Winthrop Students Learn about Legacy and Impact during MLK Activities

January 14, 2025


  • There will be two service opportunities and four educational workshops available on campus to encourage students to remember King and his teachings, according to Collins Cornwell, director of student conduct.
  • There are no Winthrop classes on Jan. 20, which is the King federal holiday. Offices also will be closed.

ROCK HILL, SOUTH CAROLINA – Winthrop University will focus on legacy and impact during a week-long observance of the life of Martin Luther King Jr. from Jan. 19 through Jan. 25.

There will be two service opportunities and four educational workshops available on campus to encourage students to remember King and his teachings, according to Collins Cornwell, director of student conduct. “We want to encourage and empower our students to create a legacy here on campus through service,” he said.

There are no Winthrop classes on Jan. 20, which is the King federal holiday. Offices also will be closed.

Below are the activities sponsored by the Division of Student Affairs, a student organization and Facilities Management:

Jan. 19, Food drive conducted in the residence halls.
Jan. 20, Candlelight vigil, 6 p.m., Dina’s Place, sponsored by Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
Jan. 21, MLK Brunch, 11 a.m., Dina’s Place, speakers are S.C. Rep. Kambrell Garvin ’13 and Political Science Professor Adolphus Belk Jr.
Jan. 22, “Counter Histories: The Friendship Nine,” 7 p.m., Dina’s Place. This is a 45-minute documentary on the nine African-American men who were arrested in Rock Hill in 1961 for staging a sit-in at a segregated lunch counter. Faculty members Jennifer Dixon-McKnight of the Department of History and Crystal Glover ’97, ’99 of the Department of Curriculum & Pedagogy will speak.
Jan. 23, “Ima Be Me: Black in White Spaces,” 11 a.m., G02 Owens Hal. This event will explore what Black students experience while attending predominately white institutions. Guest speakers are Theophilus Clark, director of the First-Year Experience, and Bry-Anne Jones ’01, ’11, counseling services director.

Jan. 24, Campus Clean Up, 10 a.m., Campus Green, sponsored by the Office of Sustainability.
Jan. 25, Residence life food drop off.

Since 2000, Winthrop has observed MLK Day as a day of celebration, remembrance and service with events sponsored by various departments and organizations.

For more information, contact Judy Longshaw, news and media services manager, at

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