
The Office of Title IX and ADA Compliance is here to help navigate options to address sex/gender based harassment, discrimination, and sexual misconduct at Winthrop University.

Report an Incident

If you or someone you know has been the victim of sex/gender based discrimination or harassment at Winthrop University, you can report it. Please know this does not automatically initiate an investigation or notify the alleged person, but can connect those impacted with staff to discuss options.

If you have been a victim of, or if you know someone who has experienced...

  • Discrimination (based on their sex or gender)
  • Harassment (based on their sex or gender)
  • Sexual Misconduct (including sexual exploitation, relationship violence, stalking)
  • Retaliation (based on their sex or gender, or for participating in an investigatory process)

...we are here to help.

What to Expect When Filing a Report

  1. Initial Contact:
  2. Supportive Measures:
  3. Review Options:
  4. Complaint:
  5. Resolution Process:

Supportive Measures

An individualized assessment and review of requests will be conducted to determine supportive measures that are appropriate and reasonably available. Supportive measures are designed to restore or preserve equal access to the education program or activity without unreasonably burdening the other party, including measures designed to protect the safety of all parties or the recipient's educational environment.

Mutual No Contact Orders:

Academic Accommodations:

Workplace Accommodations:


Referral to campus and community resources:

Resolution Options

Resolution options will be discussed with a victim/survivor/complainant upon receipt of a report. Our processes are dynamic and can be changed while engaging in a resolution...

No Further Action:

Supportive Measures Only:

Investigative Resolution:

Informal Resolution:

Other Resolution:

If you are unsure if you want to report, we encourage you to reach out to confidential supports.

Confidential Support

  • Center for Student Wellness
  • Student Advocacy and Trauma Support
  • Ombudsman (Employees)
  • Employee Assistance Program (EAP)