Minutes of the of the Winthrop University Board of Trustees

June 22, 2018

Members present:Karl Folkens, Glenn McCall, Jane LaRoche, Janet Smalley, Tim Hopkins, Don Long, Kathy Bigham, Ed Driggers, Julie Fowler, Randy Imler, Donna Glenn Holley, Sandra Stroman (partial), Ashlye Wilkerson, Tim Sease, and Dan Mahony (ex officio).

Members absent:Scott Middleton, Sandra Stroman (partial)

Representatives present:Tadean Page, Student Representative; Michael Lipscomb, Faculty Representative

Representatives absent:None

Others present:Isaiah Venning and Robby Sisco, Trustees-elect, members of Winthrop faculty and staff

The Board of Trustees met on Friday, June 22, 2018 on the campus of Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC.

Public Comment
There were no requests for public comment.

Call to Order
Chair Folkens called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. He welcomed special guest Representative Gary Simril.

Oath of Office
On behalf of Secretary of State Mark Hammond, Representative Gary Simril administered the Oath of Office to recently elected new Trustees Messrs. Isaiah Venning, Ed Driggers, and Robby Sisco. The Oath is: "I do solemnly swear that I am duly qualified, according to the Constitution of this State, to exercise the duties of the office to which I have been appointed, and that I will, to the best of my ability, discharge the duties thereof, and preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of this State and of the United States. So help me God."

Approval of Minutes
Don Long moved to accept the minutes from the meeting of April 4, 2018. Sandra Stroman seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous in favor of the minutes as submitted.

Executive Session

Jane LaRoche moved with a second from Tim Hopkins to move into executive session pursuant to South Carolina Ann. 30-4-70(a)(1) and (2) for the purposes of discussion of employment matters involving certain current university employees and for a discussion of proposed contractual arrangements. The vote was unanimous in favor of the motion. President Mahony, Dr. Faust, Dr. Lipscomb, Messrs. Page, Venning, and Sisco were invited to remain for the executive session.

Ashlye Wilkerson moved with a second from Janet Smalley to end the executive session and return to public session with no report. The vote was unanimous in favor of the motion.

Report of the Executive Committee and Chair of the Board

Chair Folkens delivered the report of the Executive Committee. He began by asking the Board to ratify a $1.327 million U.S. Economic Development Administration Grant Application and Winthrop's Commitment of Matching Funds Not to Exceed 20% of Eligible Project Costs.

Catawba Regional Council of Governments worked with Winthrop finance and physical plant staff to develop a project for possible funding through the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA). The EDA grant program targeted supports infrastructure, particularly related to projects which involve significant job growth, private investment, or disaster recovery and resilience.

The project selected for application to this grant program involves replacing one of Winthrop's two electrical substations (dating from the mid-1960s), re-calibrating the second substation (dating from 1996), and replacing approximately 5,800 linear feet of buried, un-encased cable. The replacement cable will be encased in PVC and concrete.

Based upon total current estimated project costs, the EDA grant would fund up to $1,326,662 and the 20% required matching funds from the University would equal $331,666.

In order to improve the likelihood of being selected to receive the grant funding, the application needed to be submitted prior to the Board's June 22 meeting date. Therefore, Article IV, B. 1 of the Board's bylaws were enacted to permit the Executive Committee to act in "circumstances which do not permit the handling of a matter in the normally prescribed manner and (the Executive Committee) shall obtain ratification of its actions by the Board at the first regular meeting of the Board following such action."

Randy Imler made the following motion: the Winthrop University Board of Trustees approves the commitment of matching funds for a U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) grant application for replacement of an electrical substation, equipment, and cabling as detailed in a Preliminary Engineering Report dated May 11, 2018. The University will provide matching funds of up to 20% of eligible project costs, not exceed $375,000.* University staff are authorized to provide necessary documentation about this commitment to the EDA, including the source(s) from which the match commitment will be funded. Tim Sease seconded the motion. Chair Folkens called for the vote. Randy Imler recused himself from the vote due to his employment relationship with the Catawba Regional Council of Governments. The vote was unanimous.

Chair Folkens then asked for consideration of five resolutions from the Executive Committee.

