Erica Panton

Name: Erica Panton

Director of Pre-College Programs

Hometown: Fremont, New Hampshire

Education: Masters of Urban Administration and Policy, Loyola Marymount University; Bachelor of Biology and Environmental Science; Eckerd College



What do you love about Winthrop?
What I love most about Winthrop University is its vibrant atmosphere where Dual Credit students can dive into college life headfirst. From earning college credits early to cheering on our Winthrop Eagles in the student section, every moment is a chance to connect, grow, and explore. Whether it's bonding with esteemed faculty, attending enriching cultural events, or simply enjoying the campus green with friends, Winthrop offers a holistic dual enrollment college experience that transcends the classroom. It's not just about attending classes; it's about embracing a community where every opportunity shapes your journey towards success.

What is your favorite Winthrop event?   
My absolute favorite Winthrop event has to be Teacher Cadet Day. I might be a bit biased, but the energy and inspiration that radiate throughout the campus during these events are simply unmatched. Our dual credit students enrolled in EDCO-175, visit WU for a day of exploring education as a career path and inspiring our future South Carolina leaders. Plus, witnessing 600 passionate students engage in the WU Spirit Check is not just a sight to behold, it's an experience that truly encapsulates the spirit of our future educators. 

What is your favorite local restaurant in Rock Hill? 
It is so hard to choose just one, but I love getting a coffee and croissant (and macaroons) from Mado French Bakery and Cafe. 

What advice do you have for dual enrollment students?   
Embrace every opportunity to learn and engage with your professors and peers, and don't hesitate to ask for help when needed- it's your chance to excel and lay a strong foundation for your future academic journey. 

Fun Facts:
Favorite Food: Jamaican Brown Stew Chicken 
Favorite Movie:  Avatar 
Favorite Hobby: Traveling and hiking