Private Sponsors
100,000 Strong in the Americas
- Uses the principle of leveraged innovation with higher education institutions (HEIs)
that demonstrate the greatest commitment and innovation toward increasing study abroad
opportunities between the United States and countries in the Western Hemisphere
- HEIs must demonstrate how they will assert leadership in implementing the proposed
innovations, how they will address on-campus barriers to student mobility, how they
will maintain student engagement, and how they will commit to making concrete changes
to expand access to study abroad as sending and/or hosting institutions
Abney Foundation
Supports organizations that are operated exclusively for educational, religious, charitable,
scientific, and literary purposes with the highest priority placed on higher education.
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (Eat Right Foundation)
- Research grants for food service management; obesity prevention/weight control; dietary
assessment methodology to investigate or enhance accuracy of dietary reports or fruit
and vegetable gardens; diabetes care and education; spice and herb intake data collection;
systematic reviews and/or evidence-based analysis; nutrition analysis
- Leadership awards to recognize the outstanding achievements of Academy members
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
- Research
- Higher Education
- Digital Technology
- Public Understanding
- Submit a Letter of Inquiry to determine whether a full proposal will be requested
Allen Foundation
- Makes grants to fund relevant nutritional research
- Supports programs for the education and training of mothers during pregnancy and after
the birth of their children, so that good nutritional habits can be formed at an early
- Assists in the training of persons to work as educators and demonstrators of good
nutritional practices
- Encourages the dissemination of information regarding healthful nutritional practices
and habits
American Academy of Religion
Individual research grants provide support for important aspects of research, such
as fieldwork or travel to archives and libraries.
American Association of University Women
Educational Funding
- American Fellowships
- Community Action Grants
- Career Development Grants
- Research Publication Grants in Science
- Selected Professions Fellowships
American Chemical Society
Various: research, professional development, teaching, travel
American College of Sports Medicine
- Sports medicine, exercise science, exercise physiology, fitness
- Research grants; travel awards
- Membership in ACSM is required
American Council of Learned Societies
Fellowships and grants support scholars in the humanities and interpretive social
American Diabetes Association
- Funds research with novel and innovative hypotheses in any area relevant to the etiology
or pathophysiology of diabetes and its complications that hold significant promise
for advancing the prevention, cure or treatment of diabetes
- Basic, clinical, translational and epidemiological or health services research approaches
are encouraged
American Educational Research Association
The Grants Program is open to field-initiated research and welcomes proposals that:
- develop or benefit from advanced statistical or innovative quantitative methods or
- analyze more than one large-scale national or international federally funded data
set, or more than one statewide longitudinal data system (SLDS) or incorporate other
data enhancements;
- integrate, link, or blend multiple large-scale data sources; or
- undertake replication research of major findings or major studies using large-scale,
federally supported or enhanced data.
American Heart Association
Cardiovascular disease and stroke research
American Historical Society
- Research grants ($800-$1,500) support advancing the study and exploration of history
in a diverse number of subject areas. Only AHA members are eligible to apply for AHA
research grants
- Fellowships support advanced research in history related to all aspects of aerospace,
from the earliest human interest in flight to the present, are eligible, including
cultural and intellectual history, economic history, history of law and public policy,
and history of science, engineering, and management.
- Annual Meeting Grants ($200-$400) support early career historians to attend the annual
American Institute for Cancer Research
Funds proposals for research addressing the effects of diet, nutrition, body composition
and physical activity on cancer risk and outcomes
American Marketing Association Foundation
AMA Foundation Awards and Scholarships recognize marketing visionaries who have elevated
the field and support the next generation of marketer who will transform the profession.
American Philosophical Society
Franklin Research Grants
- Small grants to support the cost of research leading to publication in all areas of
Lewis and Clark Fund for Exploration and Field Research
- Encourages exploratory field studies for the collection of specimens and data and
to provide the imaginative stimulus that accompanies direct observation
Phillips Fund for Native American Research
- Provides grants for research in Native American linguistics, ethnohistory, and the
history of studies of Native Americans, in the continental United States and Canada
Grants are made to individuals. Institutions are not eligible to apply.
