NetAPT Module 1: Learner Assets and Needs

The first NetAPT module, Learner Assets and Needs, explores the teacher as a learner and the impact past experience has on current teaching. Participants explore the foundational aspects of being a reflective practitioner and start to understand students through both a developmental and a personal lens. 

Module 1 competencies include:

    • Describe the SC Framework for Personalized, Competency-Based Learning. 
    • Analyze learning characteristics through a Personalized Learning Profile. 
    • Examine how prior learning experiences impact approaches to teaching. 
    • Align professional growth strategies with district and school goals. 
    • Integrate self-reflection/assessment into professional growth strategies. 
    • Integrate input from others (e.g., coaches, administrators, peers) into professional growth strategies. 
    • Apply principles of the Model Code of Ethics for Educators to professional growth strategies. 
    • Identify the contributions of major educational theorists. 
    • Explain how knowledge and skills are generally constructed. 
    • Apply cognitive processing theories to target grade level/span. 
    • Describe the stages of each human development domain.  
    • Distinguish typical and atypical target grade level/span in relation to each domain of human development. 
    • Describe the impact development has on learning. 
    • Investigate educational background of target students.
    • Investigate personal and cultural characteristics of target students.
    • Devise plan for student/teacher interactions based upon student characteristics and developmental levels.
    • Using learning and development theories, predict target student learning and development needs.


Module Assessment

Participants demonstrate competency mastery by 1) crafting a professional growth plan that aligns with SCTS 4.0, school and district growth plans, and the Model Code of Ethics for Educators; 2) passing an objective evaluation of learning and developmental theory; and 3) conducting a practical analysis of a target class.


Teacher talking with student


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NetAPT Competencies

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