Accounting, Finance, & Economics

Financial Markets Seminar (BADM 402/602)

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does the trip cost?

Travel costs for the trip are $2,100. This does not include the cost of the three-credit tuition that must be paid separately.


When can I pay my first deposit?

Once your application packet is approved by Professor Berbrick, you will receive an e-mail letting you know you can pay your deposit. Please review the Registration and Payment Information Checklist for additional important information.


Why can't I register for the class and make my second payment until March?

Since this is a summer course, you are unable to register until Summer Registration opens. You cannot make your second payment until you are registered and billed for the course, otherwise it will create an issue with your account and may result in you being sent a refund.


What do the travel costs cover?

  • Airfare
  • Hotel lodging at the Wellington Hotel, 871 Seventh Avenue in New York City (Double Occupancy)
  • Transfers from/to Newark airport to/from Hotel — (students responsible for transportation to/from Charlotte airport)
  • Local travel costs to and from lectures in New York City (subway metro card provided)


Are meals included?

The trip cost includes $100 towards meals. Students are responsible for bringing their own money and arranging for any additional cost of their meals.


How many hours will students be involved in lectures during the trip?

Daily schedules during the trip can start as early as 7:00 AM and generally end at 5:00 PM.


Will the students have "free time" during the trip?

Yes, students are free to seek activities during the evenings after the lectures for the day have been completed.


How much spending money should each student bring on the trip?

Each student should use their discretion as to how much "spending" money to bring on the trip. Please remember that most meals will be paid for by the students and past students have purchased souvenirs and attended Broadway plays or New York Yankee baseball games.


What is dress code?

Students are required to wear business attire (that which you would wear on a job interview). Male students are required to wear a jacket and tie.


At what hotel do we stay?

Wellington Hotel, 871 Seventh Avenue, New York City. A link to the hotel is provided on the home page.


How are rooms assigned?

Students are assigned rooms randomly by gender. If you have a same-gender classmate that is going on the trip, you may request them as a roommate.


What are flight plans?

See Flight Information page for flight number and arrival and departure times.


How much luggage can I bring?

You may bring one small carry-on bag (such as a purse or a backpack) and one piece of luggage to be checked. The checked luggage restriction is as follows: Dimension: 62in/158cm; Weight: 50lbs/23kg. If your luggage exceeds these dimensions, there will be an additional charge at the airport for which you will be responsible.


How do I get to the Charlotte airport?

Students are responsible for their own transportation to the airport both outbound to New York and the return trip coming back to Charlotte. Students are encouraged to car pool or share a taxi or Uber ride.


Is transportation provided from Newark airport to the Wellington Hotel?

Yes, a Boston Coach bus has been reserved to transport the group to and from the Newark airport.


If you have questions, please e-mail Professor Berbrick.