The league events will take place in the Campus Center each Thursday night.
At the end of the semester whoever has the most points will be crowned the semester champion of the league and placed on a plaque to be displayed throughout time!

1st Place will earn $200 2nd Place will earn $150 3rd Place will earn $100 (In Prizes)

All these events start at 10pm

Thursday 16th 

Foosball Tournament 
Sponsored by The DiGiorgio Campus Center 
1st: 20 Points + Participation Points 15 = 35 Points
2nd:15 Points + Participation Points 15 = 30 Points
3rd: 10 points + Participation Points 15 = 25 Points
4th: 5 points + Participation Points 15 = 20 Points
Thursday 23rd
Ping Pong Tournament
Sponsored by The DiGiorgio Campus Center 
1st: 20 Points + Participation Points 15 = 35 Points
2nd:15 Points + Participation Points 15 = 30 Points
3rd: 10 points + Participation Points 15 = 25 Points
4th: 5 points + Participation Points 15 = 20 Points
Thursday 30th
BINGO NIGHT sponsored by University College Academic Advising
10 Games, 10 Prizes, and FREE Mocktails


Thursday 6th
Black History Event: Scavenger Hunt and Trivia
Sponsored by Diversity and Student Engagement

Participation: 25 Points
Winning Team of Scavenger Hunt: 10 Points Each
1st Trivia Winner: 10 Points
2nd Trivia Winner: 5 Points

Thursday 13th
V-Day Crafts Night
Sponsored by The DiGiorgio Campus Center
Particptation 25 Points

Thursday 20th
Mario Kart Tournament
1st: 20 Points + Participation Points 15 = 35 Points
2nd:15 Points + Participation Points 15 = 30 Points
3rd: 10 points + Participation Points 15 = 25 Points
4th: 5 points + Participation Points 15 = 20 Points

Thursday 27th
Crafts NIght: Vision Board Creations
Sponsored by Student Alumni Council
Particptation 25 Points


Thursday 5th
Jenga Tournament

Particptation 25 Points
1st: 20 Points + Participation Points 15 = 35 Points
2nd:15 Points + Participation Points 15 = 30 Points
3rd: 10 points + Participation Points 15 = 25 Points
Thursday 12th
CUP Pong Tournament: Safe Spring Break Event

Particptation 25 Points
1st: 20 Points + Participation Points 15 = 35 Points
2nd:15 Points + Participation Points 15 = 30 Points
3rd: 10 points + Participation Points 15 = 25 Points
Thursday 25th 
Ping Pong Tournament
Sponsored by The DiGiorgio Campus Center
Particptation 25 Points
1st: 20 Points + Participation Points 15 = 35 Points
2nd:15 Points + Participation Points 15 = 30 Points
3rd: 10 points + Participation Points 15 = 25 Points

For more information please contact Jerry Fussell
Phone 803/323-4812