An Individualized Studies degree creates a wonderful opportunity to study abroad!
Through Winthrop University Study Abroad programs students can earn credit towards
their degrees at many universities throughout the world. For Winthrop affiliated programs,
students generally pay Winthrop tuition, room and board, plus a study abroad fee,
and are able to use scholarships and other forms of financial aid. You should check
out each program carefully, as each has its specific goals, lengths of study, and
prerequisites. In addition to semester-long study abroad opportunities, the International Center offers short-term study abroad opportunities (between one week and two months), which
are led by individual faculty members. The International Center, located in 218 Dinkins Hall, offers group study abroad advising sessions, which you must sign up for before you
make an individual appointment with the study abroad coordinator to start planning
your semester abroad. If you don't have a passport already, go ahead and apply for
one and start planning your semester abroad!
Be sure to plan ahead for this invaluable experience and be sure to discuss your dreams
with your faculty advisor.