American Physiological Society
To foster education, scientific research, and dissemination of information in the
physiological sciences
American Political Science Association
- Awards grants, fellowships, and scholarships with the aim of advancing education and
research in political science
- Maintains a list of outside organizations that provide important sources of funding
for political science faculty
American Skin Association
Research grants for basic science and clinical research for skin cancers, diseases,
disorders, quality of life/health services/outcome studies
American Society for Cell Biology
- ASCB recognizes worthy scientists at various levels with a variety of prestigious
- Nominees do not need to be ASCB members
- Nominators and self-nominators must be ASCB members
American Society for Nutrition
- Awards program honors scientists, clinicians and scholars for significant achievements
in nutrition research and practice.
- Nominations are made by members
American Sociological Association
Various grants, fellowships, and awards.
Anderson-Rogers Foundation
- Reproductive and abortion rights
- Access to contraception and sex education
- Environmental education and activism, including programs to preserve and restore habitat
and protect endangered animals
- Promotion of environmentally sound agricultural practices and food systems
- Food insecurity
- Promotion of humanist values and separation of church and state
- Submit a two-page Letter of Inquiry to receive invitation to submit full proposal
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
- Support ideas and organizations that contribute to a more connected, creative, and
just society through core grant-making areas and signature Presidential Initiatives.
- Arts and Culture
- Higher Learning
- Humanities in Place
- Public Knowledge
Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts
Supports the full range of artistic activity in America—from exhibitions at major
museums to neighborhood projects by artist collectives
Archaeological Institute of America
Scholarships, fellowships, and grants are open to members
Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation
Beckman Young Investigators Program
Four-year research grants to support the most promising young faculty members in the
early stages of their academic careers in the chemical and life sciences, particularly
to foster the invention of methods, instruments and materials that will open up new
avenues of research in science.
Arts & Science Council
Regional Artist Project Grants
Asian Cultural Council
Priority is given to process-driven activities that enable cultural immersion, relationship-building,
collaboration, or the exchange of knowledge among peers. Examples of process-driven
activities include research, training, study, and exploration. ACC fellowships and
grants are not intended for production-focused activities such as touring, performing,
exhibiting, publishing, or making work.
Association for Applied Sport Psychology
- Contributions to the science and practice of applied sport psychology
- Research, community outreach, equity and cultural diversity, seed, and regional conference
Association for Asian Studies (AAS)
- Various grants to support research, education, and curriculum development
- Page listing grants and fellowships sponsored by organizations other than the AAS
Association for Social Economics
Strives to reward and encourage scholarship in social economics
Association for Women in Mathematics
Travel grants
- Support women mathematicians attendance of conferences in their fields providing them
a valuable opportunity to advance their research activities and their visibility in
the research community
- Provide full or partial support for travel and subsistence for a meeting or conference
in the applicant’s field of specialization
- Maximum of $2,300 for domestic travel and of $3,500 for foreign travel will be funded
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Bank of America Foundation
Support vulnerable populations, including working families, youth, seniors, individuals
living with disabilities, veterans, and those impacted by the criminal justice system
– enabling them to move forward in their goals
BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina Foundation
Supports projects that aim to promote the health of South Carolinians and to increase
access to health care for the economically disadvantaged
Brabson Family Foundation
Supports bold and innovative ideas in education, science, and the arts
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Calvin K. Kazanjian Economics Foundation
- Foundation’s current funding interest includes but not limited to:
- Efficient and innovative solutions to reach and serve more people
- Behavioral economics with a focus on environmental issues
- Economic education initiatives to under-served communities in the local states
- Offering future college scholarship to high school students demonstrating financial,
economic, and entrepreneurship achievements
- Marketing capabilities to serve more population in economic education
- Programs to generate more excitement for economic and financial education
- Economic education programs in a recently mandated state
The Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation, Inc.
- The Jean Dreyfus Lectureship for Undergraduate Institutions awards provide an $18,500
grant to 1) facilitate a visit and lectures by a notable researcher in the chemical
sciences to a primarily undergraduate institution, and 2) fund summer research fellowships
for two undergraduate students.