Resolution to Honor Karl A. Folkens for Meritorious Service to the Board

In his twenty years of service to the Board, Mr. Folkens has shown great leadership, having served the board as an elected representative of both the alumni association and the South Carolina Legislature, as well as being elected the Chair of the Board for five terms, the Vice Chair for six terms, and by overseeing board bylaw revisions, committee restructuring, and presidential search processes. His tenure as a student at Winthrop was marked by exceptional engagement and scholarship, having been a formative participant and leader in the first Model United Nations program, prominently involved in campus organizations and student politics, and as a member of Winthrop's first class of co-ed students. He served on the Executive Board of the Winthrop Alumni Association for thirteen years and was the first male elected to serve as its President.

The vote was unanimous in favor of the motion.

Resolution to Honor G. Scott Middleton for Meritorious Service to the Board

In his five years of service to the Board as the Alumni Association Representative, Mr. Middleton has employed his business acumen in the development of student success and potential by providing over 200 internship opportunities in his locally developed businesses and through serving on the College of Business Administration's Health Care Management Program Advisory Board, as well as providing substantial financial resources to ensure that Winthrop students continue to receive the same high quality education and opportunities that contributed to his own career and life success.

The vote was unanimous in favor of the motion.

Resolution Honor Tadean Page for Meritorious Service to the Board

Mr. Page served as the student representative to the Winthrop University Board of Trustees during the 2017-18 academic year during which time he consistently shared thoughtful advice and counsel with the President and the Board and devoted himself to the fulfillment of Winthrop University's mission. He showed a persistent commitment to Winthrop University through his involvement as an Orientation leader, co-host on the Winthrop radio station, multiple leadership roles within the Council of Student Leaders, member of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., and 2017 Homecoming King.

The vote was unanimous in favor of the motion.

Resolution to Honor John Paul McKee for Meritorious Service to the University

Mr. McKee was employed for forty-one years at Winthrop University with thirty of those years as Vice President for Finance and Business making Mr. McKee one of the longest serving Vice Presidents in Winthrop history. His dedicated leadership of the Finance and Business division and conservative fiscal oversight through prosperous and challenging times and his unwavering stewardship of public funds have had a positive, long-term impact on the University. During his tenure at Winthrop Mr. McKee managed more than $200 million in construction and improvements including the building of 11 new facilities, 19 building renovations, modernization of the chilled water and electrical distribution systems, implementation of computing networks and systems, as well as numerous safety, security, and energy saving measures.

The vote was unanimous in favor of the motion.

Resolution to Honor Dr. Frank Ardaiolo for Meritorious Service to the University

During his twenty-nine years as Vice President for Student Life, Dr. Ardaiolo has shown a deep commitment to the scholarship and development of his profession, having served as a President of the Foundation Board of Directors of NASPA, being awarded both the Scott Goodnight Award and the inaugural South Carolina Campus Compact Civic Engagement Leader Award, and publishing more than thirty monograph chapters, articles and essays on legal issues, quality improvement, adult learners, student affairs/academic affairs collaboration, civic engagement and African politics. His influence on the profession will continue in the exceptional number of student life professionals under his charge who have gone on to prominent positions with notable successes.

The vote was unanimous in favor of the motion.

Mr. Folkens reported on the Executive Committee's annual evaluation of President Mahony. The Executive Committee met on June 10 and June 21, 2018 to review the Agency Head Performance Evaluation Goals and Objectives. The full Board met at the start of this meeting in executive session to discuss the annual evaluation. However, due to time constraints, the Board was not able to finish discussions related to the evaluation. Therefore, the President's annual evaluation will be tabled until the August 20, 2018 meeting.

Chair Folkens specified the tabling of the evaluation does not signify any difficulties with the evaluation but a simple case of time constraints.

The final item put forth for consideration was a proposed bylaw change. Chair of the Committee on Compensation, Glenn McCall, made a motion to amend Article. IV. B. 7 to include: "excepting faculty with a salary offer of less than $100,000 ". Donna Holley seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous in favor of the motion.

Report of the President

President Mahony confirmed newly hired Adrienne McCormick, Dean of Arts and Sciences and Shelia Higgs Burkhalter, VP of Student Affairs will begin their positions on July 1, 2018.

State BudgetThe General Assembly will meet next week to take up the budget and likely address the many problems associated with the uncompleted VC Summer nuclear plant.

