The segments below provide just-in-time access to content and information covered in the Education Core at Winthrop University. The content is intended for use by teacher candidates, university faculty/staff, and school partners. It is organized by Core course with references to the Initial Teacher Preparation Unit Standards.
Through deliberate sequencing, concepts and skills are found throughout the Education Core versus in singular courses. Such reinforcement leads to skill acquisition through three stages: fluency (use of skill without error), maintenance (maintain use of skill over time), and generalization (apply skill in various contexts).
©Please note the content presented is under copyright by the authors. Contact Lisa Johnson at for information on use. For key terms and concepts applied throughout Education Core, visit Common Terminology!
Warmth and Control (Unit Standard 5)
Overview: Module Design
Context of Poverty:
Standardized Assessments:
Designing Assessments:
Exceptional Learners:
Gifted Learners:
Differentiation and Support:
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports:
Research-Based Practices (Unit Standard 2)
Rationale for Technology Integration: Overivew
Planning for Technology Integration: Overview