- The Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Awards Program supports the research and teaching
careers of talented early-career faculty in the chemical sciences at primarily undergraduate
institutions. The award, which requires an institutional nomination, is based on accomplishment
in scholarly research with undergraduates, as well as a compelling commitment to teaching,
and provides an unrestricted research grant of $75,000.
Carnegie Corporation of New York
- Education
- Democracy
- International Peace and Security
- Higher Education and Research in Africa
- Must submit Letter of Inquiry for an invitation to submit a full application
Centennial Center for Political Science and Public Affairs
- Growing Democracy grants support community-based programming led by political scientists
that aims to bridge the boundaries between academia and community and break down the
barriers between residents and governing institutions.
- Research Partnerships on Critical Issues program provides grants to diverse groups
political scientists from different methodological and ideological backgrounds for
collaborative, research-based projects aimed at advancing the public good.
- Peer-to-Peer Pedagogical Partnerships (P4) proposals from members for projects that
will bring together political science from research-intensive institutions and teaching-intensive
institutions, including community colleges, to share expertise and produce cutting-edge
teaching resources. These partnerships can be between scholars in a similar geographic
area or from across the nation or world via Zoom.
- Spring Centennial Center Research Grants support research in all fields of political
science conducted by political scientists in non-tenure track or contingent positions
who are ineligible for departmental funding; political science faculty of all ranks
who are employed in departments that do not grant PhDs; and graduate students.
- Special Projects Fund grants are awarded to collaborative projects aimed at advancing
the political science discipline. Grants can be up to $25,000 per project.
Charles Koch Foundation
- General Proposal: research that spurs social progress, contributing to a society of
mutual benefits
- Criminal Justice
- Economic Progress
- Education
- Free Speech and Peace
- Foreign Policy
- Immigration
- Liberalism
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
- Education: Support efforts to expand learning opportunities for children, particularly
those from low- and moderate-income communities.
- Submit Letter of Inquiry
Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation
Quality of Life grant applications
Clarence E. Heller Charitable Foundation
To encourage the playing, enjoyment and accessibility of symphonic and chamber music
by providing scholarship and program assistance at selected community music centers,
schools and institutes; and by helping community-based ensembles of demonstrated quality
implement artistic initiatives, diversify and increase audiences, and improve fund-raising
Clif Family Foundation
- Strengthen our food system
- Enhance equitable community health outcomes
- Safeguard our environment and natural resources
- Demonstrate strong community ties
College Music Society (CMS) Fund
- CMS Instructional Technology Initiative Award recognizes exceptional contributions
made by the CMS member in demonstrating the effective use of technology to improve
college music instruction. Given annually, the Award recognizes an active CMS member
who has demonstrated exceptional initiative in integrating technology with college
music instruction.
- Community Engagement Projects: Seed Grant Support Award-music projects that bring
together participants in higher education and members of the local community. The
purpose of the seed grants is to provide support for community engagement projects
that have potential for sustainability over time in local communities.
- Education in Music Award recognizes established and on-going, imaginative and effective
programs of engagement by higher education music faculty members that further education
in music with local or area organizations (e.g., schools, civic associations, faith
Creative Capital
- Supports innovative and adventurous artists across the country through funding, counsel,
and career development services
- Helps artists working in all creative disciplines realize their visions and build
sustainable practices
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The David and Lucile Packard Foundation
- Environment and Science
- Children, Families, and Communities
- Reproductive Health
- Civil Society and Leadership
Doris Duke Charitable Foundation
- Performing Arts
- Medical Research
- Environment
- Child Well-being
- Building Bridges
Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection
- Project Grants ($3,000—$10,000)
- Funds scholarly projects in Byzantine Studies, Pre-Columbian Studies, and Garden and
Landscape Studies
- Support is generally for archeological investigation, as well as for the recovery,
recording, and analysis of materials that would otherwise be lost
- Eligible projects may include, but are not limited to, the following:
- non-destructive investigation, excavation, and/or on-site study of a (Byzantine, Pre-Columbian,
Garden) site or component of one