Winthrop received $3.3 million the capital reserve bill that was signed by the governor. We are hopeful that the $569,515 in recurring funding included in Senate version of the budget for "Access and Affordability for In-State Students-Tuition Mitigation Funding" will not be contentious as all universities received this funding.

The Senate also included approximately $20 million for deferred maintenance to be distributed by the CHE. This seems to be one of the sticking points in the conference committee negotiations. At this point we don't know how much of the $20M Winthrop would receive.

Summer Sessionrevenues meeting or may exceed expectations. This summer we are offering 89 on-campus classes and 103 online classes with another 6 that are a combination of on-campus and online.

Deltek Wiley online programsfour online programs are set to begin in Fall 2018 are meeting enrollment expectations and may possibly exceed enrollment goals. The four graduate programs are: MSW, MBA, Special Ed. Intervention, and Arts Administration

Winthrop Foundationwelcomed Mrs. Catherine Faircloth and Mrs. Dawn Johnson as new members. Both had previously been members of the Winthrop Real Estate Foundation.

Save the Date-- Homecoming & Reunion Weekend 2018 scheduled for Friday, Nov. 16—Saturday, Nov. 17, 2018.

Report from the Committee on Academic Quality

Resolution to Confer Emeriti Faculty Status

Chair Tim Hopkins brought forth a resolution from the Committee conferring emeriti faculty status. With a combined four hundred nine total years of dedicated service contributed by the fifteen faculty members as listed: Mr. Charles Alvis, Professor of Accounting; Ms. Mary Chamberlain, Instructor of Education; Dr. Clarence Coleman, Professor of Accounting; Dr. Mary Bearden Martin, Professor of Education; Dr. Paula Mitchell, Professor of Biology; Ms. Marge Moody, Professor of Fine Arts; Mr. Phil Moody, Professor of Fine Arts; Dr. Jason Silverman, Professor of History; Ms. Susan Silverman, Professor, Dacus Library; Dr. Jane B. Smith, Professor of English; Dr. J. Marilyn Smith, Professor of Management; Dr. Gary Stone, Professor of Economics; Ms. Gale Y. Teaster, Associate Professor, Dacus Library; Dr. Andrew Vorder Bruegge, Professor of Theatre; and Ms. Annie-Laurie Wheat, Professor of Theatre.

As this resolution was from the Committee, no second was needed. Chair Folkens called for a vote. It was unanimous in favor of the resolution.

Resolution to Establish Bachelor of Professional Studies

Chair Hopkins brought forth a second resolution from the Committee. The proposed program in Professional Studies will provide a challenging and rigorous program for a range of adult learners, including military veterans, who have associate degrees or 60 transferable credit hours and who desire to complete their baccalaureate degree. The proposed degree is consistent with Winthrop University's Mission Statement wherein the University seeks to provide "personalized and challenging undergraduate, graduate, and continuing professional education programs of national caliber within a context dedicated to public service to the State of South Carolina."

As this resolution was from the Committee, no second was needed. Chair Folkens called for a vote. It was unanimous in favor of the resolution.

Two faculty members, Dr. Diana Boyer, Associate Professor of Geology and Dr. Takita Sumter, Interim Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences and Professor of Chemistry, gave overviews of their research to the Committee. Dr. Boyer reported on her paleontological research, focused on research with students and field experiences while Dr. Sumter reported on her work on cancer processes with an emphasis on a key regulatory protein. Dr. Sumter's work with students includes working with mice samples to determine colon cancer probabilities.

Provost Boyd presented highlights of the 2017-18 academic year including:
A new concentration in Chronic Disease Prevention has been approved for the B.S. in Nutrition and will be forwarded to CHE for approval
Two new Master's-level programs created in the College of Education: the M.Ed. in Teacher Leadership and the M.Ed. in Learning Design and Technology.
B.S. in Human Development and Family Studies program became the first Certified Family Life Educator (CFLE) program in the state of South Carolina. All graduates of the program will now be eligible for CFLE certification.
Winthrop signed a Memorandum of Understanding with South University School of Pharmacy so that graduates of Winthrop science degree programs receive priority consideration for admission into the South University Pharm. D. program.
A new Ed.S. in Educational Leadership program has been developed; and a matriculation agreement was formed with Clemson University and its new Ed.D. in Education Systems Improvement Science program. Winthrop's first Ed.S. cohort will begin fall 2018 with the option of those degree completers entering Clemson's Ed.D. program in summer 2020.
The following new minors have been added for Fall 2018: Communication Studies, Arts Administration, Film and Content Production, Financial Planning, and Spanish for Law and Helping Professions.

