Minutes of the of the Winthrop University Board of Trustees

August 22, 2016

Members present: Karl Folkens, Glenn McCall, Jane LaRoche, Janet Smalley, Tim Hopkins, Don Long, Randy Imler, Donna Glenn Holley, Ashlye Wilkerson, Tim Sease, Julie Fowler, Kathy Bigham, and Dan Mahony (ex officio).

Members absent:  Shane Duncan, Scott Middleton, Sue Smith-Rex

Representatives present: Elisabeth West, Student Representative; John Bird, Faculty Representative

Representatives absent: None

Others present: David Thackham, The Herald; members of Winthrop faculty and staff

The Board of Trustees met on Monday, August 22, 2016 on the campus of Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC.

Public Comment
There were no requests for public comment.

Call to Order
Chair Folkens called the meeting to order at 12:30 p.m. He welcomed all present.

Approval of Minutes

Tim Sease moved to accept the minutes from the meeting of June 10, 2016. Jane LaRoche seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous in favor of the minutes as submitted.

Executive Session
Randi Imler moved with a second from Glenn McCall to move into executive session pursuant to South Carolina Ann. 30-4-70(a)(1) and (2) for the purposes of discussion of employment matters involving certain current and former university employees and for a discussion of proposed contractual arrangements. The vote was unanimous in favor of the motion.

Kathy Bigham moved with a second from Don Long to end the executive session and return to public session. The vote was unanimous in favor of the motion.

Report of the Executive Committee and Chair of the Board

Chair Folkens delivered the report of the Executive Committee.

Mr. Folkens reported on the Executive Committee's review of the Agency Head Salary Commission's Performance Evaluation (Planning Stage) 2016-17 of President Mahony. The Executive Committee met earlier today to review the Agency Head Performance Evaluation Objectives. The Planning Stage document has been distributed to all of the Trustees for review.

Mr. Folkens brought forth a resolution from the Executive Committee to accept the objectives as stated. As no second was needed, Mr. Folkens called for the vote. It was unanimous in favor of the resolution.

Mr. Folkens briefed the Trustees on the Executive Committee's review of the 2016-17 operating budget. He noted the budget was built based on only a 2.5% increase in tuition, the lowest tuition increase of public universities in South Carolina.

Also, per resolution passed on June 10, 2016, the Executive Committee was charged with final review of the budget. The review showed a balanced budget at the end of the fiscal year with no transfer needed from reserves.

Report from the President

Dr. Mahony reported on the Strategic Plan overarching Goals.

1. Support inclusive excellence by expanding our impact on students and our communities through enrollment growth and increases in retention and graduation rates. This will be accomplished by improving student success with new and refined co-curricular programs and services, developing and implementing a clear marketing strategy, refining and implementing a long-term student recruitment plan, and enriching our academic program mix by developing new and innovative programs.

2. Continually enhance the quality of the Winthrop experience for all students by promoting a culture of innovation, with an emphasis on global and community engagement. This will be accomplished by developing new and enhancing current programs with the potential to be national models, increasing opportunities for students, faculty and staff to interact with community organizations, maintaining and enhancing Winthrop's commitment to global learning.

3. Attract and retain high quality and diverse faculty, staff, and administrators. This will be accomplished by developing innovative approaches to increase the diversity of faculty and staff candidate pools, developing and implementing a long-term competitive compensation plan, enhancing professional development and training opportunities in order to reach the various goals of the Strategic Plan.

4. Provide facilities, technology and programs that support Winthrop students and the overall Winthrop experience. This will be accomplished by increasing the use of technology to provide more programs and enhance access, developing and initiating a campus master plan, identifying critical facility renovations and raise money to address them.

5. Ensure financial stability. This will be accomplished by developing and implementing innovative approaches to fundraising, emphasizing raising of scholarship dollars to support the needs of our students, increase fundraising efforts related to technology and equipment, increase fundraising capacity by expanding the number of people actively engaged in advancement efforts, and by decreasing institutional debt as a portion of total assets.

The president concluded his report by asking the Trustees for their support and endorsement of the goals that had been developed through campus and community input and by the efforts of seven separate campus working groups.

Glenn McCall made a motion to endorse the strategic planning goals as presented. Tim Sease seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous in favor of the endorsement.

New Business

There was no new business.

Janet Smalley moved to adjourn the meeting with a second from Randy Imler. The vote was unanimous. The meeting was adjourned at 2:30 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Kimberly A. Faust, Secretary to the Board