- surveying or photographing monuments and objects that are at risk (e.g., architecture,
gardens, paintings, mosaics, and sculptures in situ), as well as objects that have
already been collected but are largely unrecorded and endangered
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Enterline Foundation
- Supports organizations that provide services for the intellectually and developmentally
- Focuses primarily on individuals over the age of 22, although requests from organizations
focused on children will be considered
- Supports requests for specific projects as opposed to general operating expenses
- Letter of Intent required
Eppley Foundation for Research
- Increasing knowledge in pure or applied science in chemistry, physics and biology
through study, research and publication
- Submit Letter of Inquiry
Epsilon Sigma Alpha Foundation
Career Enhancement Grant ($2,000)
- Assists individuals who are seeking further educational experiences and training to
develop their personal career skills and opportunities for career advancement
- Proposed training, seminars, workshops must be provided by a recognized 501c3 or recognized
training institution
- Workshops, seminars, job training that is provided by certified training institutions
or recognized experts
- Special equipment that is required for job training as specified or recommended by
the training provider for completion of training
- Not allowed-funds used as college scholarships, to pay college tuition, or repay debt
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Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology
- To celebrate the efforts of those working to advance biological and biomedical sciences
- Nominators and nominees must be a member of at least one FASEB Member Society but
do not have to be members of the same society
Ford Foundation
- Civic Engagement & Government
- Creativity & Free Expression
- Disability Inclusion
- Future of Work(ers)
- Gender, Racial, & Ethnic Justice
- International Cooperation
- Mission Investments
- Natural Resources & Climate Change
- Technology & Society
- Submit Idea through on-line form. If interested program officer will contact to discuss.
Frank and Lydia Bergen Foundation
To perpetuate Miss Bergen's love of classical music and support of musical education
by providing grants for musical performing arts and musical education
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Gerber Foundation
Pediatric Health, Pediatric Nutrition, Environmental Hazards
- New diagnostic tools that may be more rapid, more specific, more sensitive, less invasive
- New treatment regimens that are improved or novel, less stressful or painful, more
targeted, have fewer side effects, provide optimal dosing
- Symptom relief
- Preventative measures
- Assessment of deficiencies or excesses (vitamins, minerals, drugs, etc.)
- Risk assessment tools or measures for environmental hazards, trauma, etc.
Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation
- Funds projects which address the concerns of the historical studia humanitatis: a
humanistic education rooted in the great traditions of the past; the formation of
human beings according to cultural, moral, and aesthetic ideals derived from that
past; and the ongoing debate over how these ideals may best be conceived and realized.
- Programs in the following areas are eligible: history; archeology; literature; languages,
both classical and modern; philosophy; ethics; comparative religion; the history,
criticism, and theory of the arts; and those aspects of the social sciences which
share the content and methods of humanistic disciplines.
- The Foundation welcomes projects that cross the boundaries between humanistic disciplines
and explore the connection between the humanities and other areas of scholarship
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Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation
Distinguished Scholar Award ($15,000-$45,000)
The Foundation is interested in violence related to many subjects, including, but
not limited to, the following:
- War
- Crime
- Terrorism
- Family and intimate-partner relationships
- Climate instability and natural resource competition
- Racial, ethnic, and religious conflict
- Political extremism and nationalism
Harvard Radcliffe Institute
Fellowships: Radcliffe fellows are individuals at different stages of their careers
who come to the Institute from across the United States and around the world and represent
a broad range of academic, professional, and artistic fields. Fellows work on an individual
project—a novel, a film, a map of the Milky Way—while mining and deepening the knowledge,
ingenuity, and talent of the Harvard University community.
Hearst Foundations
- Funding Priorities: culture, education, health, and social service
- No deadlines. Grants are accepted year-round
Henry Luce Foundation
- American Art
- Asia
- Clare Boothe Luce Program for Women in STEM
- Indigenous Knowledge
- Luce Scholars
- Public Policy
Human Impacts Institute
Creative Climate Awards are an annual series of events that showcase artists creating
climate-inspired performances, installations, and exhibits. We use the arts and creativity
to share knowledge, broaden the climate conversation, educate, and incite action.