Report from the Committee on Compensation

Chair Glenn McCall reported on the presentation by Lisa Cowart and LeeAnn Pounds, Employee Relations and Benefits Manager, on preventing and responding to sexual harassment as it relates to Title IX. Highlights of the presentation included Winthrop's efforts to be proactive in educating new and current employees on the topic. The Committee learned that employees are given the HR policy on sexual harassment, which provides (1) the definition of sexual harassment; (2) the responsibility of witnesses or those with information to report incidents to HR or the Title IX Coordinator, Dr. Kimberly Faust; and (3) complaint and investigation processes and general protections provided to employees. Employees are also required to go through mandatory online training each year to prevent sexual harassment, discrimination, and other forms of harassment. Currently, we have a 95% compliance rate for employees who have completed the training. Adjunct faculty must complete the training or it could be a barrier for rehire. Employees and students have several avenues for reporting incidents (e.g., to the Title IX Coordinator, Human Resources, Campus Police, anonymously online, etc.).

The Committee was updated on the status of the procurement process for the classification and compensation study and the talent management software program.

During this fiscal year, Human Resources coordinated 17 wellness-related opportunities in which 429 employees participated. Those opportunities included: sessions about retirement readiness; financial wellness workshops; several wellness screenings that included the opportunity for blood work and flu shots; a separate flu clinic; and mobile mammograms.

Report from the Committee on Enrollment and Retention

Chair Julie Fowler provided information related to the Committee's discussion on the use of
high school GPA in comparison to test scores as well as graduation rates at 4 years compared to 6 years. The findings revealed students with above average high school GPAs and below average test scores outperformed the general Winthrop population in both Winthrop GPA and 4-year graduation rates. Students with sufficiently higher high school GPAs are academically successful regardless of test scores.

The Committee also discussed the possibility of a pilot program to modify admissions criteria to include students who are eligible for SC Life Scholarship. These students would not be eligible for merit-based scholarships under this program. No decision was reached regarding the pilot program.

As financial aid packages continue to be highly competitive, we are in the process of identifying a new aid leveraging company for a start date of Fall 2018 to impact the Fall 2019 recruitment cycle.

Report of the Committee on Institutional Advancement and Development

Chair Janet Smalley shared with the committee that the 2018 Winthrop Fund (annual fund) goal is $500,000 by December 31, 2018. The 1st quarter cash receipts (January 1 —March 31, 2018) totaled $21,887. In order to improve the amounts collected, a new strategy has been developed by Evan Bohnen, vice president for University Advancement.

Since 2015, the Winthrop Fund has taken on greater importance as we need to balance the decline in funds generated by the Foundation Endowment Management Fee. The amount of funds transferred from the Foundation to Winthrop has dropped from 6% in 2015 to 1.75% in 2018 and with a target of 1.50% in calendar year 2019.

To reach $500,000 per year in the Winthrop Fund, the Annual Giving program is responsible for generating $300,000 from various donors. Many of these donors are reached via telephone calls by students. The next $100,000 will be raised by soliciting previous Winthrop Fund donors who have given $500 or more in the past. The final $100,000 will be raised by soliciting the Board of Trustees and Winthrop Foundation members.

Each Trustee is being asked to make a minimum pledge of $1,000 for each of the next five years.
The Committee met in the Olde Stone House for a tour of the newly repurposed as a business conference center. Capable of handling events such as retreats and meetings for up to 40 people, the Stone House offers several meetings rooms, all equipped with technology to facilitate presentations and a full kitchen for meals and entertaining. The deck offers a view of the Winthrop baseball stadium.

Mr. Shawn Centrone, university videographer, provided the Committee with a presentation on the development, production and use of videos to promote the university and advance its strategic priorities. He shared several videos that capture institutional priorities of enrollment growth, development and community relations, and reputation enhancement. Board members are encouraged to visit www.youtube.com/WinthropUniversity to view the videos and to share them with alumni and others interested in Winthrop.

