WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of Winthrop University believes that it is appropriate and beneficial for the University, its students, and its faculty to participate in international exchanges; and

WHEREAS, Winthrop University is proud to have, for a number of years, an agreement for faculty and student exchanges with Nantong University that has led to a developing mutual respect for the other; and

WHEREAS, Nantong students who have transferred to Winthrop achieve remarkable academic success that is complimented by acceptance into top graduate schools and company positions in both the United States and China; and

WHEREAS, founded by innovators and education leaders, Nantong' founder, Mr. Jian Zhang's pioneering vision to join business and education and Winthrop's founder, Dr. David Bancroft Johnson's vision to create an opportunity to professionally train teachers have created a shared history for the two institutions whose tradition of exceptional leadership has resulted in national caliber programs for both including education and business administration; and

WHEREAS, both Nantong and Winthrop, located in cities who share a history of industrial growth based on textiles, respect their traditional missions to provide service and leadership to their regions while adapting to the changes of the modern world with continuing focus on cultivating student potential and economic development; and

WHEREAS, the intersection of Winthrop' Quality Enhancement Plan, the "Global Learning Initiative" and Nantong's Focus Language, "Bridging China and the West, Striving for the Best" best illustrates our leaders' shared belief of students taking seriously the perspectives of others and our vision to prepare students for the contemporary world by helping them understand the interconnected nature of the world and the time in which they live; and

WHEREAS, on May 5, 2012 Nantong University will celebrate the 100th anniversary of its origin dating back to the Nantong Specialized Medical School and Nantong Specialized Textile School established in 1912 by Mr. Jian Zhang, an unequaled pioneer in Chinese higher education; 

THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED the Board of Trustees of Winthrop University wishes Nantong University great success and shares your joy for all that Nantong University has accomplished and congratulates you on the many past activities and activities to come that will continue to elevate your influence around the world on the occasion of Nantong's celebration of its 100th year anniversary.

April 13, 2012