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Institute for Humane Studies — Hayek Fund for Scholars
- Liberalism, Pluralism, and Democracy
- Free Speech and Open Inquiry
- Equality and Prosperity
- Race in America
- Peace and International Cooperation
- Immigration and Freedom
- Business and the Good Society
- Awards are made on a rolling basis
Institute of Management Accountants Research Foundation
Funds relevant, thought-provoking research that furthers the knowledge and scope of
accounting and financial management
International Furnishings and Design Association
Educational Foundation
Grants are offered to professionals working in the interior design or furnishings
related fields
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>Jazz Education Network (JEN)
Eligible JEN members can apply for a $300 or $500 grant to assist in funding a speaker,
clinician, or performer, at any event that will bring jazz to new or existing audiences
via schools, community centers, performances or informances by quality performers
and advanced educators
JM Foundation/Milbank Foundation
- Consumer-focused, community-based initiatives that empower people with disabilities
and foster independence and self-sufficiency
- The rehabilitation and re-integration of veterans, especially veterans with disabilities
- Helping seniors to age in the place of their choice through non-institutional, community-based
health and social services, and
- Market-oriented, patient-centered health care reforms across the country
- Programs that address mental health issues and aim to prevent substance abuse and
suicide, especially among young people
John Templeton Foundation
- Character Virtue Development
- Culture and Global Perspectives
- Human Sciences
- Individual Freedom & Free Markets
- Life Sciences
- Mathematical & Physical Sciences
- Philosophy & Theology
- Public Engagement
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Kresge Foundation
- Focus on Creative Placemaking, an approach to community development and urban planning
that integrates arts, culture, and community-engaged design strategies.
- Committed to influence community development-related systems and practices that expand
opportunities for low-income people in disinvested communities in American cities
- Accept and review letters of inquiry for grants in our Local Systems and Place-Based
Initiatives focus areas on an ongoing basis; there is no deadline. Support through
our National Networks focus area is by invitation only
Kress Foundation
Supports projects that illuminate European works of art and architecture from antiquity
to the early 19th century
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Leakey Foundation
Research Grant
- Exclusively funds research related specifically to human origins
- Funds awarded up to $30,000
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Michael and Susan Dell Foundation
- Funds social enterprises that directly serve or impact children or youth from urban
low-income communities in the area of education, health, and family economic stability
(including livelihoods and financial education).
- Must take an eligibility quiz to make sure your specific program is eligible
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National Art Education Foundation
Supports innovative initiatives in instructional practice, research, and leadership
in visual arts education
National Athletic Trainers' Association
- NATA member nominates a colleague for one of the association's national honors or
- Honors and awards are given for leadership; distinguished professional activities
as an athletic trainer; volunteer service; advocacy; involvement in professional associations,
community organizations, and grassroots public relations efforts
- Membership in NATA is required
National Endowment for Financial Education
The grants program seeks innovative research that can make a profound contribution
to the field of financial literacy.
- Measurement
- Systemic Inequality
- Data and Methodological Limitations
- Youth Focus
National Film Preservation Foundation
- Basic Preservation Grants-Support laboratory work to preserve culturally and historically
significant film materials
- Avant-Garde Masters Grants-Support laboratory work to preserve significant examples
of America's avant-garde film heritage
National Geographic Society
- Focus Areas: Ocean, Land, Wildlife, Human Histories and Cultures, and Human Ingenuity
- Fields on interest: conservation, education, research, storytelling, technology
- Level I Grants ($20,000): Designed for individuals who may be earlier in their career,
those looking to establish themselves better in their field, those seeking mentorship
from others in their field and beyond, or those who want to grow their network and
enhance their impact by joining a global community of National Geographic Explorers.
- Level II Grants ($100,000): Designed for applicants who are more established in their
field, have previously received a National Geographic Society grant, or are seeking
a higher level of funding.