Report of the Committee on Student Life and Athletics

Chair Tim Sease thanked Athletic Director Ken Halpin for his thorough presentation of the Athletic Department's strategic plan. Highlights included a total of eight Big South championships, 9,200 students who attended home athletic events, and 2,994 hours of community service by student athletes. Mr. Sease urged the Trustees to review the minutes of the meeting as they note all of the results of the department's strategic plan.

oDr. Halpin ended by asserting that they are now spending the summer gearing up for a new year of fundraising and sponsorship success, getting their newest student-athletes prepared to acclimate to the Winthrop experience, and proud of everything they have accomplished as a department so far.

The Committee also heard from Callie Smith, Director of New Student and Family Programs. She gave an overview of the educational goals and functional aspects of the New Student and Family Program. She also demonstrated the new University Guides App for smart phones that displays orientation schedules, academic college information, tips for families, and much more information to help and guide them on campus and their new environment.

Report from the Committee on Finance

Chair Randy Imler summarized the report from the External Auditor's presentation. The Committee heard about the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act's controls to safeguard sensitive and personal data. They also heard about the New European Union Data Regulations that will pertain to our international students.

Vice President for Finance and Business Affairs, Justin Oates, gave an update on the FY18 budget and the proposed FY19 budget. Included in this presentation was the recommendation of a 2.4% increase in tuition and fees as well as a 2.4% increase in room and board. Dr. Imler noted the slight discrepancy in the health fee increase as the proposed increase of $5 was a 2.4% increase.

Chair Folkens called for a motion regarding the fees for academic year 2018-19. Mr. McCall moved to approve a 2.4% increase in tuition and fees, a 2.5% increase in room and board, and a $5.00 increase in the health fee. Jane LaRoche seconded the motion. Chair Folkens called for the vote. It was 10 in favor of the increase, three against the increase, and two absent for the vote.

Reports from the Representatives to the Board

Report from the Chair of Faculty Conference

Dr. Lipscomb reported that the Task Force on Tenure and Promotion Protocols has been working on tenure and promotion protocols. The Task Force has had deliberations and received input from faculty in a variety of ways, including six town hall meetings across academic units, an online survey, and direct meetings with individual faculty. The Task Force will continue to consider a range of recommendations to present to Faculty Conference during the 2018-19 academic year.

Both faculty and staff have raised the possibility of having an ombuds position. The proposal is being vetted by our university's legal counsel, after which it will be presented for a vote of approval by Faculty and Staff Conferences at the beginning of the 2018-19 academic year.

Dr. Lipscomb thanked the President and the Provost for their willingness to work directly with faculty to find solutions for a wide range of matters pertinent to the academic quality. By working with the Chair of Faculty Conference and the Faculty Committee on University Priorities, the Chair and Provost have actively contributed to an effort to create more regular and reliable communications between the faculty and the administration.

Report from the President of the Council of Student Leaders

Mr. Tadean Page reported on the Council's accomplishments for this academic year. Among the activities werelobbying for funding and support forWinthrop with South Carolina legislators; approved charters for 16 new clubs and organizations, creating over 100 care packages for local families in need, and co-sponsoring MLK, Jr Day of Service.

Mr. Page thanked the Board for the opportunity to serve as the student representative for this past academic year.
Report of the Nominating Committee

At this point of the meeting, Chair Folkens called for the report of the Nominating Committee and subsequent vote.

As chair of the Nominating Committee, Mr. Tim Sease thanked his Committee members, Dr. Jane LaRoche and Dr. Julie Fowler. He then announced the recommendations of the Committee regarding the chair and vice chair positions for Academic Year 2018-19. Per Board bylaws, the Trustees were notified 30 days in advance of today's meeting of the Committee's intent to nominate Mr. Glenn McCall as chair and Mrs. Kathy Bigham as vice chair. Mr. Sease called for additional nominations from the floor. None were made. He then called for the vote. The vote was unanimous in favor of Mr. McCall and Mrs. Bigham. They will take office on July 1, 2018.

New Business
There was no new business.

Hearing no objections, Chair Folkens moved to adjourn the meeting at 4:25 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Kimberly A. Faust, Secretary to the Board