Office of Title IX and ADA Compliance

Preventing Sexual Misconduct, Gender Inequality, and Discrimination

Reporting Options - Other On-Campus Resources

Confidential Resources

Center for Student Wellness
Crawford Building
Rock Hill, SC 29733, USA
803/323-3332 (fax)

Student Advocacy and Trauma Support
Beverly Holbrook and Amy Kulbok - Student Advocacy and Trauma Support Counselors
Crawford Building
Rock Hill, SC 29733, USA
803/323-3332 (fax)

Limited-Confidentiality Resources

Student Advocacy and Trauma Support 
Itali Jackson - Student Advocacy and Trauma Support Coordinator
104 Crawford Building
Rock Hill, SC 29733, USA
803/323-3332 (fax)

Winthrop Coliseum
Renae Myles - Senior Woman Administrator for Athletics
1162 Eden Terrace
Rock Hill, SC 29733, USA
803/323-3439 (fax)

Student Affairs
246 DiGiorgio Center
Rock Hill, SC 29733, USA
803/323-4514 (Fax)

Non-Confidential Resources

Winthrop University Police Department
Good Building
526 Myrtle Drive 
Rock Hill, SC 29733 
803/323-2542 (Fax)