- Must log in to see Requests for Proposals
National Parks Art Foundation
- Artist in Residence Programs
- Museum In-Loan Programs
- Workshops in conjunction with the National Parks
National Press Foundation
Various reporting and journalism awards
National Sculpture Society
Awards, grants, prizes to sculptors
North American Vascular Biology Organization
- Must have made a significant impact on the field of vascular biology through original
research accomplishments
- Nominee need not be a member, nominators must
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Environmental Grants
- builds an equitable, inclusive and diverse environmental movement
- confronts systemic bias, discrimination and injustice in environmental policy or outdoor
- Are action-oriented
- Focus on root causes
- Have a clear strategy
- Identify specific goals and objectives that can be effectively measured to evaluate
- Build public involvement and civic engagement
- Work to build an inclusive and diverse environmental movement
Pollock-Krasner Foundation
Provides financial resources for visual artists to create new work, acquire supplies,
rent studio space, prepare for exhibitions, attend a residency and offset living expenses
Princess Grace Foundation-USA
Dedicated to Identifying and Assisting Emerging Artists in Theater, Dance, and Film
Project Apis m.
- Bee research funding
- Focus on solving problems facing the beekeeping industry in either the short or long
- Relevance to bee health, nutrition, productivity, crop pollination
- Likelihood of obtaining practical/usable results for the beekeeping industry
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Quadratec Cares 'Energize the Environment' Grant Program ($3,500)
- Programs or initiatives designed to benefit our environment
- Trail building or restoration projects
- Park beautification events
- Litter prevention initiatives
- Earth Study missions
- Sustainable Land Management activities
- Community environmental educational projects
- Youth educational engagement events
- 1,000-1,600 word essay
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Robert F. Schumann Foundation
- Arts, culture, and humanities
- Education
- Environmental sustainability, animals
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Funds programs that inspire bold ideas and encourage solutions rooted in health equity
Roddenberry Foundation
Catalyst Fund ($2,500-$15,000)
- Opportunities where innovation is needed to address an urgent challenge
- Accepts applications on a continuous basis with no deadlines
- Bold ideas depart from the status-quo and require us to look at a problem and its
solution in a new light
- Big ideas have a high potential for large-scale impact and sustainable change
- Combined they hold the promise of substantively improving the conditions for those
in need in new and unheralded ways
Russell Sage Foundation
Dedicated to programs of social science research including:
- Future of Work
- Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration
- Social, Political, and Economic Inequality
- Immigration and Immigrant Integration
- Behavior Science and Decision Making in Context
- Submit a Letter of Inquiry (4-page max) to be invited to apply for grant
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Schlesinger Library Research Support Grants
Supports ($3,000) scholars and other serious researchers at any career stage beyond
graduate school to apply for funding for their work in library collections
Shape America (Society of Health and Physical Educators)
- Research grants with special emphasis on ongoing initiative to put all children on
the path to health and physical literacy through effective health and physical education
- Professional development, including a stipend to attend the national convention
- Programs providing a specific direct service to individuals with disabilities
Sigma Xi The Scientific Research Honor Society
- Sigma Xi awards recognize achievement in science or engineering research and communication
- Some awards require candidate to be nominated
Simons Foundation
- Mathematics
- Theoretical Computer Science
- Physics
- Life sciences-origins of life, microbial oceanography, microbial ecology and evolution
- Autism research
Smithsonian American Art Museum
- The Smithsonian American Art Museum (SAAM) and its Renwick Gallery invite applications
for research fellowships in the art and visual culture of the United States.
- Fellowships are residential and support full-time independent research
Social Science Research Council
The SSRC's varied fellowships and prizes share a core commitment to improving conditions
for social science knowledge production worldwide. The fellowship programs target
specific problems, promote individual and institutional change, and expand networks.
Society for Industrial Archeology
Industrial Heritage Preservation Grants ($1,000 to $3,000)
- Supports the study, documentation, recordation, and/or preservation of significant
historic industrial sites, structures, and objects
- Funds may be used for a range of projects including, but not limited to: increasing
public awareness of preservation efforts, photography, videography, preparing inventories
and developing measured drawings of extant significant industrial sites, structures,
maritime facilities and industrial artifacts
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)
Early Career Travel Awards
- Funds travel awards to early career participants for travel to SIAM conferences. The
awards (unless otherwise noted in the award letter) come with free registration.
- Consists of $650 for domestic travel and $800 for intercontinental travel. For conferences
that do not include free registration, $150 is added to the award total.
- Early career means an applicant must be within six years of their Ph.D. at the time
of the conference
Society for Music Theory
- Awards that recognize outstanding publications within the field of music theory
- Subventions - support scholarly projects that advance the discipline, such as publications,
conferences and workshops, and other such projects.
