Macfeat FAQs

Macfeat Registration - use Chrome or Firefox only 

1. When is the Enrollment Physical Form due? 

  • The Enrollment Physical Form must be on file the first day of school, with the following exception:
    • If your child's annual check-up is scheduled after the start of school, please e-mail the director with the scheduled date. Your e-mail will be printed and added to his/her file and your form will be expected to be delivered to the Macfeat office the first school day after the phsyical.

2. How do I submit the forms online and digitally sign? 

  • View the short videos (about 2 minutes each) at the bottom of this page or call the office or the number e-mailed to you in the registration e-mail.

3. I live in North Carolina or just moved here from another state. May I submit my child's Certificate of Immunization from a state other than South Carolina? 

  • No. We are licensed by the SC DSS and they require an SC Certificate of Immunization. You may take your out-of-state record to the County Health Department or your child's pediatrician and they will issue one for this state. Please allow 10 days. The SC certificate must be on file before your child may attend Macfeat without exception.

4. What is your policy on medication administration?

  • No medication will be administered with the exception of EpiPens and breathing treatments; if your child needs a prescribed or over-the-counter medication during the hours in which they are present at school, the parent or legal guardian must come to school and administer the medication. The complete policy, along with the required form for EpiPens or breathing treatments may be found here: Macfeat Medication Administration Form and Policy

5. Where can I find registration forms without logging into the secure website?

6. I submitted the General Information Form and now want to make changes or corrections. How do I get back to it?

  • E-mail Tina Williams to request a link to your completed survey. You will be able to edit it through that link.

Submitting Macfeat  Registration Forms (video - 2 minutes)

Completing pdf Forms Online (video - 3 minutes)