Individualized Studies
Course Descriptions
The Major in Individualized Studies requires the completion of 36 credit hours. Besides
the 30 credit hours in the Plan of Study, including a research methods course (3),
an international content course (3), and at least 18 credit hours above 299, students
must complete the following courses:
IDVS 390 (3) Individualized Studies Project: Research and Design - Students will focus on skills to develop a senior project, find and organize relevant
information, examine and critique evidence, establish criteria, and create a plan
to complete a senior individualized studies project.
IDVS 490 (3) Individualized Studies Project: Capstone - Students will complete and present a capstone project developed in IDVS
Other new courses designed to give academic credit, where appropriate, for internships
IDVS 461 (1) — Internship in Individualized Studies - An opportunity for students to earn academic credit for experience gained through
apprenticeship work related to the theme of their individualized degree program under
the supervision of a trained professional.
Note: 50 hours of work are required to receive credit for this course.
IDVS 462 (2) — Internship in Individualized Studies - An opportunity for students to earn academic credit for experience gained through
apprenticeship work related to the theme of their individualized degree program under
the supervision of a trained professional.
Note: 100 hours of work are required to receive credit for this course.
IDVS 463 (3) - Internship in Individualized Studies - An opportunity for students to earn academic credit for experience gained through
apprenticeship work related to the theme of their individualized degree program under
the supervision of a trained professional.
Note: 150 hours of work are required to receive credit for this course.