- Supports travel to Annual Meetings
South Arts
- Support the artistic and professional growth and success of artists in the South
- Support impactful arts-based programs that recognize and address trends and evolving
needs of diverse communities in the South
South Carolina Academy of Science
Governor's Award
To honor specifically an individual or team within the state whose achievements and
contributions to science in South Carolina merit special recognition and to promote
wider awareness of the quality and extent of scientific activity in South Carolina
Spencer Foundation
Research grants support rigorous, intellectually ambitious and technically sound research
that is relevant to the most pressing questions and compelling opportunities in education.
Work should fosters creative and open-minded scholarship, engages in deep inquiry,
and examines robust questions related to education. Scholarship should develop new
foundational knowledge that may also have a lasting impact on policy-making, practice,
or educational discourse.
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Textbook & Academic Authors Association
TAA offers two forms of grants to assist members and non-members with some of the
expenses related to publishing their academic works and textbooks.
- Publication Grants provide reimbursement for eligible expenses directly related to
bringing an academic book, textbook, or journal article to publication.
- Contract Review Grants reimburse eligible expenses for legal review when you have
a contract offer for a textbook or academic monograph or other scholarly work that
includes royalty arrangements.
Toshiba International Foundation
- TIFO supports projects that promote understanding of Japan, and divides them into
the following four categories:
- Symposia and seminars that promote international understanding of Japan
- Cultural programs that promote international understanding of Japan
- Research and studies that promote international understanding of Japan
- Programs to foster future experts who will contribute to promoting international understanding
of Japan
Trust for the Meditation Process
- Grant-making Areas: Contemplative Christianity and Mindfulness
- Supports short-term projects where a small grant ($3,000 to $5,000) can make a credible
impact and result in clearly identifiable outcomes
- Meditation courses, workshops, lectures or retreats
- Trainings, sabbaticals, retreats and other development for meditation teachers
- Meditation curriculum development
- Books, supplies and equipment for meditation programs
- Efforts to expand and build the capacity of meditation programs and address barriers
to practice
- Meditation research, especially the development of simple, effective, accessible evaluation
- Publications that effectively spread critical perspectives on meditation and meet
an important gap in the current literature
- East/West meditation dialogue
- Letter of Inquiry required which may lead to application request
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W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Thriving Children: Supports a healthy start and quality learning experiences for all
Walmart Foundation
Community Grant Program
- Awards grants of $250 to $5,000 through Walmart stores, Sam's Clubs and Logistics
- Hunger relief and healthy eating: Providing Federal or charitable meals/snacks for
low income individuals and families in the United States
- Health and human service: Providing medical screening, treatment, social services,
or shelters for low income individuals and families in the United States
- Quality of life: Improving access to recreation, arts or cultural experiences for
low income individuals and families in the United States
- Education: Providing afterschool enrichment, tutoring or vocational training for low
income individuals and families in the United States
- Community and economic development: Improving local communities for the benefit of
low income individuals and families in the United States
- Diversity and Inclusion: Fostering the building of relationships and understand among
diverse groups in the United States
- Public Safety: Supporting public safety programs through training programs or equipment
in the United States
- Environmental sustainability: Preventing waste, increasing recycling or supporting
other programs that work to improve the environment in the United States
- Eligible nonprofit organizations must operate within the service area of the facility
from which they are requesting funding
Wenner-Gren Foundation
Engaged Research Grant supports research partnerships that empower those who have
historically been the subjects of anthropological research, rather than researchers
themselves. Designed in alliance with individuals who have borne the impact of marginalization,
these partnerships bring together scholars and their interlocutors in an effort to
expand anthropological knowledge, combat inequality, and help communities flourish.
The program supports projects that will make a significant contribution to anthropological
conversations through collaboration and engagement.
William T. Grant Foundation
- Research grants - Support research to identify, build, and test responses to inequality
in youth outcomes and opportunities
- Institutional Challenge grant - encourages university-based research institutes, schools,
and centers to build sustained research-practice partnerships with public agencies
or nonprofit organizations in order to reduce inequality in youth outcomes
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